Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 404 Orc Builders

Chapter 404 Orc Builders

"Erm, Hi. I am going to make this a little informal, so you may stand at ease. If you want to, please feel free to have a seat. All you got to do is listen to what I have to say for the next five minutes or so." Jin started off by telling them to relax though none of them did as the Orcs remained in full attention. It made him slightly nervous when he looked down at the large number of orcs having their eyes focused on his every little move.

"Okay, I will be straightforward with you guys. I have gathered all of you here to inform you about our future plans. We are building a city from scratch and I need you orcs as the pioneer builders for this particular city." Jin said and instead of the expected questions or anxiety on their faces, the orcs were somehow elated...? Jin couldn't understand why but he decided to go with the mood here.

"Also, we are going to make you guys work full force 24 hours, of course in rotation." Jin continued and the Orcs got even more hyped up. Some were cheering like crazy and Jin felt like he needed an explanation from anyone on their behaviour. Was it the Loyalty Enforcement Orders at work? Or was he missing something crucial?

Fortunately, Ayse was around as well when Jin did tell Nubwort to bring every orc to the town hall. She had voluntarily allowed the System to search through her memories and asked the System to transmit it to JIn since the Hall was too noisy for him to notice her. (Even though the System already had access to being with.)

Answering Jin's confusion, the System stated that construction was in the blood of the Orcs and it was even a delegated honour for them, like a rite of passage when they were a teenager.

True, they loved to kill, destroy and conquer... because they wanted to build more stuff. That's one of the reasons why they were so obsessed with the Lost Technology artefacts because it gave them the opportunity to create something so extraordinary, making their ancestors proud.

"I always thought that it was the dwarves who loved building, not the orcs." Jin thought and the System replied that the fantasy tropes their world used, were after all fantasy and not facts.

However, it did add that his orcs possessed a few genes and possible traits that hinted at them having the dwarves bloodline. The System elaborated, that to put it simply, goblins, orcs and elves were all distant descendants of the dwarves in that particular world which Jin had visited.

Jin found it an oddly weird coincidence but decided to accept it. He couldn't help but wonder if some of those fantasy authors hadn't been World Travelers, for the lore of these worlds to be so identically close. Or perhaps there was some hidden proof for the existence of these sub races in Jin's world historical timeline of monsters and magic.

"In any case, more details will be given in the next 48 hours or so. You will all be working closely with some of my other monsters and even goblins. Please try to get along." That last line suddenly made everyone stop in their tracks for a moment. Goblins? Orcs working with Goblins? They all stared at Jin, not sure if they heard correctly, to which he nodded his head.

"Yeah, goblins. The Goblin Kingdom is sending me a battalion of troops to help with the city building as well as a group of craftsman. I expect you guys to get along well. In case you don't, you will be ordered to comply, even if you hate the goblins to the core." Jin warned the Orcs.

However, I'd prefer not forcing you that way. I don't pretend to understand why you have a feud with them, and frankly I don't really care. If you are working under me, you better jolly well try to work together, eat together and sleep together. They are now to be treated the same as your comrade in arms, and I expect no less from those goblins. Should any of you disobey the orders repeatedly by causing the System to enact the Loyalty Enforcement Orders on you, I will make sure that the guilty be placed in solitary confinement with meagre food and be re-educated by Kraft himself." Jin was giving no quarters for the Orcs to make up any excuses. His word was ironclad, and the Orcs knew that from day one.

"You also know how Kraft loves to have more candidates for his experiments. So I repeat, do not force my hand to do such a thing. Other than that, you all will be provided with a supply of delicious hot piping food courtesy of Lynn, our Head Chef. Yes, you are hearing right, three meals a day, every day. You will be able to eat what she and her penguin chefs cook. (with meat being back on the menu)." The Orcs suddenly cheered up again upon hearing that they do not have to eat the standard food that the System provided on a daily basis.

"Apart from that, you guys will also be compensated with System points, on top of the ones you gain from fighting. I'd advise you to save some up for future purposes such as buying a house in the new city or having access to better facilities or equipment in your future Home Instance." Jin revealed to entice the Orcs even though he technically did not need to do any of this.

Jin wanted to treat them as humanely as possible while meeting the mission's deadline set by the System. That was the only few ways he could think of balancing the carrot and the stick (Since death was not an issue to them.)

"Master, if our future home instance can fit us all, why would we need to buy a house of our own in the new city? Can't we just live in the Home Instance?" An Ice Orc Officer brought up a valid point.

"Yes, you can, but do note that the home instance for you orcs will be shared among all of you. Space wise it might be limited so you might want to save up the points to buy a house of your own. Or feel free to collectively put it in a pool and upgrade the home instance. Else, you can also use those points to purchase some items made in the Dungeon City Fortress in the future." Jin answered and everyone got all excited again.

"Oh Yes, speaking about craftsman, are any of you good at certain professions?" Jin suddenly thought about it and decided to ask the crowd. If there were thousands of orc soldiers, chances are there might be a couple few who could have worked in a skilled profession before becoming a soldier.

Ayse had previously informed Jin that the Orcs had to draft people from towns and villages to boost their military manpower. To his utter shock, nearly everyone in the crowd raised their hand up and they all had some sort of profession.

Questioning Nubwort, he learned that all the Orcs required to be battle ready and thus, military training was a module for them in schools since young (A fact not in Ayse memories, as she had been taught personally under the Former Head Researcher). That was why all of them had a working profession since being a soldier was second nature to all of them.

"System, please consolidate the skilled professions and send the list to Qiu Yue, I'm sure she might find it useful," Jin asked as he dismissed all Orcs except for Nubwort, who had a few questions of his own.

"Is it really necessary to work with the Goblins?" The Black Disaster asked. He could not help but treat them as his lesser, even though he was beaten by Piercestriker.

It also did not help a bit, that most of his compatriots thought the same. The Orc schools had heavily emphasised that in the majority of their glorious history, Goblins used to be their slaves. A fact only strengthened by the perception that most goblins Orcs came in contact with, were the slaves of other orcs. In his opinion, it would just reduce the efficiency of the work the Orcs could do if the Goblins interfered with them.

"How about giving them a