On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Li Li Gets Beaten

Hearing Li Li's denial, Yun Mo turned her head to look at the others noncommittally.

"There is something I want to tell you. I asked someone about it. Uncle Zhi was arrested because he was reported for speculation. Interestingly, the informant lived in the old street."

Hearing Yunmo's words, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Deng's family was filled with righteous indignation, "Who is the whistleblower!?"

"I don't know who it is, but I leave a message, as long as you do anything, there will be traces. I first made a statement, reselling electronic watches, and I didn't even mention half a word to my most trusted friend, but Ling Chuan, everyone should know what kind of character he is, so the problem definitely comes from our side.

While everyone is here today, everyone should clarify the matter face to face, even if we die, we must die to understand.


Everyone agreed with Yunmo's words.

Yunmo first asked the members of the Deng family, "Have you ever mentioned to outsiders about reselling electronic watches?"

"No." Deng Wenbin categorically denied, "In our family, apart from me, my father and my brother, even my mother and grandma didn't know about it. It was only this time that my father was arrested that they knew we were in What are you doing?"

Yunmo nodded, then turned to ask Ling Jiang again.

Ling Jiang had a sullen face, and told the story of Li Li showing off his wealth last time. Before he could finish speaking, Li Li jumped.

"What does it have to do with me? I just said that I made money, but I didn't tell about the reselling of electronic watches."

Yunmo smiled, her tone was slightly cold, "Sister-in-law, do you dare to swear by Jiale's good health? Swear that you didn't tell anyone about reselling electronic watches?"

Li Li regards her son as more important than her life, so of course she dare not make such an oath.

"Why should I swear, why don't you guys swear, huh! I understand now, you guys are picking up the soft persimmons. Seeing my old Ling's honesty, you can bully our husband and wife."

Anyone with eyes present could see Li Li's guilty conscience.

"Since my sister-in-law has said so, then I'm really not being polite."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo walked up to the other party, raised her hand and slapped the other party resoundingly.

This slap on Yunmo took 12 minutes of strength, and half of Li Li's face was swollen immediately.

Everyone was shocked by Yunmo's actions, including Li Li.

She covered her face and stared at Yunmo in disbelief, her voice was trembling because she was so ashamed and angry.

"My surname is Yun, how dare you hit me?"

While rubbing her wrist, Yunmo said casually, "I've already been beaten, isn't it too late for you to ask this question now?"

"You, you... ah, I'm fighting with you!"

Li Li finally came to her senses after a short period of bewilderment. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to have a big fight with Yun Mo.

Yunmo backed away preparedly, but at the same time, a tall figure appeared in front of her, completely blocking her.

Who else is there besides her husband?

Ling Chuan was tall and burly, and he blocked Li Li's attack lightly and skillfully.

With Li Li's aggressive temper, of course she refused to give up. She wanted to scratch Ling Chuan's face with all her teeth and claws, but Ling Jiang pulled her away.

"Enough! How long do you want to make trouble?"

Seeing that her husband didn't help her, Li Li collapsed and sat down on the ground, crying loudly.

Weeping and cursing, "Ling Jiang, you useless, everyone knows to protect your wife, you are good, helping outsiders bully your wife, I really have eight lifetimes of bad luck for a useless man like you, God Well, this day can't be passed..."

"If you can't make it through, get a divorce." Yunmo calmly made up the knife.

Everyone was startled by Yun Mo's words, even Li Li seemed to be strangled by someone, she blushed and looked at this and then that, the panic and fear in her eyes were clearly visible.

These days, a divorced woman is no different from a divorced woman in ancient times.

Especially in rural areas, people will be disgusted, spit and stared at by others, and even their natal family will be looked down upon, and they will not be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives.

Are you afraid?

Yunmo sneered, "Sister-in-law, if you feel that you can't live with elder brother, then you should get a divorce, otherwise, I advise you to get up and talk, and explain the matter clearly."

Li Li looked at her husband, saw him smoking a cigarette with his head sullen, neither talking nor looking at her, she panicked all of a sudden, but she couldn't hold back her face.

"My surname is Yun, you are a sister-in-law and you are a sister-in-law. You are a sister-in-law, and you even meddle in the family affairs of the eldest brother and sister-in-law. Are you embarrassed? Ah, do you understand respect and shame?"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law is still messing around at this time, Ling Jiang strode over and pulled her up.

"Sit down for me and speak clearly. Who did you tell this to?"

Although Li Li was at home, it was because Ling Jiang didn't care about her, but her husband, who was always honest, also got angry.

Knowing that it was really her who could not control her mouth and spread nonsense, which harmed Deng Zhi and everyone, everyone was angry and angry.

Deng Zhi's wife, Feng Cuihua, jumped on her and beat her up, "It turns out that you are the one who caused trouble, and you killed my old Deng. Are you an ass? What should I say? Shouldn't I say that you have no sense?"

Feng Cuihua is a typical northern woman, tall and strong, with a lot of strength, which made Li Li scream.

"Stop it, help me, Lao Ling, you are suffering a thousand knives, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you come to help, ah..."

Seeing his wife being beaten, Ling Jiang couldn't bear it, but thinking that his daughter-in-law had hurt everyone so badly, he couldn't express his anger and shame in his heart, so he simply turned his head away without seeing or worrying.

Ling Jiang doesn't care, and other people don't care, and they even want to beat Li Li, a stupid woman, with their own hands.

After about four or five minutes, Yunmo felt her sleeves being ripped off.

She turned her head, met Ling Chuan's deep black eyes, and seemed to be asking: Is it almost there?

Yunmo hesitated for a while, and stepped forward to persuade the fight: "Aunt Cuihua, stop fighting."

Seeing Yunmo coming forward, the others followed and helped to pull the two of them apart.

After being pulled away, Feng Cuihua still pointed at Li Li angrily, "You should be glad that nothing happened to my old Deng this time, otherwise, I would have to tear your mouth apart!"

Li Li was still lying on the ground, her hair was scratched like a henhouse, and there were many torn hairs scattered around her. There were bloodstains on her face, and one of her eye sockets was blue, and she cried a lot. With snot and tears, it's so miserable.

But no one sympathizes with her, and she can't live without doing her own crimes, which she deserves.

After Li Li got up from the ground, Yunmo took out the shareholding certificate again.

"Sister-in-law, I can pay a fine of 400 yuan for you, but I have one condition, as long as you agree, I can tear up this shareholding agreement on the spot."

Li Li, who had been beaten violently, was completely honest, and stared at Yun Mo miserable, not daring to say anything.

(end of this chapter)