Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 677 Financing Sub System Tryou

Chapter 677 Financing Sub System Tryou

"Excuse me, WHAT?!" Rei was totally confused by Claire's sudden declaration.

"I have run various mathematical models using the Financing Sub System, and that is the most promising solution I could come up with. Now I also understand why the System gave me only two hours. Looks like it knows what to do, just that, it needed someone like me to verify its methods." Claire stated as she moved the chair back a little and presented the predictive analysis to Rei and Jin.

While Rei had no idea what was going on, Jin had grasped a basic understanding of the whole model in front of him. (After all, studying software engineering in university would be impossible without knowledge on statistical models.)

"How could the mathematical model be an upward trend? I thought the System projected significant losses when it took into account the movie and the expenses along with it? Wait a minute, where did all these stocks come from? I don't remember seeing them in any expenditure report when I last looked at it." Jin exclaimed as he strained his eyes a little further down the report, and Claire laughed.

"The Financing Sub System is totally a cheat. It managed to salvage anything with regards to Studio Mashi in mere seconds. So I collated public expenditure reports from the Japanese authorities and private transactions done by the previous bigwigs in the studio." Claire praised the tool for being the next essential thing needed for financial espionage.

If it ever landed in the wrong hands, whoever held it could become stupidly rich or even destroy the world. She now understood the power and responsibility of possessing the Financing Sub System and why the System would go to drastic lengths to include a brainwash clause to remove the memory of using the Sub System.

The definition of rags to riches was extremely evident in this case, and Claire assumed that Jin must have had this Sub System to maintain the expanses he incurred building the Tree Mall and such.

"Huh, no. Today is the first time I ever heard about such a thing like the Financing Sub System existing." Jin replied honestly to Claire and told her that all of those were through hard work and determination (Naturally, with quite a bit of the higher powers), causing her to widen her eyes.

"Then, how did you afford the Tree Mall? Or those high quality weapons, armour and even food?" She thought that she was being lied to, but there was no air of disbelief around him. There was also no reason for him to bluff Claire at this point in time.

"If we manage to get past this ordeal, I promise to show you more."

"Fine. Anyway, coming back to the topic at hand. I'm now sure that the past CEO of the studio must have realised that his firm was bound to head towards this particular bankruptcy situation. So he started buying out stocks on the market using the studio's name. Maybe to insulate the firm and allow it to weather any economic crisis since stock markets behaved something similar to our seasons. There will always be a hot period and cold period, it just a matter of when." Claire began explaining.

"I think he had made the buying of stocks conspicuous enough to show itself if one had decided to dig for it. But at the same time, it was hiding the intention in plain sight so no one would misuse the stocks that were bought under Studio Mashi's name."

"So, I assume you want me to become the President or CEO of Studio Mashi in order to have access and authorisation to such funds?" Rei questioned, and she nodded her head. It was the few ways to ensure that the studio had cash.

"Considering that Rei was their one and only big time investor in recent times and you have been working closely with them for all this time, I see no qualms about you trying to get the position."

"Feel free to mention that you are personal friends with a secret investor who will temporarily lift them out of the 'poverty' stage. It is far better to use you as the intermediary than having Jin as an outsider try to control it. The laws can get a bit iffy when it crosses national borders." Claire explained.

"But I have no money left, and I don't think Jin has the financial capability to buy over the studio." Rei reiterated.

"Yeah, and judging on how much they need for their project and expenses ... at most I can only finance the first month or so without breaking into my reserves. Still, I would-"

"What are you talking about? Your financial profile is in an absolute mess. Terrible. Chaotic or if you allow me to be