On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 I can't stop my mouth if I have food

Yunmo explained calmly, "Sister-in-law, I don't have meat or vegetable tickets, so the price is more expensive than others."

Li Li didn't expect this to happen again, and was choked up for a while.

"Sister-in-law, didn't you say that in the morning, the two families eat together, and the expenses are shared equally by the two families, so look at the money for meat and vegetables today..."

"You bought the meat and vegetables by yourself. At such an expensive price, you can eat it yourself. I can't afford it!"

After finishing speaking, Li Li took out the meat and vegetables that Yunmo bought at noon, and stuffed them into Yunmo's arms.

Yunmo hugged the meat and vegetables, with a troubled expression on her face, "Sister-in-law, how can I eat so much meat and vegetables by myself? It's so hot, it will go bad after a long time, let's share it together."

"Whoever wants to share with you, you buy what you eat yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Li Li picked up her son and went back to the house, closing the door loudly, fearing that she would be dragged by Yunmo and be wronged.


Yunmo lowered her head, facing Ling Chunhua's worried little face, she couldn't help but smile knowingly.

She made a booing motion and brought Ling Chunhua outside, then took out a big white rabbit, peeled off the candy wrapper, and fed the milky white candy body to Ling Chunhua's mouth.

"Eat it, I specially reserved it for you."

"Thank you, Auntie."

Smelling the scent of toffee, Ling Chunhua's eyes lit up, but she didn't open her mouth immediately. Instead, she took the candy with her hand, bit half of it lightly, and then handed back the other half to Yunmo.

"Auntie, you eat too."


Yunmo took half of the candy and put it in her mouth, and dragged Ling Chunhua into the kitchen.

Yunmo asked Ling Chunhua to help raise the fire of the stove, while she turned around and took advantage of the time to scoop water, poured some spiritual spring water into the gourd ladle, then poured it into the pot with clean water, and when the water boiled, put the two Put a piece of cabbage in the pot, boil it until it is raw, pick it up, and let it dry for later use.

"Chunhua, do you have an empty jar at home?"


Ling Chunhua quickly brought her a one-foot-high clay pot.

Yunmo took the pot and looked at it. The size was right, but there was some water in it, and it didn't smell bad.

"What was this used for?"

"Mom used to soak salted duck eggs. When the duck eggs are finished, this jar will be empty."

Yunmo washed the earthenware pots, put them in the yard to dry, and then put the blanched cabbage water in a pot and let it cool for later use.

After finishing these, Yunmo washed the potatoes and pork, cut them into thumb-sized pieces, and prepared to cook potatoes and pork.

Half an hour later, the roasted pork with potatoes came out of the pot, and the strong smell of meat immediately filled the small courtyard, and even Li Li in the room was so greedy that she swallowed her saliva.

"I want to eat meat! Whoa, I want to eat meat!"

Just as Yunmo was walking towards her room carrying the stewed pork with potatoes, she heard Ling Jiale's crying coming from Li Li's room.

She and Chunhua couldn't finish the big pot of roasted pork with potatoes, so why don't you share some with your little nephew.

Just as this thought flashed through Yunmo's mind, she heard Li Li coaxing Ling Jiale from the room.

"Whoever eats it will lose his mouth. Let's not eat it. Be good. Mom will fry steamed buns for you tomorrow."

You are the only one with bad mouth, your whole family is bad mouth.

Yunmo stared angrily at the window of Li Li's house, then turned to Ling Chunhua and said, "Chunhua, let's go back to the house to eat meat."

Ling Chunhua nodded heavily, looking at Yunmo with sparkling eyes.

Auntie is not only good-looking, but also cooks delicious dishes, which is amazing!

I don't know if they heard Yunmo's words. The two of them had just entered the room, before they had time to sit down and eat, Li Li yelled and cursed from outside.

"Chunhua! Where did you die? You haven't come back to wash the dishes, you know how to be lazy every day, you won't be lazy!"

"Auntie, I'm going back first!"

Seeing Ling Chunhua's nervousness and fear, Yunmo had no choice but to squeeze a piece of meat into Ling Chunhua's mouth.

"Go back and wash the dishes first, then come over quietly later, I'll keep them for you."

Ling Chunhua swallowed the meat in two or three gulps, wiped her mouth before turning around and running out.

"If you eat, you will know how to eat. Are you a dog who can't get enough to eat? You will follow whoever gives you meat!"

Li Li outside was still pointing at Sang and Huai, but Yun Moquan couldn't hear her, eating a bite of potatoes and meat with relish.

Conditions are limited. Ling's kitchen only has three seasonings: oil, salt and soy sauce, but with the blessing of spiritual spring water, even simple cooking can make the most delicious dishes.

After she was full, she rested for a while, and Yunmo went out to pickle the cabbage in an earthen pot to make sauerkraut, but when she went out, she found that the earthen pot was gone, and the cabbage water she used to pickle the sauerkraut in the basin was also destroyed. Dumped.

Knowing who did it without asking, Yun Mo was very angry.

It's too late at this point, and I can't go out to buy a pickled cabbage jar. The cabbage has been boiled until it's raw, and if it's not pickled in time, it will go bad tomorrow.

Yunmo had no choice but to find a Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain jar from the space, and pickled two cabbages with Lingquan water.

Blue and white porcelain from the Ming Dynasty is hard to come by, and this one is top-grade. Yunmo was worried that it would be accidentally damaged in the kitchen, so she deliberately carried it into her room.

The next day, Yunmo was awakened by Ling Chunhua's knock on the door while she was still asleep.

"Auntie, Mom asked me to wake you up and make breakfast."

Yunmo glanced sleepily at the gray sky outside the window, yawned and got up from the bed.

After washing up, Yunmo went to the kitchen for a tour, and went back to the house to get the change and went to the street corner to buy some vegetable buns, plus 5 cents of soy milk.

When she went back, Li Li saw the steamed stuffed bun soy milk in her hand, and she couldn't help saying something weird.

"Siblings really know how to enjoy themselves. Yesterday morning, I ate steamed buns. In the evening, I ate a big pot of potatoes and pork. This morning, I had steamed stuffed buns with soy milk. I don't know, but I thought our Ling family got rich."

Some people are just cheap, and they can't stop their mouths if they have food.

"It turns out that sister-in-law doesn't like Xiangfu and likes to eat bran pickled vegetables, okay, I get it."

Yunmo carried the steamed stuffed bun and soy milk back to her room, then went into the kitchen to cook a small pot of white porridge, and steamed the steamed rice buns that hadn't been eaten yesterday.

"Where's the food?"

Seeing that Yunmo hid the steamed stuffed buns and soybean milk, and only gave them porridge and steamed buns, Li Li's face was very ugly.

Yunmo looked at the other party with some surprise, "Is there any food at home? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"Where are the potatoes you burned last night?"


"Did you finish that big pot by yourself?"

"Well, didn't you let me eat it myself, sister-in-law?"

Unwillingly, Li Li ran to Yunmo's room to search around, but she didn't find any potatoes or pork. Turning her head, she saw a blue and white porcelain jar at the foot of the bed. She bent down to open it, but was stopped by Yunmo who followed.

"Sister-in-law, this is my pickled sauerkraut, I can't eat it yet."

Li Li curled her lips, turned her head to look at the steamed buns and soy milk on the wooden table, rolled her eyes, and said with a friendly smile: "Sisters and sisters, my family has a mouthful of fun, and I refuse to eat if there is no food. Anyway, you bought so many steamed buns. If you can't finish eating, give two to Jiale.

(end of this chapter)