Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 418 Extra: Zither Mistress String Obstacle Course

Chapter 418 Extra: Zither Mistress String Obstacle Course

"Arrgh! I only got 1 Silver Panda Medal from it." Yue Han grumbled after redeeming his prize from the Sakura Treant Climbing Challenge. Even though he had climbed the highest among the group with his Blinding Bat Cultivation, he got one of the lousier prizes compared to the rest.

"Aww, don't complain, you had the easiest time reaching the item as opposed to the rest of us. Shall we do the Zither Mistress String Obstacle Course or Niu Lang's Supa Robot Wars next?" Bu Dong asked as he took a marker out and crossed out the Sakura Treant Climbing Challenge from the WunderPanda Theme Park Map.

"Last I checked on the Pandamonium App, Supa Robot Wars has a queue with a waiting time of 1Hrs 30Minsthat is unless you decide to go the fast track route of paying 1 Silver Panda Medal or at the very least 25Yuan (~4USD) to bypass the crowd." Jing Ru said as she checked the app.

The Pandamonium App had a section for the WunderPanda Instance where it dedicated real time tracking of the queue and estimated waiting time for all of the users. This was to allow users to have a better gauge of the time spent in this theme park as well as determine if they should try something else while waiting.

"Let's just do the Zither Mistress String Obstacle course first since our objective is to play at least all the games and rides." Yue Wen commented and everyone, as usual, began sprinting towards the Zither Mistress game station. It was not too far away and when they reached, they noticed that the game station had a fast moving queue.

While waiting, the Wunder Pandits manning the station, gave an overall view of how the game worked since the obstacle course was not evident until they entered the building with a large statue of Ke Mi playing her beloved Zither and the Great White Snake right beside her.

"This is somewhat similar to those Ninja Warrior obstacle course with a slight twist. You are to complete the course in the shortest time possible while avoiding the Zither Mistress' string attacks. There will be blunt arrowheads attached to the strings so you can either avoid the strings entirely or destroy the string by deflecting the blunt arrowhead away from your path." The attending Wunder Pandit said to the group.

"Should you touch the string, it will stick on you momentarily before fading away causing you to suffer an additional 5 seconds penalty to your timing each time. If you try to cut it once the blunt arrowhead hits the ground, it will also incur an additional 2 seconds to your timing." The Wunder Pandit added as he brought them to oversee the obstacle course through a wide glass panel from the first floor. The obstacle course in the basement spanned around 400 metres. The Pandawan group could see multiple people attempting it to the best of their abilities with Ke Mi at the centre of the entire course on a tower watch post, acting like an overseer for the entire obstacle course.

Her music was as enchanting as ever as it lifted the spirits of the cultivators attempting the obstacle course. However, the fast tempo also meant that the appearance of the stringed arrowheads was numerous until she changed to a slower song.

"This is clearly the same as a bard in those video and board games." Deng Long could feel his whole body relax as his mind swayed a little with the music of the zither but it was a different story for the cultivators in the obstacle course. Their movements sudden