Flavio was wandering the lava flow for an indeterminate time, the only thing he could see was the red of the lava that had a beauty that he could not explain.
But despite being a Flavio G.o.d he could feel the pain of having his flesh in recovery being burned by lava
He could do absolutely nothing since he had tried to move through the flow of magma but the current was stronger than he could expect due to its viscosity of magma and the fact that the pressure he felt was enough for him to have to use all his strength to move only one bone in your hand.
In the end, Flavio gave up and got carried away by the underground lava rivers hoping that at some point he could leave by some volcano or somewhere where the lava pushed him to the surface.
On the way, while losing track of time Flavio was lucky to find three elemental stones of fire which were floating in the immense sea of magma which seemed not to move with the current.
After a while, Flavio could feel that the lava flow was beginning to go up to his chance to escape had arisen.
He could finally get out of that torture he had been suffering due to the inclemency of the lava that burned his flesh and prevented him from recovering.
In a violent flow, the magma Flavio shot through a crack in one of the volcanoes in the area and flew out next to the glowing magma for a few kilometers.
When Flavio first fell, he began to recover his body, to do it as quickly as possible, he absorbed the elemental stones of fire he had achieved.
Although they only improved their ability to control fire very little the energy they had concentrated allowed Flavio to recover his body and in the process, he gained something surprising since his bones turned red.
The elementary stones along with the time spent inside the magma had caused their bones to generate an affinity with fire.
After lying for a few days Flavio was finally able to recover his flesh in his body was quite complicated for him because he was so long in the lava that his regeneration capacity was always working because this could generate resistance to burning.
But this also increased the pain more and more as Flavio's nerve terminals began to regenerate but the heat of the magma burned them and his body replaced them.
It took Flavio so long to recover mainly from the mental fatigue he had when he finally felt better he stood up from the ground completely naked to know where he was.
To his surprise, all he could see was a completely calcined land, there were no trees or a trace of life, he could only see a meadow with black earth.
Another thing Flavio could notice was that his bond with his family was quite thin, he had to concentrate a lot to feel it.
Flavio sighed and clenched his fist as he concentrated all his divine energy and began to hit the ground while shouting.
"d.a.m.n motherf.u.c.kers, they separated me again from my family and because of them I spent time inside the earth suffering from the current of magma."
After hitting the ground for a great deal of time, Flavio relaxed and sighed as clothes appeared to change, one of the police patrols that had been stolen appeared and made his way to know where the h.e.l.l he was.
Something Flavio could see while he was driving on the desolate meadow was that the sun looked quite odd, it didn't seem to be the sun he was used to and it was as if he had come out from a completely different angle.
This began to cause some fear in Flavio because if his a.s.sumptions were correct he was not in his world but a completely different one.
The last time was only 7 days but they spent 2 months in the real world but by now it had been so long in the lava flow that I could not know how much time had pa.s.sed.
What will he do when he returns and maybe 100 years have pa.s.sed, how he can see his children or his wives, Flavio gave a small blow to the wheel and some tears came out of his eyes.
He kept driving for hours but all he could see was the same scenario with the scorched earth "At this speed and driving time I must find somewhere alive."
It was at that moment I could hear you the voice of death that spoke to him from the white room where "Look at the sky"
Flavio paid attention and realized something terrifying, he had been driving for hours but the sun was still in the same position and did not seem to have advanced much "This planet has rotation or is so gigantic that it will take years to rotate."
Before he began to despair he decided to calm down and think with a cool head "I am in this place alone where there seems to be no life of any kind.
I only have the option of making a portal to go home, but I will need help because my divine energy will not be enough.
Flavio began to concentrate and tried to enter the White room but realized that for some reason he could not do it.
Then he realized that he was alone and that he had to work with all his ingenuity if he wanted to leave where he was because otherwise, it would be impossible to see his family again.
"Very well I will have to create a portal while increasing the level of divine energy in my body, which means I will have to do it in an easy but painful way."
What Flavio wanted to do was commit suicide while overloading his divine energy, he realized that the first time he did it he could generate and more Divine energy.
He had no other choice because it was the only way to have enough power, the other option was to re-enter the Magma flow and find elementary stones but the time it would take will be impossible to calculate.
The first thing Flavio did was to keep the patrol and his clothes to be completely naked, then he concentrated his divine energy on his body while he began to inflate like a pufferfish.
The pain he felt went to a more horrible than he felt when he was in the magma, but he could not stop him since he lost control of the divine energy of his body.
He continued to inflate as he began to scream in pain, his screams could be heard miles around but only stopped when he reached the maximum level of divine energy he could store and what followed was an explosion that destroyed hundreds of kilometers around...