Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 949 Volcanic Cavern - Final

Chapter 949 Volcanic Cavern - Final

Chapter 949 Volcanic Cavern - Final

There was a bright green barrier at the top of each of the stone pillars.

"HAHAHHA, we are still alive!" Zi Dan triumphantly shouted after confirming that he wasn't dreaming. There weren't even any burn marks on him, in fact, he actually felt so rejuvenated as if he was a whole decade younger.

Everyone else also felt the surge in power, and they all realised that only one person could be responsible for this their beloved Panda Mercendary Heala.

The tsunami lava wave was Nian's way to try and turn the fight around if she ever found herself in a bad situation (or if her HP dropped to 10%). As long as they hired a NPC healer, the party had a good chance to survive this devastating effect.

However, it was not an automatic guarantee. Should their NPC healer get battered by the constant need to heal throughout the boss fight, or in the case, they had failed to protect her it could mean an instant party wipe. One also needed to account that this large barrier would leave Heala exhausted, so she might not have enough mana or emergency heals for the last part of the fight.

Of course the above only applied in a 'normal' dungeon run. Bu Dong's party had done anything but comply to the 'script' Jin had planned ever since the Volcanic Caverns, so everyone had been able to scrape through the fight without incurring too much damage. Not to mention, Heala had been able to conserve enough mana to concentrate for a large area of effect heal with a defensive barrier.

Then what about the parties who had gone in without Heala? Jin didn't want to force his recommendations on anyone, so instead, he had created a special side quest. It would only pop up for those groups who lacked any sort of healer, and after the Pandarens completed it would be able to utilise a one time use inscription just for this dungeon. (Something similar to the dark talisman that the Pandawans had used in the Great Wall of China Dungeon Instance.)

In those cases that the groups had one dedicated healer which was not the Panda Mercenary, the healers' visor would show them that there was already a formation on the bottom of the hunting grounds which would help them defend against the