On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 If you don't want to live well, then get a divorce

Seeing the two sisters getting into such an incompatible situation, Jiang Yu almost had a headache.

Originally thought that without Yunmo, the troublemaker, the house would be quieter, but the result was still the same, even worse.

I really don't know what sin she has committed. The daughters are getting more and more worried, and they are simply debt collectors.

On Yunyao's side, she has successfully arrived in Sui City and found a hotel to stay in.

In her previous life, she lived in Sui City for several years, and she is more familiar with the environment here than in Jiang City. Even her husband in her previous life also met working in Sui City.

The next day, Yunyao got up before dawn. The clothing wholesale market in Suishi has a morning market, from 4:00 am to 11:00 am.

Having the advantages and experience of her previous life, Yunyao soon negotiated cooperation with several wholesale store owners who deal in trendy clothing.

Coming out of the clothing market, seeing that it was still early, Yunyao went shopping in other places and bought some foreign goods that were not available in Jiang City, and she could earn back the travel expenses by taking them back and pouring her hands.

Sui City is a coastal city with a lot of smugglers. Refrigerators that cost two to three thousand yuan in Jiang City may not be available, but here you can buy them for four to five hundred yuan in the streets and alleys.

That is to say, she has no connections and no time, otherwise, she can make a lot of money by reselling home appliances between the two places.

Walking around until noon, she found a place to have lunch, Yunyao was going back to the hotel to take a rest and catch the train back to Jiangshi in the afternoon, when she heard two cleaners chatting in the stairwell of the hotel.

"...There was a robbery in the area of Baiyun Road two days ago. A factory accountant withdrew tens of thousands of cash from the bank. The drivers who were traveling with me were all seriously injured, and now the Public Security Bureau is investigating this matter all over the city, and they have posted a notice that anyone who reports clues and helps solve the case will get a reward of 500 yuan!"

Yun Yao stopped immediately.

One of the culprits in this case was none other than her husband in her previous lifePeng Dayong.

When she first met her husband Peng Dayong, Peng Dayong lied that he was in the home appliance reselling business, but she saw that Peng Dayong was generous and didn't even blink at spending money on her, so she didn't doubt his words at all.

The two got married after dating for half a year sweetly.

After marriage, Peng Dayong's various bad habits gradually emerged, gambling, smoking, drinking, and tossing her when he came home in a bad mood.

Later she found out that Peng Dayong had no serious job at all, but an idle hooligan who would steal and rob when he had no money.

At that time, she was greedy for pleasure, and instead of reporting on Peng Dayong, she set up a cover for the other party, hoping that Peng Dayong would treat her better.

As a result, after Peng Dayong successfully pulled her into the water, instead of changing his evil behavior, he intensified his domestic violence against her.

In the end, during a domestic violence, she accidentally killed Gu Dayong and was sentenced to eight years in prison.

The experience of her previous life was like a nightmare to her, and from the bottom of her heart she didn't want to have anything to do with a notorious gangster like Peng Dayong.

But now is the time for her to use the money. She can take the money and avenge her life, so why not do it?

However, Yunyao did not immediately report to the police station. Instead, she went to find a homeless man near Baiyun Road and offered to cooperate with him. She provided clues and evidence, and she and the homeless man shared half of the reward.

Reporting the case through the mouth of a homeless man, firstly, she didn't want to be hated by Peng Dayong's gang, and secondly, she just came to Guangzhou City yesterday, so if the Public Security Bureau asked her about her source, she would not be able to explain.

Everything went well. Under the identification of the homeless man, the Public Security Bureau arrested Peng Dayong and his group that night.

Yun Yao took the reward of 250 yuan and boarded the train back to Jiang City refreshed.

At that time, Yunmo and his party also returned to Jiang City smoothly.

Thinking of Dabai and Erbai who stayed at home, Yunmo was eager to return home, and with a lot of things, the three of them took a taxi.

After arriving at the courtyard, Yunmo first got out of the car to open the door, while Ling Chuan and Ling Jiang went to the trunk to carry luggage and goods.

"Ling Jiang, you **** **** it, where have you been fooling around these days?!"

Before the door was opened, Yun Mo heard a roar behind her, turned her head, and saw Li Li appearing out of nowhere, angrily grabbing Ling Jiang's collar and scolding loudly.

The three of them didn't expect Li Li to be waiting here, and they were a little confused for a while.

"Surnamed Ling, if you don't explain clearly today, I will never finish with you! Tell me, where have you been these few days?" Li Li cursed and greeted Ling Jiang with her hands still.

"Sister-in-law, let go, if you have anything to say, come into the room."

"Chuanzi, get out of the way, or I'll beat you too!"

Ling Chuan stepped forward to persuade him and failed, but Li Li scratched his paw instead, and there were a few red marks on his face.

Yun Mo turned cold immediately, and walked over to let Ling Chuan take the luggage and goods in the trunk home, and paid the taxi driver's fare, and then walked in front of the chattering couple.

"Brother, sister-in-law, do you want to go in with me and speak clearly, or continue to quarrel here so that everyone can watch?"

After finishing speaking, Li Li gave a fierce stare.

"My surname is Yun, I'm going to settle accounts with you! What on earth did you encourage my old Ling to do, you shameless bitch, haven't our family been hurt enough by you..."

"Li Li, shut up!"

Hearing his daughter-in-law insulting Yunmo indiscriminately, Ling Jiang couldn't help roaring anymore.

Seeing her husband yelling at herself, Li Li's eyes turned red all of a sudden, "Surnamed Ling, do you have a conscience? What face do you have to tell me to shut up? How did you tell me when you went out, huh? Say you go The construction site is over, and I still tell everyone that you went to work at Lao Ba's construction site.

As a result, the eighth child of Mid-Autumn Festival came back and said that you didn't go to the construction site at all. Do you know that everyone in the neighborhood is laughing at me, laughing at me that I can't even control my own man. Ling, you don't make it clear today , I can't pass this day! "

Ling Jiang was originally guilty of lying, but his daughter-in-law beat and scolded him, and she even vented her anger on Yunmo. He couldn't bear it.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, and this trip to Urumqi, Ling Jiang has already regarded Yunmo as a benefactor and relative in his heart.

Facing his wife's unreasonable and shrewd behavior, besides being angry and angry, he was more ashamed and tired.

He only wants to make money so that his family members can live a good life, and it's fine if his wife doesn't help, but every time he drags his feet.

The brothers and sisters kindly took him in, gave him advice, and spared no effort to help him. Instead of getting a word of forgiveness, they got a swearing curse.

Although he has no culture, he also knows the truth that "a good wife prospers for three generations, and a stupid wife destroys three generations". How could life be so good with such a wicked woman who is so messy and ignorant.

"Li Li, if you don't want to have a good life, then get a divorce."

(end of this chapter)