On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 The miserable and down-and-out life of the original owner

Yun Yao's face was as cold as ice, "Yun Huan, I warn you, I'm in a bad mood right now, you better not provoke me."

It's strange that Yun Huan can listen to the warning, "Sister, you don't care about me when you're in a bad mood, as long as I'm in a good mood."

After finishing speaking, Yun Huan ignored Yun Yao's gloomy face, and gloated and taunted, "Dad is good enough for you. You caused the family to lose so much money. Not only did Dad not care about it, but he also found you such a rich husband's family." , what else do you have to think about, if you marry into the Bai family, you will be a rich wife, not much better than Yunmo marrying a poor man?"

Yun Yao sneered, "You think the Bai family is good, why don't you marry?"

"I'm not like you. I keep making troubles in the family over and over again, and I'm already Brother Ming'an's fiance. As long as I turn 18, I will marry Brother Ming'an. As for you, with The fool surnamed Bai is quite a match. One is a big fool, and the other is a scheming girl who has tried her best, haha, they are a perfect match!"

Seeing Yun Huan leaning forward and back triumphantly, a strange glint flashed across Yun Yao's eyes.

There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to **** if you break in.

Yun Huan, I originally wanted to keep you alive for a few more days, but unfortunately you are looking for death, so don't blame me for being cruel.

"Ah, it's almost 11 o'clock, sister, you can kneel slowly, I'm going back to sleep for beauty, this weekend I have to go to the National Defense University to play with Brother Ming'an, and I will definitely see his classmates in school, I have to be at my best and not embarrass him."

Looking at Yun Huan's back leaving like a butterfly, Yun Yao also slowly stood up from the ground, and limped with her numb knees to meet Yun Shixian.

Seeing her, Yun Shixian's shrewd eyes flashed a gleam of clarity and understanding, "Have you figured it out?"

Yunyao's cheeks on both sides were still red and swollen, and there were tears in her eyes, she looked very embarrassed and pitiful.

"Dad, I know I'm wrong, I'll follow your arrangement, but I don't want to delay my studies, at least let me finish high school smoothly, please, I beg you."

Yun Shixian frowned, "The Bai family is in a hurry, you marry first, and it will be the same when you go to school there."

"But in that case, I will have to delay my graduation for one year. I don't care, but the Bai family are anxious to have a grandson, so they may not agree to allow me to continue studying.

Dad, do you think this is good? The winter vacation will be in two months. During the winter vacation, I will go to Bai's house and hold the wedding ceremony with Young Master Bai. After the Chinese New Year, I will return to Jiang City to finish my studies. If all goes well, I will graduate I was about to be pregnant by then. "

The elder daughter's words undoubtedly gave Yun Shixian a wonderful idea.

If the daughter can give birth to the grandson of the Bai family here in Jiang City, he will raise the grandson himself. When the grandson grows up, is he afraid that he will not turn to the Jiang family?

"Xiao Yao, I can agree with you to continue your studies, but you have to go with me to see Boss Bai on weekends."

"it is good."

Probably recalled the plot of the original book that was almost forgotten in her mind, Yunmo had a strange dream all night.

To be precise, she watched the miserable and down-and-out life of the original owner in her dream.

When Yunmo woke up, it was just getting light outside the window, and there was a slight noise in the yard. It was Ling Chuan who was pressing the well water with the pressurized water pump.

Yunmo leaned against the head of the bed, her thoughts were still immersed in a dream, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

In the dream, the original owner made an ugly mess on the day of the wedding, and was hastily sent into the bridal chamber without even paying respects.

After marriage, the original owner was not willing to live with a poor man like Ling Chuan, and ran to Yun's house every three days, and stayed at Yun's house and refused to return to Ling's house.

Ling Chuan has been working outside, and he can't go home several times throughout the year, but he sends money to the original owner on time.

It's just that the original owner is used to extravagance, and she can use up the living expenses Ling Chuan gives her every month in less than a day, and she goes back to Yun's house to live without money.

Two years later, the original owner became pregnant.

It's just that the child in the original owner's stomach is not Ling Chuan's, because for two years, Ling Chuan didn't even touch the original owner's finger.

After being completely rejected by the Yun family, the original owner relied on her beauty to find a lover who was a small businessman, and she also became pregnant with the other's child.

The lover is a married man, and the original owner wanted to give birth to a child and force the lover to marry him, but the lover turned his face and refused to accept the debt mercilessly, so the original owner could only continue to rely on Ling Chuan.

At this time, Ling Chuan was already a well-known contractor, with more than one hundred workers under him, and the monthly living expenses for the original owner had also increased from twenty to thirty to fifty.

As for why Ling Chuan didn't get divorced after being cuckolded, and helped the original owner raise other people's children, the reason was that the original owner spread rumors everywhere, saying that Ling Chuan was not a man, inhumane, and had not touched her for two or three years after marriage.

Yun Mo couldn't understand what Ling Chuan was thinking in her dream, and she didn't clarify the rumors. Even Ling Jiang, the eldest brother, thought that her younger brother was really bad.

Under Ling Jiang's persuasion and matching, Ling Chuan recognized the illegitimate son of the original owner's affair.

But Ling Chuan's generosity and responsibility did not bring about the original owner's introspection and repentance. After two years of good times, the original owner found another badass.

In order to elope with the boy, the original owner secretly found a human trafficker and wanted to sell his own son for money.

It was God's will, when the original owner and the little boy were discussing this matter on the bed, Ling Chuan smashed it, and Ling Chuan, who couldn't bear it, beat the original owner and the adulterer, the little boy.

Afterwards, Ling Chuan and the original owner formally divorced, and bought out the mother-child relationship between the original owner and his son at a price of 5,000.

After the divorce, the original owner wanted to live a happy life with the boy, but the boy only cared about her money.

After using various methods and methods to empty all the money of the original owner, the little boy ran away. The original owner had no strengths and no skills to make a living, and finally died in poverty in the dilapidated rental house that he rented.

The experience of the original owner is not sympathetic, but it is unavoidable to sigh. Even though the original owner's tragic ending was caused by himself, there are also tricks and calculations of the real daughter.

In fact, Yunyao spent money to "hire" the little boy who caused the original owner to die.

The original owner may not have thought about bringing his son to live a peaceful life with Ling Chuan, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation and fell into the design and trap of the real daughter, which is pitiful and hateful.

Yunmo didn't know why she had such a dream, but it was undeniable that this dream made the only bit of grievance in her heart completely disappear.

In the dream, although Ling Chuan and the original owner were husband and wife, Ling Chuan had no feelings for the original owner from the beginning to the end. She could feel that Ling Chuan in the dream took care of the original owner out of responsibility and obligation. After the death of the original owner, there is no such thing as guarding oneself like a jade for the original owner and not marrying for life.

Maybe as he said, without her, he really wouldn't marry anyone else.

This recognition made Yunmo uncontrollably filled with joy, as if she had tasted the best honey in the world, which was her unique delicacy.

(end of this chapter)