Omega Summoner - Chapter 1044: The North will Remember

Chapter 1044: The North will Remember

"If that is the case then only people of the Mokesi Tribe can read the runes. Please write what you see on this paper." Adrian stated as he gave them the paper. He gave three people paper to make sure that they are reading the same thing instead of different runes.

The Mokesi Tribe members wrote what they saw in the walls and all of them are identical. It seems that they were not lying when they said that they can see the runes. After confirming and reading the notes, Adrian started to slowly decipher the runes.

"Born from the great winter snow on the day where the moon was like ice itself. Grunsven was destined to lead the tribe as he paired with the great winter horse called the Hrmfax. Only people that have been chosen by the great winter moon goddess could ever ride the majestic beasts that freely travel the frozen tundra.

The three of us were once at odds yet he united the north with just his great might. He did not even go to war against the three of our tribes. In a battle of might, he bested our fathers and was given permission four our hand in marriage.

The three tribes became combined, and the north was the strongest it has ever been. Even the ones known as the Frost Giants showed him great respect. Alas, the peace that we have felt did not last as the foreign gods from other places has come to destroy everything.

He became a great warrior not only for his people but also for the world. He even took on the burden of the fallen gods by wielding a scythe made in their power and honor. With the great scythe, he gave hope towards the world but it seems that hope is not enough for those of ill will.

Our Great Rider and husband led his army to quell the foreign god army. Victory was given by him but was betrayed in the end by the searing light. The light was jealous of winter's might and trapped the cold with its blinding light.

Even our Great Rider could not handle the searing light by himself and fell into darkness. Now his great ability that could peer into the weakness of any being has also fallen into darkness. May he achieve rest as he has been fighting for so long. To our successors or those that get inside the ruins, we ask you to save our Great Rider."

Adrian read the long passage of the runes engraved in the wall. The moment he read all of the runes perfectly, the group suddenly felt a force push them out of the ruins. The next thing that they know is that they are outside the ruins and inside the Quaint Snowfields.

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[You have unlocked the hidden content related to the Rider of the North.]

[You have been given the special mission passed down by the Three War Mothers.]


Quest Name: Bring the Great Rider of the North to Peace

Description: The Three War Mothers have engraved their wills in a forgotten ruin in the north. They want those that read their wills to find the Rider of the North and defeat him. They want their beloved husband to gain eternal peace as they are waiting for him in the afterlife.

Difficulty: S

Clear Condition: Be in the raid party that defeats the Horseman of Death and survive until he gets killed.

Failure Condition: Do not have anything to do with the defeat of the Horseman of Death.

Reward: Title Savior of the Forgotten Rider of the North and Max Affinity with the Mokesi Tribe

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Failure: None

Note: The reward for this quest could be changed depending on the contribution on the raid against the Horseman of Death. This quest could be shared but the effects of the title will decrease every ten people that have the quest.

[You have found a part of the trace regarding the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.]

[You have found two of the four parts. Find the other two in order to complete the trace.]

The Great Frost Memory Crystal detached itself from the space and fell on the ground. It seems that its use is no longer needed for the moment, or it needs to be recharged once again. They do not know how to activate it again anyway, so they just brought the pale colored crystal back to the tribe.

Adrian shared the quest with Vayu and Soleil since they are currently with him right now. He did not know why they are getting individual quests for each horseman but that made him even more wary. If each horseman gives a specific quest, then that would mean they are more powerful than he has thought.

The time they have left before the deadline is only twenty more days. They took their time in finding the clues as they needed to see the individual ability of each horseman. The Horseman of Famine could change the rules of an area by changing the expected outcomes.

Now, they have learned that the Horseman of Death actually has the ability to see the weakness of anyone. It is a very dangerous ability for a Horseman attached with the description of death. It seems that the horseman is still in their early stage and will awaken if the four traces are not found.

"I just hope that the other players can find the remaining two within the timeframe." Adrian muttered as he returned back to the Mokesi Tribe.

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Upon returning to the tribe, Adrian explained what they found in the ruins to the three war mothers. The three war mothers looked confused, but it seems that they are now uniting for a common enemy. The ones that have betrayed their Great Rider will face their combined wrath.

"Thank you all for your hard work. Let us praise you more because you manage to send our warriors back. They are even more powerful now compared to before. As a reward, please take that Great Frost Memory Crystal. If you ever need our assistance, then do not be shy in asking for our aide. Also, can we ask for a favor?" War Mother Crya stated.

"Sure. What is the favor? As long as we can complete it then we will not shy away from the favor." Adrian replied as he knows that great rewards come from quests regarding high level NPCs.

"The favor might be quite absurd but when you face the Great Rider of the North or rather the Horseman of Death as you call him, we ask that you come for us. We want to be part of the battle against our ancestor. We want the wish of the first war mothers to be granted and lay their beloved husband to rest." The three current War Mothers stated.

Adrian did not smile brightly as he did not want to seem so happy upon their request. He knew that the favor is serious, and he needs to reciprocate the same feelings as well. He already knows that he cannot defeat the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with just their group which is why he needed allies.

A lot of the top guilds already agreed in working with him, but a lot more rejected his proposal. If the Mokesi Tribe will join in their raid, then it might become less burdensome. The Mokesi Tribe have vanguard, archers and spell casters which makes them perfect for raids.

The only worry that he has is that the Horseman that they want to defeat is the Horseman of Death. He basically feeds on the energy of the dead. He fears that the Mokesi Tribe might get wiped out if they were to come in battle. He needed to help them increase their chances of winning and he already knows how.

"If that is the case then that is fine, but I need to tell you the dangers of this battle as well. I have seen even the undead fail because the greed of the living. There are a lot of factors when it comes to fighting against the Horseman of Death." Adrian replied as he explained the current abilities that the Horseman of Death have or at least those that were observed.

"If that is your worry then we thank you for your kind heart. All three of us must repay the grace that our ancestors have given us, and we must also destroy those that have slighted them." The Three War Mothers stated simultaneously as if they are sharing one mind.

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Adrian can more or less guess that the three war mothers are actually in sync with each other's ideals. The only reason that they split the Mokesi Tribe into three is to ensure that a healthy competition is present in their society so that everyone will strive to get better. From the way all of them mingle with each other, one can clearly see that they do not have hatred in their hearts but mutual respect. That also extends to their tribe members.