Yao Tan could not believe the audacity of the d.a.m.n with of a birth mother of the triplets. She had been able to manipulate the boys. Ton however had started to see through her, but Junior was still open to her manipulation for her own enrichment.
"Junior will always be your birth mother, but to put it bluntly she does not love you for your siblings. For her, you, Ton and Alecia are simply a source of money and status. If she had her way when she fell pregnant with you, she would have had an abortion, and the only thing that stopped her was her age meant her parents had to consent to the abortion, which they refused to do. Throughout the pregnancy she complained you were ruining her life, and he only thing that saved you from being hurt in the womb was the money I gave her."
"When you were born she was determined that the three of you should be put up for adoption, but I used the money from your great-grandparents to pay her to surrender her parental rights to me along with a yearly amount to support her until you turn eighteen. I did that as the last thing I wanted for the three of you was for her to fall on hard times. You do not realise in addition to that how much money I have paid her. Every time she visited you, she caused trouble until I paid her to leave, I had to pay her at times when she threatened to show up to stay away and I had to pay her to allow Amanda do adopt you as you all wanted."
"Amanda has been the constant in your life not her. More importantly if you are realistic, you will realise the only time that you hear from her is when she wants something. I only allowed her into your lives because you need to know who she is. Do you know when she heard about Alecia's marriage and your Uncle Yi's gift, she contacted me and demanded twenty million dollars US plus an apartment in New York and here."
"She said that she needed to be around for her daughter and future grandchildren. I had to remind her that she had given up her parental rights when you were born, and I allowed her in your lives as she would always be your birth mother. Do you not realise that you only started this business about me buying an apartment for you after I refused her? I know from the phone logs that she called you, and I suspect that she has put you up for this."
"I am willing to offer you the same deal I offered Ton. If you can demonstrate to me you can make mature choices about your education, realistic career choices, and meet the birthday challenges, I will buy am apartment in the building that you can live in by yourself. I will hold it on trust until you can demonstrate you can manage it, your finances and make appropriate decisions regarding your birth mother. Once you do that the apartment will be transferred to you."
"But that is unfair dad."
"Junior it is not. Alecia has done that, despite me struggling with the fact that she blackmailed me into marrying at such a young age. In the next couple of weeks, she will join XF International to take a similar career path as me, in starting at the bottom, heading to university to study and working her way up through the company. Ton has told me that he will head to university to earn a degree he can use to support himself until his artistic career can support him."
"All you want to do Junior is pursue your sporting dream. Come to me with a plan for not only pursuing your sporting team but an alternative if that fails. Your grandparents and I are not here to fund you for ever, as you must stand on your own two feet. Plus, you know the family history, unless you can demonstrate the ability good choices and do that you will get no access to the family wealth."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
"Do not use tone with me Junior. I will do something more than what I have done for Alecia and Ton. Until you finish High School, if you keep up with your homework and strive for good results, you will work for three afternoons in my office. While my a.s.sistant will be your supervisor and direct your work, I will sit down with you after a month to start working with you on that plan and continue to work on it with you, provided you continue to do that. But you must be realistic it may fail, and you need to be willing to adapt and follow alternate paths. a.s.suming you do well, after your eighteenth birthday we will have this discussion again."
After a few seconds silence, Junior spoke "As long as we do the plan in the first week dad. A month is not fair to wait, and you cannot expect me to reach Alecia's marks."
"Junior all I have ever asked of you academically is to achieve your best, so why would it be different now. I will agree, but you fail to meet the deal, there is no more help from me, and you have the same deal as Ton."
There was a roar from outside and Hou Yi stuck his head back inside "Come on, we are here to watch football, so get out here. Junior, if you can meet your dad's deal, I will help you with a gift, but you dad is the judge as to whether you reach the deal."
Yao Tan and Junior headed out and sat down to watch the game. The staff came out to make sure that then had the food and drink they wanted throughout the game.