Number One Dungeon Supplier - Chapter 276 Restaurant Train of Delicacy

Chapter 276 Restaurant Train of Delicacy

"You are so late!" Luo Bo moped as she saw Shi Zuo panting heavily after he teleported into the Shop Instance.

"So sorry! There was a sudden server network problem in the company and they needed me to check it out because the guy who was in charge was on leave." Shi Zuo placed his hand on his head as he apologised for his tardiness.

"Hmm true, there had been some major network disruptions recently. I heard the other animation company had so many problems with their servers that they decided to do it the old fashion way. Tapes." Bin Yong commented.

"Meh, probably should make a proper complaint to the telco servers." Luo Bo grunted, but she immediately pulled Shi Zuo towards the new Restaurant Train of Delicacy Service Instance. Bin Yong and Jia Le could not help but laugh as Shi Zuo was being pulled by his girlfriend like a child dragging its favourite blanket around the room.

The four entered through the instance dimension and found themselves on a train platform. To everyone's surprise, the train station they were in was very simple. It was just a train platform with no roofs, no gates and nothing interesting surrounding except for grassland as far as the eyes could see.

But on this simple looking train platform, the group could see that many were already waiting at the platform for the train to arrive. In the meantime, there was a penguin wearing a train attendant hat walking around, asking if anyone wanted any premium tickets.

"Do we need a ticket to board the train?" Bin Yong squatted to ask the Penguin Train Attendant when it wobbled towards them.

"Nope, getting on board the train is free, but you will have to pay for the food, unless you have a food coupon with you." The Penguin Train Attendant answered.

"Great, the four of us received digital food coupons after purchasing the Bank Raid story dungeon instance." Luo Bo flashed her coupon on her phone as evidence.

"Thank you for purchasing our dungeon instance! The choices of food remain the same for now, but if you'd like to upgrade your experience in the Restaurant Train of Delicacy, we would sincerely recommend you to get the premium tickets." The Penguin Train Attendant replied to them.

"What does the premium ticket entails?" Jia Le asked.

"Let's find out then." Shi Zuo preferred to experience it for himself, so he showed the Penguin Train Attendant his phone wallet, and asked for four tickets.

"That will be 1100 Yuan (~160 USD) in total. I will reiterate, this does not include any meals at all. Do you understand?" The Penguin Train Attendant started to print the tickets out as soon as Shi Zuo placed his phone on the portable payment terminal.

"My treat, guys, for coming late." Shi Zuo said as the Penguin Train Attendant beckoned another Penguin Train Attendant to escort them right to the further end of the train platform. It appeared that the premium tickets entitled them to a shorter queuing line.

"I wonder if it works like a first class train ticket." Jia Le suggested, but the guys shrugged. "You can never know in Boss Jin's instances." Bin Yong replied, and the customers that were waiting with them started to speculate what kind of services they would experience thanks to the premium ticket.


From a distance, the crowd started to see the silhouette of a train coming towards them and the Penguin Train Attendants were asking everyone to form up nicely. "Everyone will have a good spot regardless if you are first or last in line! Please queue up orderly!!" One of the Penguin Train Attendants with a loud hailer did his best to handle the anxious crowd.

As the train got nearer, everyone had their mouths wide open. It was no ordinary train nor was it some bullet train from the future. Calling the locomotive train the customers saw colossal in length was an understatement when it stopped at the platform. The boiler of the steam locomotive thundered as it puffed out a variable intensity of smoke. Thankfully, the smoke had more of an aesthetic purpose instead of an actual byproduct from using coal.

"Now I understand why the train platform is this simple. There is no way a standard train platform could handle such a mammoth-like train." Luo Bo took out her phone to snap some pictures, but it was near impossible to take the full picture even in panoramic mode.

"Okay! Everyone listen up! The Train is going to leave in 5 minutes! Customers who wish to board the train, please board safely." The Penguin Train attendant with the loud hailer shouted, and everyone could not help but be excited.

When the group went into the premium portion of the train, they were amazed by the interior decor of the place. It emitted a luxurious and prestigious feeling, despite having a train carriage design around it, with a table accommodating up to four people. However, because of the enormous size of the train, it did not feel cramped at all. Especially when the walkway was about the size of a three lane road. To emphasize on the premium