Omega Summoner - Chapter 853: The Bean Stalk

Chapter 853: The Bean Stalk

Adrian with Solstice and Lycan headed towards the Kingdom of Suburiasi. Hearing the details of the kingdom from Adrian's mouth made them shudder as they are basically hypocrites. They do not want other races besides human to be in their kingdom, yet they like to buy goods made by the dwarves and the gnomes.

"Seriously, if they just allowed other races into their kingdom then it would have been prestigious by leagues. They even have the giants above them which is why other kingdoms do not even bother attacking them." Solstice stated as she is a bit enraged by the attitude of the kingdom.

"I do not blame them though. A hundred years ago, a nymph managed to seduce the prince of the kingdom and proceeded to kill those in line for the throne. She did all that in order to make sure that the prince that she loved will become the sole heir to the throne.

In the end, the prince became stricken by the grief of the death of siblings. He decapitated his lover to bring peace to the royal family and vowed to never love any other race than a human." Adrian replied but he actually did not believe that story one bit.

"Why do I sense that you do not even believe that story one bit?" Lycan asked as Adrian told the story in a monotone fashion as if he was not interested or not having it.

"Funny that the only siblings that died were those with elven blood in them. They were proficient in magic and shined brighter than the other siblings that were of human mothers. I can definitely say that the story is not what it really seems." Adrian replied.

"But you said that even the human siblings died?" Lycan asked as it did not make sense why they should die as well because they did not have the blood of elves.

"They are casualties of the war for the throne. In order for the past king to be hailed as a hero and not receive contempt from the masses, he must be the symbol of justice by sacrificing others. That is what I believe though and the story might actually be true.

The prince who rose to the throne back then is already dead anyways. We will not learn the truth unless we hear it from the current king himself. Plus, I do not want to be involved in family drama because I have better things to do." Adrian replied.

"Even inside the game, there are incidents such as that." Lycan muttered to himself, but the two siblings heard him. The two siblings did not pry into it as it is none of their business. They can only offer their advice if Lycan himself opens up to them.

A few hours later, a kingdom can already be seen a few miles away. Just like what Adrian said, a giant thick bean stalk could be seen piercing the clouds on the sky. The bean stalk could be seen located just behind the castle where the royalty is living.

"Are we just going to fly there and shoot through the clouds?" Solstice asked.

"Let me show you why that is impossible." Adrian replied as he already researched about the way to the kingdom of the giants.

Kanlaon hot towards the sky and is now above the clouds. The moment they did so, the group can see a thick group of clouds that is somehow forming a barrier. They tried charging in, but they got bounced back instead of piercing right through the clouds.

"If you already knew it was impossible, why would you even ram Kanlaon on it. The clouds might be soft but being repelled it not a great feeling." Solstice argued.

"I needed to verify it as well since this is also my first time here. I do not want to eliminate all our choices based on what people say on the forums." Adrian replied.

"So, the only way up would be to climb the beans stalk?" Lycan asked.

"That should be the case, but the beans stalk is basically guarded by a group of magicians and a knight division from the Kingdom of Suburiasi." Adrian replied.

"We can pass through the gate by pretending to be human, but the castle is another thing that we need to consider. In order to even reach the bean stalk, we would need to traverse the castle." Solstice stated.

"That is why we are here. We need to investigate the Kingdom of Suburiasi if there are hidden passages for royalty. We can use that to sneak inside the castle and reach the bean stalk." Adrian replied.

"That is just one obstacle. We would need to also fool the mage and knight unit protecting the bean stalk. We cannot fight NPCs of their level yet. We could manage if we fight one each, but two units is stretching us thin already." Lycan replied.

"That is why, we will need to spend some time mingling with the locals. We need inside information about the castle affairs. Operation: Mingle is under session." Adrianr announced but the two looked at him with judging eyes.

"You need better naming sense. Anyways, get us down." Solstice stated as Adrian found a place to land them down a few miles away from the kingdom walls.

The Kingdom of Suburiasi is just as what people expected from a kingdom that is near the sea and a forest. The people have abundant variety of food and they do not look like they are malnourished. Since the royal family is pro human, they made sure that their only inhabitants live a good life.

The three managed to get inside of the kingdom with ease but Adrian was a bit nervous during the inspection process. A mage is there in the inspection booth and would use Dispel on the people entering. They did this to prevent those with illusion magic or items from entering the city.

Solstice and Lycan passed through easily since they basically look human.. Adrian on the other hand got nervous but his Polymorph spell changed his constitution to a human as well so he passed without issue.