Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 411 Luxury Recovery Instance

Chapter 411 Luxury Recovery Instance

"...So this is it, huh?" Jin looked at his watch and saw that the clock struck midnight. It was officially December. Throughout the past week, Jin alongside many other Another Jins had tirelessly worked to create not only the Christmas Instance as well as the revamped Recovery Instance with the help of Pei.

The fox doctor lady had corrected a lot of glaring mistakes that Jin had made and pushed him to do better until the result turned out to be something similar to a Luxury Hospital Hotel. Yeap! No more of those crude common area bedding which did not provide any privacy for the cultivators to rest properly nor the uneasiness to be bunked alongside strangers.

For the new Recovery Instance, everyone would be placed together according to the party they had created in the waiting lobby area unless of course, they had opted for the random party member option.

Trust and privacy issues were important to Jin, and it was even more essential, for his female cultivators who wouldn't like being placed together with some random male cultivators.

Jin wished to avoid an incident where the males would start to harass, or (Panda) God forbid, take advantage of the females when it should be a place of resting. Even though such an incident hasn't occured, Jin needed the trust of his customers.

With him expanding his business in the near future all thanks to CEO Ke Loong, the possibility of going global was high. It also meant that there would definitely be people with ill intentions guaranteed to appear to harm Jin or his customers. It was best to set things proper even before such situations could happen.

Sure, the System always had its eyes pried open for such offenders, but why take the risk? Thus, it would be for the most ideal to make the individual randoms be bunked into single room beds and let them chat with their last party through the Pandamonium App if they wished to communicate again.

The rooms in the recovery instance were all furnished to have a grandeur look. Since space was not an issue for Jin, he designed them in such a way that it looked like a hotel suite room with hospital facilities and had Panda Nurses on call 24/7.

Besides, the customers had paid premium ticket prices to play his dungeons. Jin could at least make the finishing experience even more memorable so that they would yearn to come to his shop again.

What's more, he even reintroduced the snack vending machines which a number of cultivators had been bugging him about ever since he had repurposed the existing second and third floor of the shophouse into a library.

However, the most impressive thing he had done was to connect the Emerald Mountain Hot Spring Instance to every ward. Should one choose to relax in it afterwards, the price was discounted by 10% as a show of appreciation for using Jin's dungeons.

"When you told me that you wanted to make it into a luxury experience, I didn't expect you would go all out choosing different themes for different levels," Pei said as she shook her head looking at the revamped Recovery Instance while wearing a Victorian Dress.

"Well I don't deserve all the credit, I got my inspiration from you. Hahaha." Jin grinned when he pointed at the dress Pei was currently wearing.

"Whatever," Pei smirked away from Jin's sight as she toured one of the levels of the Luxury Recovery Instance where the interior decor was based on Greek and Roman architecture. The classical luxury theme of the place eluded grandness with a twist of modern interior design.

The scheme colour of the decor was mostly white as it featured elements like tall pillars and marble tiles. He did not forget to include a bit of his own touches through Roman Statues but in Panda Forms. (As well as a parody painting on the ceiling of the main hallway featuring one of Michelangelo's paintings, the Creation of Adam with a man touching a Panda God's finger.)

"Oh this is good. Awfully brilliant! But I feel like it lacks something... Do you mind adding a fox at the corner? You know, the one to sin them all." Kraft chuckled as he came out from nowhere to admire the painting. Jin rolled his eyes at his bellator's request. Even Pei found the idea revolting.

"Since you are here, mind telling me how the social media thing is going? I had no time to check though I saw an email notification asking me to subscribe to a newsletter." Jin asked Kraft since he had noticed 'Bubbling Social Media Director' in addition to Bodyguard, Most Awesome Original Bellator, Ultimate Fox Lover, Cyber Hacker, Counter Intelligence Agent on the list of titles on Kraft's attribute page when Jin last saw his update.

"Kiyu is having fun creating those publicity images and advertisements. For now, she is going to stick to a few pictures and a general video introducing your shop. Don't worry. We have contacted some more popular users to further spread the word. The best part after having watched the video, not a single one asked for payment in return so that it won't cost you a penny! Or erm Yuan or Dungeon Dollars- Gah! Whatever suits your boat." Kraft answered as he took out a phone gifted by the System to allow him to keep track of these social media activities.

He showed Jin the video Kiyu created, which started very ordinarily, showing a glimpse of the various Instances and a few footages of cultivators fighting. However, as soon as she appeared in the video to showcase the Shop Instance, Jin felt a little absorbed watching it. If not for Pei right beside him, he would probably be bewitched yet again.

"Oooh looks like Kiyu's power may have grown again or are you just slacking off, Pei?" Kraft teased seeing how Jin tried to fight back, but Pei gave an annoyed look in return.

"I suppose...there should be some feedback already?" Jin asked, and Kraft showed the statistics of the video uploaded by those popular users as well as their own channel.

At first, Kiyu's MeiBo channel was sluggish, but the day Kraft gave out the video to be shared around,