On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 It is better to let yourself be the master than to place your hope on others

Afterwards, everyone continued to discuss with relish the cleaner's arrest, Yun Yao pretended to be interested and listened, but her heart was filled with gloom.

She knew better than anyone that the cleaners were selling the answers to the UEC, because she was the mastermind of this matter.

She originally just wanted to get the test papers of the unified examination through the cleaners so that she could get a good grade, but when the cleaners really stole the test papers, she came up with a poisonous plan to kill two birds with one stone.

After sorting out the answers, she copied dozens of copies and gave them to the cleaners to sell them to senior high school students.

As for Yunmo, she appointed the cleaner to look for it. The purpose was to repeat the old trick. After Yunmo bought the answers and finished the exam, she would report anonymously.

Being punished for cheating twice, even if Yunmo performs well in the college entrance examination next year and gets on the admission line, no school will be willing to admit such a student with such a bad record.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations, Yunyao made a mistake again.

Not only did Yunmo not count, even the answers to the unified examination that he worked so hard to get were also invalidated.

What worried her even more was that if the cleaner identified her, she would be completely finished.

Because of this matter, Yunyao has been restless all day, afraid that during class, the police will suddenly come to her, and everyone will know what she did in private.

Luckily among misfortunes, what Yun Yao was worried about did not happen.

I don't know whether it was because the cleaners didn't confess her, or because the police were not good at handling the case, and they didn't find out her identity. The next two days passed without incident.

While Yunyao breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help worrying about the unified examination next week.

If the Education Bureau really changed the test paper, it would be a great disadvantage to her.

At this moment, Yunyao didn't know that the fact that the Public Security Bureau failed to find her was not because she was incompetent, but because she was misled by the cleaners.

The cleaner didn't know Yunyao herself, and the two met three times, and every time Yunyao took the initiative to find her.

In the impression of the cleaner, Yunyao is a thin, dark-skinned woman, about 25 to 30 years old.

Based on the cleaner's confession, the Public Security Bureau directly targeted adult women aged 20-30 in this city, and called out photos for the cleaner to identify.

The result can be imagined, how could it be possible to identify it.

Yunyao was already upset about the unified examination, but she never thought that Jiang Yu would not rest in the hospital, calling home every night to supervise her studies, and even asked her servant to take the test papers she had done to the hospital. Jiang Yu personally checked.

Yun Yao was almost driven crazy.

On Sunday morning, Yun Yao deliberately got up early, saying that she was going to the hospital to visit Jiang Yu, and she kindly helped the servant carry soup.

After walking out of the gate of Yun's house, Yun Yao excused her pencil case and sent the servant away. She quietly opened the soup pot, sprinkled some shrimp powder in, and shook the soup pot while sprinkling, so as to let the shrimp powder melt into the soup. in soup.

A day passed in the blink of an eye, and at night, Jiang Yu finally stopped calling home, and Yun Yao felt indescribably relaxed and happy.

In the hospital.

Jiang Yu writhed on the bed in pain, moaning/groaning, and the nurse tried her best to comfort her by the hospital bed: "Mrs. Do not scratch at this time, otherwise it will affect the recovery of the injury, especially the wound on the forehead, if it is scratched, it will definitely leave a scar."

Jiang Yu's face was flushed with restraint, and the sweat on his forehead was pouring out layer by layer.

She gritted her teeth and shouted: "No, it's too itchy, I can't take it anymore, hurry up, call me the doctor!"

Waiting for the doctor on duty to check Jiang Yu's injury, and after asking about his diet, he judged that it might be allergic inflammation caused by eating some hairy food by mistake.

Jiang Yu's three meals a day are all prepared and delivered by the servant. If there is a problem with the diet, Jiang Yu is of course the servant.

Poor servant, she was kicked out of Yun's house without knowing what she did wrong.

The new servant was found by Yun Yao, and he obeyed Yun Yao's orders.

"Mom doesn't like to eat condiments such as monosodium glutamate and chicken powder, but the soup will not be fresh enough without these condiments. Mom will have no appetite. Without appetite, the wound will heal slowly."

The servant sister Juan said knowingly: "This is simple, you can add good dried mushrooms to the soup to enhance the freshness."

Yun Yao smiled in satisfaction, "That's right, let's do it this way."

Dried mushrooms are indeed a good thing to increase freshness and taste, but they hinder the recovery of injuries.

And this is exactly what Yun Yao wants.

At this moment, Yun Yao finally understood a truth, instead of pinning her hopes on others, it is better to let herself be the master.

In a blink of an eye, it is the day of the unified examination. In order to ensure fairness and justice, the classes of the first and second grades are on vacation, and the classrooms are vacated for the examination room.

At the same time, the invigilator is also crossed by various schools.

Such a serious preparation also added a bit of solemnity to this unified examination.

Although she was already mentally prepared, Yun Yao couldn't help but feel a sinking heart when the test papers came out.

As expected, all the test questions have been changed!

Things have come to this point, it is useless to think too much, she can only try to answer the test questions with superficial knowledge.

Two days are fleeting, the end of the unified examination is the weekend, students can relax for two days off, but the teachers of each school have to work overtime to mark the papers, calculate the results and rankings.

Yunmo also plans to take a little vacation for herself, go to the countryside to pick peaches, and take Dabai and Erbai to the river for a swim.

During this period of time, she was busy with her studies, even the daily outings were done by Ling Chuan, and the two guys were probably overwhelmed.

Knowing that Yunmo was going out to play, Zeng Fang readily expressed that she would go together.

After having breakfast and packing up the things needed to go out, Yunmo waited at home for Zeng Fang to pick her up. Unexpectedly, before Zeng Fang came, her eldest brother Ling Jiang came to the door.

"Siblings, Chuanzi, are you going out?"

Seeing things like buckets and baskets in the yard, Ling Jiang asked subconsciously.

"Well, let's go to the countryside to pick peaches, and let's take a break. Brother, are you going?"

Ling Jiang smiled, "I won't go, it's rare for you to go out to play, and have fun."

Yunmo didn't force it, "Then I'll pick more peaches and send some to you and sister-in-law in the afternoon, just to see Chunhua and Jiale."

"Okay, then I will cook early in the afternoon, and you will leave after eating."

After chatting about the housework, Ling Chuan asked the other party, "Brother, what are you doing here today?"

"It's okay, I just came to see you, since you are rushing out, then I won't delay you, I will go back first."

Ling Chuan sent Ling Jiang out of the house, and looked at him seriously, "Brother, just speak up if you have anything to say, we two brothers don't need to hide it."

Ling Jiang rubbed his head, with a hesitant expression, "I thought about it, and I still plan to go back to the construction site. It happens that Lao Ba is short of manpower, and the wages are not low. I think I will go after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

(end of this chapter)