On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Want me to give you a gift? How about I send you to the west?

Wan Wanbai touched his forehead, "Well, Yunmo, do you still have the sauerkraut you pickled last time?"


Seeing Yunmo staring at him blankly, Wan Wanbai quickly explained, "That's right, my mother has a bad appetite recently. I took the sauerkraut you gave me that day, and I took it home and asked the nanny to make sauerkraut fish. Unexpectedly, my mother I like it very much, no, the jar of sauerkraut has been eaten up, so I just want to ask you to get some more."

Yunmo smiled, "It's simple, how about this, I'll go buy vegetables now and come back to marinate, and I'll send you home after marinating?"

"Will it be too much trouble?"

"No trouble, it happens to be a holiday today, and I have nothing else to do. Tell me which sauerkraut the old lady likes to eat, and I can buy it according to her preferences."

Ten thousand yuan reported the names of several dishes for nothing, and gave her ten yuan to cook the dishes, but of course Yunmo would not accept it.

"Captain Wan, you helped us so much before, and I never had a chance to thank you. It's my honor that the old lady likes to eat my pickled sauerkraut."

Seeing that she spoke openly, Wan Wanbai put away the money, left a message saying that he could find him for help in the future, and left.

Wan Wanbai had just left before Ling Chuan came back.

"Momo, I see Captain Wan's car is parked in front of our house. Is he here to look for you?"

Seeing the nervousness on his face, Yunmo smiled, "It's okay, he came here and asked me to help pickle sauerkraut, saying that his mother loves it."

"Just sauerkraut?"

"if not?"

Ling Chuan touched his nose, but did not say that he was afraid that Wan Bai would come to her for antiques.

Although the man didn't say anything, Yunmo could guess what he was thinking, "A person like Captain Wan is not very clean, but he is not a corrupt official, otherwise he would not be able to sit in this position.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people observe it, there will be no disciples. This is the way of life that has not changed through the ages, and it is also an important rule for the survival of officialdom. "

After finishing speaking, Yunmo said again: "I'm going out to buy some food."

Ling Chuan hurriedly said: "I'll go, tell me what you need."

Yun Mo thought for a while, "Why don't we go together, and I'll take Dabai and Erbai out for a stroll."

"it is good."

The vegetable market is not far from the courtyard house, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there.

Yunmo usually brings two big white geese to buy vegetables by herself, but today there is a tall and handsome man beside her. The vegetable vendors who know her are all smiling and joking.

"Little girl, bring your partner to buy vegetables today?"

"He is not my object."

After hearing what his wife said, Ling Chuanzheng felt a little lost, when he heard the next sentence from his daughter-in-law, "He is my husband."

The depressed mood suddenly rose, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth could not be suppressed no matter what.

Knowing that the man is Yunmo's husband, all the vegetable vendors laughed and praised Ling Chuan as a good-looking talent, who was a good match for her, Barabara.

Businessmen are like this, just smile when you meet people, just listen to them.

According to Mrs. Wan's preferences, Yunmo selected vegetables for pickling sauerkraut, and then went to buy two earthen jars.

Back home, Yunmo washed the jar and put it in the sun to dry until evening. When the muddy smell from the jar was almost gone, she started to pickle sauerkraut.

The old lady likes the crispy taste. Yunmo pickled a jar of red and white radishes and a jar of mustard greens.

During dinner in the evening, Yunmo told Ling Chuan Wanbai's address, and asked him to spare some time tomorrow to deliver two jars of sauerkraut there.

Ling Chuan agreed, and then took the initiative to talk about the pager.

"I told Uncle Zhi, and Uncle Zhi is also very interested in this business, but he is worried that he has no background and connections, and he will not be able to spend too much money, so it is not easy to negotiate agency rights."

Yunmo looked at the man, "I can help you with the funds, and you have to rely on yourself for the rest. To be honest, if you can't even solve the most basic problems in the early stage of starting a business, then even if the business is established, it will be difficult to develop." long."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan was not shocked by his daughter-in-law's words, but aroused a kind of fighting spirit.

He must start this business, his daughter-in-law is so good, he can't hold back and embarrass her.

The National Day holiday is from the 1st to the 4th, and she goes to school on the 5th. By the time Yunyao returns to Jiangshi, it will be the afternoon of the 5th. Fortunately, she knew that she would not be able to make it back in time, so she called the school in advance to ask for leave.

After returning home, Yunyao immediately found Sister Juan and asked her how things were going.

Sister Juan reported the progress truthfully, "Eldest Miss, according to your instructions, I put a drop of that medicine in the diet of Second Miss every day."

"She didn't notice, did she?"


"Well, well done, keep it up, remember, at most one drop a day, absolutely not overdose."

Sister Juan quickly agreed.

After sending Sister Juan away, Yunyao took a shower, changed her clothes, went to the commercial street to check the progress of the store decoration, and went to the labor market to release the information about the recruitment of shop assistants.

After finishing all this and returning home, it was already dark, and the family was eating, and Yun Shixian was also there.

Seeing her come back after not showing up for a few days, Yun Shixian's face sank immediately, "Where have you been these few days?"

"Go to Sui City."

Yun Yao didn't hide her whereabouts, and it's useless to hide her whereabouts. With Yun Shixian's ability and means, she can easily find out.

There's no need for her to annoy the other party because of such a trivial matter.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go and relax, Dad, I'm sorry, this time I was self-willed, and I won't do it again in the future."

It may be that she no longer has any expectations for this daughter, or Yun Yao has a good attitude in admitting her mistake, so Yun Shixian didn't ask any further questions.

After finally waiting for Yun Yao to come home, Yun Huan spared no effort to show off how lively the engagement banquet was, how many gifts she received during this period, and how many rich ladies rushed to make friends with her.

Yunyao just listened to the wind and ate her meal quietly and quietly.

Seeing that Yun Yao didn't respond, Yun Huan rolled his eyes, "Sister, although you didn't participate in my engagement, you must have a gift, right? What gift are you planning to give me? Cheaper ones are not good, you are ashamed to give them away, I'm too embarrassed to take it."

Yun Huan's progress made even Yun Shixian couldn't stand it any longer, and scolded: "Xiao Huan, the room is almost full of gifts you received, and there is no shortage of Xiaoyao's one."

"How can it be the same? Outsiders have given it away. She is my own sister, so I can't say nothing, right?"

Yunyao raised her head at this time, and smiled slightly at Yunhuan: "Xiaohuan, I'm preparing your gift, and I'll give it to you in a while."

"Really?" Yun Huan was dubious, "What gift?"

"No hurry, you will know when the time comes."

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Yun Yao lowered her head and continued to eat, a strange and cold smile flashed in her eyes.

Want me to give you a present? How about I send you to the west?

Good night~

Your votes are the driving force for Lao Qi to change four times a day, Aoli!

(end of this chapter)