After Alfred left the room Hou Yi turned back to Stan Williams, and restarted what he had been trying to say before he had been interrupted. "Mr Williams, as you know our business is increasing, and given that it is often difficult for me to come to Australia to deal with legal matters with you. I have a proposal that I want to talk to you about, involving my wife."
"What is it Mr Hou?"
"We thought, that Anna could work on permanent part-time secondment within Hou Enterprises headquarters, to deal with the Australian legal matters. We often have foreign lawyers on temporary secondments for specific projects. The only difference that I am proposing is that as Anna, because she is my wife, would be permanent, until she decides to stop practicing or we have children or there is other reasons that she is unavailable. You could also, use her to do drafting and other work that does not require face-to-face client interactions that can be done remotely."
Hou Yi looked directly at Anna, and briefly smiled, and she smiled back.
"What I would propose is that Hou Enterprises would reimburse you all relevant costs for her to remain a lawyer within your firm here in Australia, plus the required fees for her to work on a permanent at home. We would pay her part-time wage, and you commercial rates for all the work she does. The only thing that we would ask, is that the amount of her wage equal to the work she does not related to Hou Enterprises is simply credited as a pre-payment by us for work done."
"It is important for me, as I know my wife has spent time developing her career, and to the extent I can I want to give her the opportunity to continue her work. Further, as you know in Country X, business is usually on a collaborative process. My wife would give you a foothold to provide legal services to other businesses looking to expand into Australia. You can offer them an immediate contact, and it will be something to differentiate you from everyone else competing for their work."
Stan Williams, paused for a few seconds "Actually, what happened last week made me realise that there were real risks to you within quick access to a lawyer given the current stages of your various projects here in Australia. I had planned to suggest a rotating secondment, not a permanent secondment of Anna's given levels of commercial law knowledge is not as much as those within the firm who practice specifically in the area. Something could be worked out though."
"Mr Williams, I realise this. Hou Enterprises is a family owned company, with no outside shareholders. I therefore have the incentive not to mess up, not only for my husband but for any children we have in the future. You know I learn new things reasonably quickly and can put thing into practice. Yi is right, I do not want my marriage to end my career, but my husband's suggestion has benefits for all of us."
"I can deal with the matters that can be addressed remotely. If I do not know something emails, teleconferencing and legal research will give me answers. Further as you know almost everyone says in this office, I am the best at drafting affidavits and court doc.u.ments. This is work I can do remotely between work for Hou Enterprises or other client i the future. All I would need the file notes, or alternatively we can ask clients to record the interviews, and I can go from listening to that to the interview. If I am drafting affidavits, that leaves whoever I am doing that for free to do other work. All they have to do is review, and ensure technicalities are all met."
"CEO Hou, Ms Jones. Sorry I could call you Mrs Hou. The proposal interests me, but as you know Anna, I have to get the agreement from the other partners for that. If we agree, then the whole situation will have to be doc.u.mented in a contract. How long are you here for"
"It depends on dealing with this situation to get the orders overturned. The court may be persuaded to list an urgent hearing, as I believe Lu Jinhu is likely to try and move a.s.sets overseas as quickly as possible, making it more difficult his actions to be stopped. Plus I need to arrange for my personal items to be packed and taken back."
"We are also starign looking for properties, one here in Melbourne and the other around my family in the Warrnambool area. once we find them, we will have you do the conveyancing for them. Are you OK, if I look at the various sale we are doing the legal work for to see if there is something that suits our needs." Anna paused, then recommenced "The other thing, and how I tell everyone will depend on the answer as to the permanent secondment, and I want to make sure that is done."
"Let me go and speak to the other senior partners, and I will let you know what their decision is. Now I understand you have doc.u.ments you need to go through for those proceedings. I will leave you to do that."
Just after Stan Williams left, Anna realised that she left the boxes back at the hotel that had the gifts from the market for everyone "Yi, can we send one of the bodyguards back to the office to collect the boxes of gifts that I picked up at the market for everyone."