On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 Decided to go to No.3 Middle School

Wen Qingsheng hesitated to speak, and finally lowered his head and took out today's newspaper from his bag and handed it to her.

"You should read the newspaper first."

Yunmo took the newspaper, turned to the education section on the back, and found that there was no word about her published on it.

"Miss Yun, I wrote the manuscript yesterday and handed it over to Editor-in-Chief Yu. He said he would personally send it to the printing factory for me. I didn't think much about it at the time. I didn't realize it was wrong until I saw the newspaper this morning.

I originally thought that Editor-in-Chief Yu had forgotten to send my manuscript to the printing house, but I later found out that Editor-in-Chief Yu had withheld my manuscript on purpose.

Editor Yu said that your matter has been resolved, there is no need to waste public opinion resources, and asked me to find new news materials, so I resigned in a fit of anger. "

Hearing this, Yunmo was very surprised.

It's not surprising that Yu Hai didn't publish the manuscript about her, but that Wen Qingsheng would resign because of this matter.

"Reporter Wen, do you want to reconsider your resignation? In fact, Editor-in-Chief Yu is right. I have already got back my achievements and justice. It doesn't matter if the follow-up reports are not published."

"But as a journalist, reporting the facts fairly and objectively is the most basic conduct. You know that you have encountered injustice but choose not to report it. In my opinion, this kind of connivance of evil is nothing like being an accomplice to those people. the difference!

Differences do not conspire with each other, if a reporter can't expose injustice realistically and speak out for the victims, then I would rather not do this job! "

Wen Qingsheng's passion and integrity are appreciated and admired by Yunmo, but the reality is often cruel and ruthless, which makes people have to yield and compromise, and eventually the sharpness and edges are worn away and become smooth.

Lao Tzu once said that goodness is like water.

Water is not as strong as a stone, but it has the power to penetrate a stone. The same is true for people. Only when the edges and corners are smoothed, can we understand that changing the world does not require fierce confrontation, and subtle influence is a kind of wisdom and strength.

But Wen Qingsheng may not be able to understand these principles now.

Yunmo can't do much, but can only stay with the other party for lunch and express their feelings.

Learning that Wen Qingsheng lost his job because of his wife, Ling Chuan stopped showing embarrassment to her, and even took the initiative to help her with meals. Wen Qingsheng was very flattered.

During the meal, Yunmo was concerned about Wen Qingsheng's next plans.

Wen Qingsheng swallowed the food in his mouth, sighed: "I'm going back to my hometown."

Hearing that Wen Qingsheng said that he was going back to his hometown, Ling Chuan's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably. He was probably setting off firecrackers in his heart.

Fortunately, Wen Qingsheng was immersed in his own sadness, so he didn't notice Ling Chuan's expression.

Yun Mo secretly gouged out the man's eyes, and continued to concentrate on listening to Qing Sheng's words.

"Actually, my family has always been opposed to my coming to Jiang City. It's just that I want to make some achievements by my own ability. I didn't expect that I will go back less than three months after I came here. It's quite embarrassing."

Yun Mo hurriedly comforted, "What's the matter, can you beat me? I was expelled from No. 6 Middle School last semester, and now I am expelled from Nanming. Am I doing well now?"

Wen Qingsheng was amused by her words, "Yes, Ms. Yun, I should learn from you, go forward bravely, and persevere."


Looking at the two talking and laughing, Ling Chuan's jealousy had already been overturned, but thinking that Wen Qingsheng would soon leave Jiangshi and return to his hometown, his mood improved again.

In order to prevent Wen Qingsheng from always chatting with his wife, Ling Chuan interrupted: "Reporter Wen, what do you plan to do for a living when you return to your hometown?"

"Brother Chuan, you should still call me by my name in the future. I am no longer a reporter. You can call me Qingsheng or Asheng. My relatives and friends call me that."

Ling Chuan nodded, "Okay, Asheng."

Wen Qingsheng continued to talk about his thoughts with the couple, "After I go back this time, I plan to start a literary youth magazine. In fact, this is also my dream since I was a child."

Yun Mo was a little surprised, "It takes a lot of investment to start a magazine, and the issue number is not easy to get."

"I have already made an agreement with my dad. As long as I go back, he will fund me to set up a magazine. As for the issue number, my uncle will help me solve it."

Disrespectful, it turned out that the children of rich and powerful families came out to experience life.

After dinner, Wen Qingsheng took out his camera and wanted to take a photo with the couple.

After all, I don't know when we will meet again next time.

Wen Qingsheng asked Yunmo to stand in the middle, and he and Ling Chuan stood on both sides, so that the picture would be better.

How could it be possible for Ling Chuan to ask Wen Qingsheng to take pictures next to his wife, and to stand in the middle of everything, Wen Qingsheng couldn't force it.

"Xiaomo, Brother Chuan, you guys won't be moving for the time being, right? After I get back, I'll edit the photos and send them to you."

After receiving Yunmo's affirmative reply, knowing that they would not move in a short time, Wen Qingsheng reluctantly left.

After Wen Qingsheng left, Yunmo was about to go back to the house for a nap when Zhong Weimin came again.

Zhong Weimin brought her two good news.

One is that the announcement of her unified examination results and ranking restoration has been distributed to all schools, and Zhong Weimin specially made a copy and brought it to her.

After reading the content of the announcement, Yunmo was completely relieved.

Although Fu Weisheng promised to make an announcement yesterday, before the matter was implemented, he still couldn't avoid worrying, fearing that something would happen again.

As for another happy event, it is about Sun Yi.

"Sun Yi was expelled from his official position by the Education Bureau, and he will no longer be able to work in any educational unit in Jiang City for life. He has paid the due price for his actions."

Hearing this news, Yunmo was naturally happy.

However, she and Sun Yi have no grudges or enmity, but the other party repeatedly targets and frames her. She must find out the reason behind it.

She had two suspects in her mind, one was the real daughter Yunyao, and the other was Yun Shixian, but whether she was related to the Yun family could only be determined after investigation.

After saying the good news, Zhong Weimin no longer concealed the main purpose of coming today.

"Yunmo, how do you think about what I told you yesterday?"

Yunmo had a good impression of No. 3 Middle School, and it was close to where she lived. She couldn't think of a reason to reject it.

"Mr. Zhong, thank you for your kindness. I have made it clear and I am willing to go to No. 3 Middle School."


Zhong Weimin was very excited, his eyes lit up when he looked at Yunmo, "Then follow what we said before, you come directly to my class?"

"it is good."

"Okay, I will tell the school leaders when I go back, and ask them to transfer your student status to No. 3 Middle School as soon as possible. Yunmo, when do you plan to come to the school to report?"

Yunmo thought for a while, "Is next Monday okay? I want to rest for two more days to adjust my mood."

"Okay, then next Monday."

As soon as Zhong Weimin left, Yao Xianhe came back.

(end of this chapter)