Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 414 WunderPanda Theme Park Instance

Chapter 414 WunderPanda Theme Park Instance


Jin had this inspiration ever since he used the broken theme park for the zombies' home instance. Every single monster loved the theme park (including Derpy before he was no longer allowed) despite its terrible working conditions.

Therefore, Jin decided to reward his monsters for their hard work (especially with the whole war) with a tremendous Service Instance to provide them with another place to rest, relax and enjoy. But as he was designing it, he suddenly thought why make it exclusive to his monsters?

Why not open it to the public as well?

This way, Jin could recuperate some losses from building this instance as well as ensure future profits if it turned out to be viable. His customers might even like meeting the monsters they fought in person and perhaps take pictures with them too.

Giving the monsters some fame and joy would definitely be an excellent way to foster a relationship between them and the cultivators. However, Jin felt that a need to cramp in a little more than usual for this particular service instance mainly because he was aware that only a fraction of his customer base used his other services instances on a regular basis. His primary source of income undoubtedly originated from his Dungeon Instances.

Jin had considered decreasing the prices of the service instances to induce more people to try it out and hopefully keep using them, but the System begged to differ otherwise. The price was meant to keep the service instance exclusive (except for Panda Muscles Instance) as the System did use top notch materials to create the particular instances (even though they were considered 'scraps/trash' where it purchased them).

Jin thought that it was unusual for the System to disagree to something that could bring in more customers. He was even more surprised to learn that it did not mind the losses as it was thinking more of the long term where other wealthy cultivators, especially the higher grades, were to join Jin's store.

"You sure we can even attract such people to our stores?" Jin once looked at the statistics of the customers who entered his store. They were mainly Grade 1's and Grade 2's. Only with time and persistent training from the cultivators who loved the place did their grades went up. That was evident with the Pandawans.

"About fifty percent or more high grade cultivators are wealthy enough to pay for such a price. In fact, every other world runs on the same principle. Wealth brings power. Power brings prestige. Prestige brings wealth. " The System stated blatantly.

"Right now, User has nothing in his name, but the System has the power to assist User to increase his prestige, thus bringing User more money. Other users will eventually notice your store. System recommends preparing some VIP features to make it even more expensive, as those people like to feel a cut above the rest." The System stated unwilling to compromise on the prices unless Jin could convince it.

For example, that 10% discount on the Emerald Mountain Hot Spring service instance was a decent move by Jin, though it had already touched on the System's limit of what it would allow.

So in order not to compromise on quality and price, Jin decided to use another kind of business model and hence that became the perfect time to implement the theme park idea. They were going to sell them relatively cheap entry tickets and then burn the customer's pocket linings with the rides and merchandise which were available in the theme park. Aside from that, it was not all the theme park could offer.

WunderPanda was not going to be just an ordinary theme park but a theme park cum Cultivation Zoo.

Jin initially wanted to mix the live zoo animals and the theme park together but quickly realised that it would be better to give the zoo animals the feeling of a natural habitat which would make them happier. Happier and freer animals would enable them to portray their individual skills. Thus, while the instance right now was mainly about WunderPanda, Jin had placed the zoo right opposite of the theme park, so the cultivators have to make a choice which to visit in the future.

The idea of implementing a Cultivation Zoo Instance as a standalone service instance had been in his to do list, but because of the System's constant reminders to visit Grandma Yuan, he got partially influenced by the System.

Thus, Jin decided to include the zoo portion as part of the theme park instance even though he had yet to contact Grandma Yuan's assistant. He was planning to visit Grandma Yuan anyway and learn more about the Demon Exorcist matter. Therefore, he might as well discuss both issues at the same time. (True enough, the System now placed visiting Grandma Yuan as a priority task.)

On a separate note, Jin had already prepared a number of selected natural habitats for the animals to live in, especially a bamboo forest mountain habitat for the pandas. (His assuming he would be getting one!) Jin could never forget the pandas he met in the zoo, especially Xin after forging that spiritual union. Though for now, a signpost and construction barriers was placed opposite the theme park entrance that stated the following: 'Currently under construction. Opening soon in 1st quarter of the New Year!'

"This place is fantastic." Si Fang praised as he walked alongside the store owners to check out the WunderPanda theme park. The pathways were filled with both cultivators and even some of the monsters which he had seen advertised outside Jin's store.

As expected by Jin, most of the cultivators initially thought that they were some NPC mascots which were masquerading as the monsters which they fought with like the werejackals. However when the monsters started commenting on the cultivators when they were taking pictures together, the cultivators realised that they were like the monsters they had fought.

Some of the monsters even remembered the cultivators that gave them a hard time and to the customers, they could not believe they are interacting with such a highly advanced AI for an NPC. (They would never guess that the monsters were real, but the more perceptive ones thought otherwise.)

Through further observations, the store owners realised that each ride had a theme corresponding to a type of monster previously encountered in the Dungeon Instances. Even the previous themed dungeons, the Halloween Instance and the Qixi Festival had their own attractions.

The Panda Mascots at the front of the theme park handed out a WunderPanda map brochure which showed all the currently available rides and every one of them was contemplating which one to try first. "There's the Gob