Lu Jinhu then thought about the surrent situation with Yang Lin. Despite the pressure his grandfather when he was alive and father placed on hi, he wanted to marry her less than he ever wanted to marry Anna. But he had to give it to his father.
Despite how careful he was with his true love not only did the old man find out about it, but he threatened to disclose it to Anna ruining the plan to get Australian Citizens.h.i.+p but that unless he cooperated with what he wanted he would destroy her as well as his birth mother's family. Threatening to have the authorities take away his true love's children and make her homeless, had the old man ensured that he would cooperate with what he wanted to do to Alecia Yao.
On the night talking to Alecia Yao he found a young vulnerable girl who despite having some backbone was a loner. She was pleasant to talk to and he really questioned what he had agreed to do so he tried convincing her to return inside as he had a suspicion of what the old man had planned for her.
His attempt to do the right thing and help her made her feel as if he was a puppet of her father, out to control her like he was. That view made her draw into the shadows away from the light on the balcony coming from the room. Those same shadows with the drugged drink the old man gave her earlier in the night, made her easy prey for him to drag her into the shadows.
He had told the old man at the outset that he would simply get her onto the balcony, but for some reason something compelled him to follow her. He then noticed the old man and the leech Rong Jingye had her by the arms and forced her into a dark area. When he got close he found a camera that the old man had set up to film them repeatedly a.s.saulting her.
He decided that, he was not going to stop what was happening but taking the camera and controlling the footage afterwards would ensure that he could protect himself in the future. At the end of their a.s.sault they tried to convince him hand it over, but with the noise they had to wait, and he used the time to switch out the memory card hiding the original and handing him a blank card, which for a long period of time the old man thought was corrupted, until he told him the truth.
Then came Yang Lin. Master manipulation. The old man the visit home when he told him the truth about the card, drugged him and got her and another woman into his bed. Yang Lin fell pregnant, but somehow the old man had set up a camera to take footage that only clearly showed him to hang over his head and control him. While the threesome was fun the threat was such that he needed to cooperate to a point but not handing over the card. Bugging Yang Lin's phone gave him evidence that the situation had been set up by the old man to control him.
He had already made a decision, when the child Yang Lin was carrying was about six months old he was going to divorce her. There was no way he wanted to remain married to her, and before they married she refused to read the pre-nuptial agreement that limited the money she got if they divorced plus ensured he would have primary care of any children. He knew if needed she would take more money to stay out of their lives as she was already showing her concern is simply money.
Once he extracted himself from the mess, and yes it was of his own making, he would make it up to the love of his life, if she would forgive him, and his mother's family.
Today, he had no idea what he was walking into at the police station so figured that he had to protect himself and had all the evidence he had. He would have to admit his own issues and accept the punishment that this brought, if the game with the old man suited him. It just depended on the old man.
The thing that made him fearful was yesterday, when the prison authorities allowed him and his step-mother to come and spend time with them and have a meal. The old man made it absolutely clear that he was to take as much responsibility for what is did on Monday, agreeing that he had pushed him to have a go at Anna when the circ.u.mstances allowed it.
The d.a.m.n idiot cannot help himself. He should have learnt by now that trying to cross swords with her and that husband of hers ends up in disaster. Yes the current situation with the Entertainment Division was partially his fault, but the old man had p*ssed Hou Yi off multiple times in the last eighteen months, so he is also to blame.
The old man even worked on Yang Lin. That was below the belt. He told her that she needed to get me to protect him, as without the money he was providing we would be without much. He had money and a.s.sets, given to him personally, but which he let the old man manage. Doing that was easier than arguments with him, but the arrangements were such he knew he could take back control at any time. He just let the old man pretend he was in control despite part of that being necessary for a divorce settlement with her. Plus he had a.s.sets in Australia, not only from that settlement with Anna, but that not even the old man knew about, let alone Anna. Only a few million, but still something.