Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 550 Dinner Time

Chapter 550 Dinner Time

Jin returned to his home, and the first thing he saw was Lynn already preparing the meal for the table. "Ah, Jin?" Lynn did not seem too surprised to see Jin finally back at home. For the past few days, all he had taken were snacks and coffee, so she figured that he probably craved some delicious food as part of the celebration for opening the Tree Mall.

Even Jin was kind of startled by the amount of food that was placed on the table. It sorta felt like some welcoming back feast. (Well thinking about it he did kind of lock himself up in the dungeon maker for ages.)

Qiu Yue was at the side of the table nearly drooling at the sight of Lynn's creations, along with Milk and Peppers waiting patiently for Lynn to finish cooking up the last few final dishes. Jin kind of figured the occasion and sat at the far end of the table. (None of them dared to try and 'help out'. Lynn had made it painfully clear that only her and her Peggies were allowed to do so.)

Yet, it didn't take long for the Penguin Chef to have all the dishes placed on the table. Some of which looked so good in the presentation that both Qiu Yue and Jin believed themselves to be in some five star restaurant.

Before partaking the food, whenever Milk was present, she would ask Jin for permission to say Grace for the lord. Even though Jin was never much of a believer in religion, (especially after learning about gods, demons and other fantasies he was exposed to) he permitted Milk to lead the whole group for a small little prayer of thanks.

"Thank you Lord, for the food and bless this small family of ours to survive the trials set by Lord thyself. May we get stronger through the hurdles of life and always support each other in times of need. And as I pray, Father, keep me in your presence. Amen," As Milk finished speaking they could feel a light enveloped the food, and the first to open their eyes was Peppers.

"Let's DIG IN!!!" Peppers shouted enthusiastically. She immediately grabbed the grilled chicken drumstick at the centre of the table. The rest shook their heads at the childish behaviour of little Peppers and began to pick the savoury food on the table in a more civilised manner.

Jin enjoyed the two new dishes that were on the table and Lynn told him that those came were part of the latest spoils from the Giant World. Specifically, the Horned Chicken and the Four Clawed Scorpion they killed. "My Sub System had given me recipes on how to create Horned Grilled Chicken which used the horn as a spice condiment... Though I had to grind the horn to obtain it."

"Ohh so that's where the slightly spicy but at the same time peppery kind of taste comes from?" Jin asked, and Lynn nodded her head.

"As for the Four Clawed Sauted Meat, it comes primarily from the claws themselves rather than the body. Hence I left the part of the large claws as part of the presentation decoration for the dish." Lynn described as she introduced the dishes.

"I loved it a lot! It tasted a little beefy, and its juicy parts are very satisfying, it's guaranteed to be a hit." Qiu Yue commented, and suddenly a teleport appeared right in front of them. Kraft sauntered through the portal and greeted Jin with a dish as well.

"Whew~! Just in time for dinner! Lucky me. I have something for all of you, take it as apologies for