On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Yun Yao Was Blackmailed

After finishing speaking, seeing Zeng Xiuyuan's surprised face, Zeng Fang couldn't help but defend her friend, "She had an arranged marriage at home, so she got married early, but Momo and her husband are getting along pretty well now."

Speaking of Yunmo, Yao Suhua carelessly asked: "Fangfang, how did Yunmo do in the unified examination?"

Speaking of Yunmo's results, Zeng Fang was more excited than talking about her own.

"Mom, you can't even guess how many points Momo got in the test this time."

"Is it taller than you?"

"It's not just higher than me, it's like killing me in seconds, okay?" Zeng Fang showed a sense of pride, "Momo scored 635 points in the test this time, ranking first in the school and eighth in the city."

Hearing this result, even the well-informed Zeng Xingguo was surprised.

With this score, there is no problem going to Beijing University.

"Didn't you say that Yunmo's grades were worse than yours? Why did you do so well all of a sudden?"

Yao Suhua didn't suspect that Yunmo's grades were strange, but she was instinctively curious.

"Momo used to have poor grades because she didn't focus on her studies. In the past two months, she worked hard to review and brush up questions. In addition to the homework assigned by the teacher every day, she also added 5 extra test papers for herself. Don't sleep at all."

"No wonder." Yao Suhua said with emotion.

Zeng Xiuyuan smiled and teased his younger sister, "Your friends work so hard, what about you?"

Zeng Fang was not convinced: "I also work hard, okay, otherwise, do you think my grades will improve so much?"

Yao Suhua spoke on behalf of her daughter, "I testify that Fangfang doesn't go to bed until after 11 o'clock every night after studying."

Hearing that his sister worked so hard in private, Zeng Xiuyuan couldn't find fault.

"Okay, it's my elder brother who wronged you. As an apology, my elder brother decided to give you a gift. You go to the mall to choose it yourself, and if you choose it, I will reimburse you. It is less than 100 yuan."

Zeng Fang rolled her eyes, "The gift is fine, just treat me to a meal."


Yun Shixian usually socializes a lot and doesn't eat at home most of the time. After Jiang Yu was hospitalized, the dining table at home became even more deserted.

But Yun Shixian had dinner at home tonight.

During eating, Yun Shixian accidentally caught a glimpse of the injury on the eldest daughter's face, subconsciously frowned, "Xiao Yao, what's going on with your face?"

Yun Huan hadn't noticed the injury on Yunyao's face at first, but when he heard Yun Shixian's question, he immediately turned his attention to Yunyao, and when he saw Yunyao's bruised nose and swollen face, he laughed gloatingly.

"Haha, sister, did you fight with someone in the academy?"

Yun Yao covered her face in embarrassment, and didn't want to tell the fact that she was beaten in a sack, for fear that Yun Shixian would think that she was making friends with dubious people outside.

"I accidentally fell when I got home, it's nothing serious."

In order to avoid being asked by Yun Shixian about the results of the unified examination, Yun Yao quickly changed the subject, "Dad, I met Ming'an outside today, and I invited him to come to my house for the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow."

Thinking of her daughter's proposal in the study some time ago, Yun Shixian's heart moved, "If you need anything, let the servant buy it."

"I'm all ready. I'll start baking mooncakes after dinner. I've prepared a few more fillings, including my mother's favorite bean paste, and your favorite ham and five kernels. I won't prepare anything else tomorrow morning." Night."

Seeing that she had already made arrangements, Yun Shixian stopped talking.

"Sister, your unified examination results should come out, right? How many points did you get?"

Yun Yao observed Yun Shixian's face, and said cautiously: "Dad, I didn't do very well in the exam this time, ranking around 700 in the city."

It was actually 789, but she was afraid that Yun Shixian would get angry if she said it, so she deliberately used vague words.

Sure enough, after hearing his daughter's grades, Yun Shixian's face sank visibly, but he didn't get angry considering tomorrow.

"Forget it this time, and work harder in the future. If you don't do well in the exam next time, you will come to me for punishment."

"Dad, I will definitely pass the exam next time."

Yun Shixian dismissed the matter of the unified examination lightly, Yun Yao was relieved, but Yun Huan was not reconciled.

Didn't see Yun Yao being unlucky, always feeling unhappy.

"Sister, do you know how many points Yunmo scored this time?"

Yun Yao's face froze, then she shook her head, "I don't know, she and I are not in the same school."

After finishing speaking, seeing Yun Huan showing a malicious smile, Yun Yao's heart skipped a beat.

"Jingle Bell"

At this moment, the living room phone rang.

The servant picked it up, and quickly asked for instructions from the dining table: "Master, I am looking for you..."

Yun Shixian got up to answer the phone, Yun Yao immediately stared at Yun Huan with cold eyes, "Xiao Huan, what exactly do you want?"

Yun laughed like a little devil, "Sister, if you don't want me to tell Dad that Yunmo passed the city's eighth exam, then give me 100 yuan."

Yun Yao was surprised and annoyed, "You are crazy, I don't have so much money."

Yun Huan snorted softly, "Don't pretend, you have money to rent Fuzi to do business, will you not be able to spend 100 yuan?"

Hearing this, Yun Yao immediately panicked.

After she let go of the emerald bracelet that was stolen, she secretly carried out a plan to make money.

To a certain extent, Yunyao and Yunmo's thoughts coincided with each other, that is, they felt that women's money was easy to earn.

It's just that Yunyao didn't pay attention to the low-cost jewelry business, but planned to make clothing.

She has the advantage of being reborn. She knows very well that within two years, clothing will become one of the most profitable and hottest businesses at the moment. As long as the timing is right, it will not be a problem to become a millionaire in a year.

So, after getting the funds, Yunyao directly bought three large shops in the commercial street, and is now looking for someone to renovate them. Taking advantage of this National Day holiday, she also plans to go to Sui City to inspect the supply of goods in person.

It's just that she didn't expect that Yun Huan would find out about her opening a shop.

Fortunately, Yun Huan didn't know that she bought the store, and thought she rented it with money.

Footsteps came from the direction of the living room. Seeing Yun Shixian walking towards the dining table after answering the phone, Yun Huan opened his mouth and shouted, "Dad..."

Yun Yao's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately grabbed Yun Huan's hand, gnashing her teeth in a voice heard by two people: "Okay, I promise you!"

Turning his head, Yun Shixian had already walked to the dinner table, looking at his little daughter, "What's the matter?"

Before Yun Huan could speak, Yun Yao quickly explained, "It's nothing, Xiao Huan just wanted to ask who made the call. I made a bet with Xiao Huan just now, and I said it was Mom calling home, but Xiao Huan didn't say it was you secretary."

Yun Shixian ignored the playfulness of the two sisters, "I have something to go out, you can eat by yourself."

Jiang Yu wasn't there, and Yun Cong was eating out with his friends. After Yun Shixian left, only the sisters were left at the dinner table.

Yun Huan spread out his hands bluntly, "The 100 yuan you promised me, bring it."

Yun Yao replied angrily, "I'll give it to you later."

"No, I want it now."

"I haven't even finished my meal."

"Give me the money first. I made an appointment with my sister to meet at 8 o'clock. After I leave, you can eat as long as you want at home alone."

(end of this chapter)