Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 433 Yang Ling's Preparation

Chapter 433 Yang Ling's Preparation

*Beep Beep Beeep!!!*

"Winner, Yang Ling!" The Orc Referee announced the conclusion of the match between her and a random cultivator. Her first win might have been a fluke to others spectating her, but it no longer seemed to be the case when she also won the following one in under 30 seconds.

"You might actually be a natural at this." Jin laughed bitterly at Yang Ling, who was pleased with the results. Unlike the vast majority of his current customers, Yang Ling had magical grades at advanced levels (which she was trying to keep a secret from Jin, but it was impossible under the all seeing System) as well as the previous cultivation that her father had taught her.

With Jin's modified gearbox equipped, she was able to stabilise herself in a modified cultivation stance for the past month since Yang Ling last saw him. Thus, it allowed her to start cultivating her Royal Zodiac Tiger Style once again. It might not look much to other people, but to her, it meant everything as it allowed her to start to regain her former life once more.

Not just her, even the Tiger Clan doctors regarded this miraculous recovery progress as a fantastic sign. Though she only recovered to the level of Grade Two of her Royal Zodiac Tiger Style, there were signs that her chi circuits along with her active mana circuits were used in conjunction to bypass the damaged nerves in the cauda equina region.

The doctors also said that she was the few uncommon cultivators able to utilise both mana and chi circuits due to her special circumstances. (since most cultivators could only use either one circuit.) They advise her that if done right, she might potentially be the powerhouse that the Royal Zodiac Tiger family had been looking for.

Yang Ling took the information with a pinch of salt, especially when the very same doctors were previously filled with disdain after they knew that she was incapable of cultivation many years back. "That injury was a blessing in disguise, my ass..." She said to herself as she smiled back at them for providing such an optimistic diagnosis.

However, the information from the doctors also meant that slowly, but surely, she was able to walk small steps without the aid of Jin's modified gearbox. Y