On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Chapter 175 If the daughter-in-law is a grandmother, then he is the grandfather

Fu Weisheng also knew in his heart that his subordinates blocked him, so he comforted him, "Okay, Xiao Sun, don't worry, there are so many government agencies in Jiang City, I will make arrangements for you, you go home first Wait for my news."

"Fu Chu, you mean what you say this time, right? I don't mean to believe you, but I have seniors and juniors, and the whole family counts on me as the pillar for food. My wife was so angry when she knew that I lost my job. They all went back to their mother's house..."

Fu Ruman returned to the room in a panic, and sat on the bed for a long time unable to calm down.

Uncle not only canceled Yunmo's unified examination results under false pretenses, but even asked someone to exchange Yunmo's test papers.

After lunch, Ling Chuan recorded the quantity and amount of business that he went out to do in the morning, according to the method taught by his daughter-in-law, and recorded them one by one in the notebook, and then showed his daughter-in-law the recorded accounts.

"Momo, do you think it's right for me to keep accounts like this?"

Yunmo took the notebook and read it carefully, "Well, that's right."

Ling Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then remembered why his wife seemed to be worried just now, and subconsciously asked: "Momo, did you encounter any difficulties?"

Yunmo sighed depressingly, "I promised Fangfang before that when Dabai Erbai lays eggs, I will give her a few at that time, and she can also raise geese at home. But seeing how Dabai Erbai protects his weaknesses, even I can't do it." Touch their eggs, not to mention sending a few to Fangfang."

Knowing that she was worried about this, Ling Chuan couldn't help laughing, "Momo, Zeng Fang wants to raise geese, and it's useless if you just give her goose eggs."

Yunmo asked with a strange face: "Wouldn't it be possible to hatch goslings if you have goose eggs?"

It was the first time for Ling Chuan to see his daughter-in-law look so silly, and he thought it was very cute.

"Goose eggs need to be fertilized to hatch goslings."

"That's it."

Yunmo tried her best to keep calm, but the blush flying on both sides of her cheeks betrayed her true emotions.

It turns out that eggs have to be fertilized, isn't that the same as giving birth to a child.

After being in a mess for a while, Yunmo couldn't help but asked the man again, "Then how do you know if the goose eggs have been touched? Well, can you hatch goslings?"

Ling Chuan pretended not to notice his daughter-in-law's shyness, "If you want to know if the goose eggs are fertilized, there are two ways. One is to incubate the goose eggs for ten days and a half months, and then put the goose eggs in the water. Those that can sink are fertilized." The second is to put the hatched goose eggs in front of the electric light, and if the black spots can be illuminated, it means that the fertilization is successful and the goslings can be hatched."

Yunmo vaguely understood something, "Dabai and Erbai don't let us touch their eggs, is it because these eggs are already so old?"


"Then won't we be able to raise goslings soon?"

"These eggs seem to have just been laid, and it will take about a month to hatch. If everything goes well, we will see goslings in the middle of next month."

Yunmo put her hands together happily, "It seems that I will be a grandma soon!"


Ling Chuan was a little surprised at what his wife said, but he soon understood. Looking at his wife's bright almond eyes, he couldn't help saying, "If you want to be a grandmother, you must first be a mother."

Yunmo blushed and gave the man a gouged look, "I like to be a grandma first, so I won't tell you, I have to think about what kind of nest to build for the little goslings."

Looking at his daughter-in-law's back, Ling Chuan thought to himself, if the daughter-in-law is a grandmother, then he is the grandfather.

When he turned around and looked at Dabai Erbai who was squatting in the sandpit basking in the sun, Ling Chuan's gaze became much gentler. After all, in terms of seniority, the two guys are also his son and daughter-in-law.

Yunmo quickly designed a new goose house according to the layout of the yard.

Remove the roof of the current wooden house and rebuild it into two floors, and the small pond should be enlarged, otherwise there will definitely not be enough geese to swim together.

It is not difficult to rebuild a wooden house, after all, it can be demolished at any time, and the landlord can only dig ponds with movable soil with the consent of the landlord.

Actually, Yunmo bought the courtyard house a long time ago, but her household registration is still in Yun's house, so there is no way to go through the transfer procedures.

"Ling Chuan."

During dinner, Yunmo talked to the man about buying a house, "I want to buy the courtyard house."

Ling Chuan didn't object, but just asked how much it would cost.

I asked the landlord about it when I was renting a house, and he asked for 15,000.

Hearing this price, Ling Chuan was silent for a full ten seconds before speaking, "Momo, I still can't afford so much money..."

Yun Mo interrupted him directly, "I have already prepared the money for buying a house."

Ignoring the man's shocked expression, Yunmo continued: "My household registration is still in Yun's family. I plan to buy the house under your name first, just to ask your wishes."

The daughter-in-law quietly prepared such a huge sum of money to buy a house, and even bought the house under his name.

These two messages, no matter which one is enough to make Ling Chuan dumbfounded.

"you are not willing?"

Hearing his wife's question, Ling Chuan hurriedly recovered, "No..."

He had many questions in his mind, but he didn't know where to ask them.

Yunmo certainly could see his doubts and entanglements, "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask."

Looking at his daughter-in-law's moist and beautiful apricot eyes, Ling Chuan finally couldn't help asking the deepest doubt in his heart, "Momo, why do you have so much money?"

The gold bracelets at the wedding, the priceless antique dragon pots, and now they don't even blink and take out 15,000 to buy a house.

Rather than being curious about the origin of these properties, he was more worried that these things would put his wife in danger or be harmed.

Yun Mo has already considered the source of the money, and she can still hide it from outsiders. Ling Chuan gets along with her day and night, and he is not a fool. How could he not notice the abnormality all the time.

It's just that she has always been quite reassured about Ling Chuan's character, so she never worried about this issue.

"Ling Chuan, if I told you that I once had an adventure, and all these things were obtained from my adventure, would you believe it?"


Hearing the man's answer without hesitation, Yunmo couldn't help but tease, "You also believe such an absurd reason? Are you not afraid that I will lie to you?"

Ling Chuan looked at her seriously, "Momo, if you really lied to me, then you must have some unavoidable reasons."

The man's trust warmed Yunmo's heart, and she felt very at ease.

"I didn't lie to you, I really had an adventure, and I got these things because of it."

It probably needs time to digest such an unimaginable thing, Ling Chuan was stunned for a while before he asked dryly, "Does anyone else know about this?"

Yunmo shook her head, "No more, you are the only one who knows besides myself."

The secret of the daughter-in-law was only told to him.

Great joy flooded into Ling Chuan's heart like a tide.

He was a little nervous, but couldn't hide his excitement and excitement, "Momo, I will keep a secret for you. Without your permission, I won't tell anyone even if I die."


Regarding the character of a man, Yunmo can still trust her.

(end of this chapter)