Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 336 Northern War Theatre - Part One

Chapter 336 Northern War Theatre - Part One

Chapter 336 Northern War Theatre - Part One

"Guard, do you mind giving us a bit more time? Please do not open the door if you hear any sudden weird sounds!" Jin asked the Guard and he slowly nodded his head in acknowledgement. Qiu Yue gave Jin an odd look and suddenly instinctively covered her body with her hands.

"JinI know you just cheered me up and I have yet to answer you back properly... Are you misunderstanding my silence as an acknowledgement? Also don't you think you are taking this a bit too fast?" Qiu Yue asked to clarify and Jin gave back a blank stare before he started to laugh.

"What? You think I wanted to have s.e.x with you right here and now?" Jin's laughter filled the room after he realised the guest room did have a bed it the corner. Nevertheless that sentence unconsciously made him stare at her body and his nether regions immediately growled for attention. "Ahhh so Master has his needs too." Pei chuckled in his mind and he started to feel very embarrassed at his body's betrayal, before he sighed.

"Uhooo. Am I no longer attractive enough for Jin? Are there other women in your life that you might consider prettier than me?" Qiu Yue who got the message from his body language, began to tease him even though she still continued to cover her chest area. Jin enjoyed her being back to the way she usually behaved but he was also aware that this was not the time to fool around.

"You Sigh, never mind. Just a fair warning but getting a System might not be as easy as you think it is. I fear that you will cry in pain that is why I send him away. So please let me hear your decision. Would you still like to join meand be part of the System officially?" Jin asked.

Qiu Yue pondered for a minute before asking a few questions of her own. "What kind of System's features will be available to me? I assume that I would not have exactly the same powers like you since that should be a conflict of interest for the System?"

Surprisingly the one to answer her wasn't Jin, but the System using Jin's phone speaker.

"Affirmative, Candidate Qiu Yue. Your powers are not going to be as versatile as the User's. So it would not be wrong to call them lesser. As a tradeoff your powers are more specialised and in that regard you will have access to more advanced features." The System replied.

"Your powers have been dubbed 'Empire Building'. Something similar to the 4X kind of games you have been playing. You'll have control of the economy of the new city that we are intending to build from scratch. You'll be able to research all you want, build what you want, basically you will have control over every aspect of it. Well technically I do have a say in things too... Anyways, that has been the plan all along since day one. The System and I had discussed your joining and it has analysed your aptitude through whatever kind of test it made you go through that particular day when you were fighting with me." Jin explained to her while sitting right beside her.

"User is correct. System has determined your aptitude is exceptionally high in terms of city management and therefore ideal for building an empire. System will provide the necessary tools for Candidate Qiu Yue to create a city for User and his monsters. However, System would like to place an emphasis that reviving this particular goblin economy for war and their future will have a great impact on the features unlocked from the start when you obtain the Sub System from Jin." The System stated coldly.

"Wow, Jin. So helping you win this war is just a giant test in the eyes of the System? " Qiu Yue was really surprised at first but soon she came to enjoy this prospect. After learning of their situation, she wished to help the goblins regardless. But this being a test well it has been far too long since she was able to enjoy a good challenge. She was already more than fed up with those red tapes at work and numerous projects. At first it made her feel good since she was leading the team but subsequently, she could feel that the other colleagues were just throwing their responsibilities at her since she was the youngest.

While she still felt bad for potentially robbing her colleagues of their bonus, most of her guilt for leaving was centered on one particular work colleague. Her supervisor, Yi San. The woman in her late 20s was spending most of her time in the office, and it was rare not to see her working overtime. The poor woman needed to raise enough money for her two year old kid's upbringing while at the same time paying off expenses owed to the hospital that was incurred by her late husband who passed on from late stage brain tumour. Despite her current condition, she had an assertive behaviour befitting of a supervisor yet still presented a kind disposition. Qiu Yue always felt that her supervisor was more genuine than the rest of the her selfish colleagues she had to endure working with.

There were many times Yi San covered Qiu Yue's mistakes as her own without asking for any repayments nor did she berate the younger woman for it. Instead she actively gave her advice on how to avoid those mistakes in the future. There were also times when