While everything was going on around her, Anna was closely observing Lu Jingho. It was obvious to her that he was not happy with the court decision as he did not have the control he wanted over the case. It was, clear however that Jane Gang was controlling his behaviour. That was good given to would minimize disruptions to the proceedings.
The reactions of the other members of Lu Jingho's legal team also were interesting. It told Anna that there was a divide between team members. That was something when she had the opportunity she would pa.s.s on to Alister.
When the case ended, Alister Anna, Hou Yi, Amanda and Yao Tan returned to the room they had previously used and discussed the case, Anna and Amanda, who Anna was surprised had observed similar thing to her, advised him of their observations.
Just as Amanda finished speaking the National Prosecutors representative entered and respectfully asked "Mr Nang, can we please speak. But can I suggest that it might be important for your clients to remain here for a bit of time."
Alister looked at everyone with a puzzled look, and as they left Amanda turned to Anna and quietly said "Does that mean he might be crumbling?"
"That would make sense. I think there are more mental health issues that even the report indicates. His lawyers know that, and do not want an independent a.s.sessment as that will undermine the case that they actually want to run."
Hou Yi however knew that he could not wait, so leant over and gave Anna a kiss before quietly saying "I need to head back to the office, as there are a number of things that I have to finish before I go away. Call me, or if I am unavailable telephone a.s.sistant w.a.n.g, but when you are done could you come to the office so that I can see you before I head off."
As he opened the door, Alister reentered the room, saying "I have some news, and I think you need to sit down CEO Hou.."
"Alister, I need to leave as I have things that I have to finalise before departing on a business trip tonight."
Yao Tan added "And I was not far behind leaving."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
"CEO Hou, CEO Yao, please do not worry, this is something that I thought I would not hear."
That caused between the four of them puzzled looks. Hou Yi decided he better sit, because Alister was not going to say a thing.
"As we were leaving the court, the National Prosecution Service handed to Mr Lu Jingho's representatives the Statement from Mr Lu Jinhu, and a summary of the deal that he made the other week. Within minutes of receiving that, they spoke to the National Prosecution Service and indicated that he is willing to make a deal to finalise the charges before the court."
That stunned Anna, Hou YI, Amanda and Yao Tan. After having no response Alister continued "They proposed for all matters a short term of imprisonment served by way of home detention. Based on my discussions with all of you, Miss Alecia and the others I represent I made it clear that we would accept nothing less than a fifteen-year term of imprisonment for the matters involving you and a minimum overall sentence of twenty-five years, orders of protection on his release for all of you, fines and a life-time ban as a company director. That twenty-five year minimum was the consensus of the other victims lawyers present."
Amanda, finally shook herself out of the shock of the proposal to finalise the matter. "So he wants to negotiate. You know. I think the authorities should throw away the key when they imprison him for what he has done to Alecia and all those other young girls. Anna, what do you think?"
Anna, while struggling to comprehend someone as evil as Lu Jingho was willing to deal, Lu Jinhu's statement and the evidence his father knows he has on him was enough to make him fold.
"Finally he is seeing sense. I thought all the evidence he had to date would have made him negotiate. But it took that evil ex of mine throwing his father, to use the phrase my family would use, under the bus for him to give in. Twenty-five years? I think it is a little light. With everything I would have said life, with a minimum of twenty-five years if he is of good behaviour in prison, and if released anytime after twenty-five years under constant monitoring for life, with limits on his movement. Who wants to let someone like him loose on an unsuspecting population?"
Hou Yi and Yao Tan simply nodded.
"OK, I have your general position on the prison sentence. Fines, will be in the tens of millions, but that I can come back to you on. All victims representatives agreed to advise our position on prison time by Monday, and the National Prosecutors will draft out the summary before allowing us to review this. They expect that will take at least two to three weeks. In the interim, we will be negotiating through them as to the actual penalty to be imposed. I can come back to you with questions. My gut feeling is that he will get at least twenty years, but I have to wait and see."
Yao Tan stood up and said "That is fine. I think I speak for all of us when I say please keep us up to date with the negotiations and advise us when we need to review and sign anything." Hou Yi, Anna and Amanda all nodded with that.
After shaking hands with Alister they left the court house, making their way through the media scrum, with Amanda making her way back to Hou Enterprises with Anna and Hou Yi for the balance of the day.