A little wave of tenderness rolled over his heart. It was unlike her to be so much moved. He got up and came round to her.
"What is it, dear? Tell me."
She remained perfectly motionless for an instant. Then she held out the note to him, and simultaneously stood up. As he took it, she went swiftly past him and out of the door. He heard the swish of her dress pa.s.s up the stairs, and then the closing of a door. But he hardly heeded it. He was reading the note she had given him. It was a short, perfectly formal offer of marriage to her from Lord Talgarth.
"Father, dear," said Jenny, "I want you to let me have my say straight out, will you?"
He bowed his head.
They were sitting, on the evening of the same day, over the tea-things in his study. He had not seen her alone for one moment since the morning. She had refused to open her door to him when he went up after reading the note: she had pleaded a headache at lunch, and she had been invisible all the afternoon. Then, as he came in about tea-time, she had descended upon him, rather pale, but perfectly herself, perfectly natural, and even rather high-spirited. She had informed him that tea would be laid in his study, as she wanted a long talk. She had poured out tea, talking all the time, refusing, it seemed, to meet his eyes.
When she had finished, she had poured out his third cup, and then pushed her own low chair back so far that he could not see her face.
Then she had opened the engagement.
To say that the poor man had been taken aback would be a very poor way of describing his condition. The thing simply had never entered his head. He had dreamed, in wild moments, of Archie; he had certainly contemplated d.i.c.k; but Lord Talgarth himself, gouty and aged sixty-five!... And yet he had not been indignant. Indignation not only did not do with Jenny, but it was impossible. To be quite frank, the man was afraid of his daughter; he was aware that she would do ultimately as she wished, and not as he wished; and his extreme discomfort at the thought of this old man marrying his daughter was, since he was human, partly counter-balanced by the thought of who the old man was. Lastly, it must be remembered that Jenny was really a very sensible girl, and that her father was quite conscious of the fact.
Jenny settled herself once more in her chair and began.
"Father, dear, I want to be quite sensible about this. And I've been very foolish and silly about it all day. I can't imagine why I behaved as I did. There's nothing to go and mope about, that Lord Talgarth has been kind enough to do me this honor. Because it is an honor, you know, however you look at it, that anyone should ask one to be his wife.
"Well, I want to say what I have to say first, and then I want you to say exactly what you think. I've thought it all out, so I shan't be very long."
(He put down his cup noiselessly, as if in the presence of a sick person. He was anxious not to lose a word, or even an inflection).
"First of all, let's have all the things against it. He's an old man. We mustn't forget that for one minute. And that's a very strong argument indeed. Some people would think it final, but I think that's foolish....
"Secondly, it never entered my head for one instant." (Jenny said this quite deliberately, almost reverently.) "Of course I see now that he's hinted at it very often, but I never understood it at the time. I've always thought of him as a sort of--well--a sort of uncle. And that's another strong argument against it. If it was a right thing to do, oughtn't it to have occurred to me too? I'm not quite sure about that.
"Thirdly, it's unsuitable for several reasons. It'll make talk. Here have I been engaged to Frank for ages and broken it off. Can't you imagine how people will interpret that now? I suppose I oughtn't to mind what people say, but I'm afraid I do. Then I'm the Rector's daughter ...
and I've been running in and out continually--dining with them, sitting with him alone. Can't you imagine what people--Lady Richard, for instance--will make of it?... I shall be an adventuress, and all the rest of it. That's not worth much as an argument, but it is a ... a consideration. One must look facts in the face and think of the future.
"Fourthly, Lord Talgarth probably won't live very long...." (Jenny paused, and then, with extraordinary impressiveness, continued).... "And that, of, course, is perhaps the strongest argument of all. If I could be of any real use to him--" She stopped again.
The Rector shifted a little in his chair.
It was impossible for him to conceal from himself any longer the fact that up to now he had really been expecting Jenny to accept the offer.
But he was a little puzzled now at the admirable array of reasons she had advanced against that. She had put into words just the sensible view of which he himself had only had a confused apprehension; she had a.n.a.lyzed into all its component parts that general sense which one side of him had pushed before him all day--that the thing was really abominable. And this side of him at this time was uppermost. He drew a whistling breath.
"Well, my dear," he began, and the relief was very apparent in his voice. But Jenny interrupted.
"One minute, please, father! In fairness to--to everyone I must put the other side.... I suppose the main question is this, after all. Am I fond of him?--fond enough, that is, to marry him--because, of course, I'm fond of him; he's been so extraordinarily kind always.... I suppose that's really the only thing to be considered. If I were fond enough of him, I suppose all the arguments against count for nothing. Isn't that so?... Yes; I want you to say what you think."
He waited. Still he could make out nothing of her face, though he glanced across the tea-things once or twice.
"My dear, I don't know what to say. I--"
"Father, dear, I just want that from you. Do you think that any consideration at all ought to stand in the way, if I were--I don't say for one single moment that I am--but if I were--well, really fond of him? I'm sorry to have to speak so very plainly, but it's no good being silly."
He swallowed in his throat once or twice.
"If you really were fond of him--I think ... I think that, no consideration of the sort you have mentioned ought to ... to stand in your way."
"Thank you, father," said Jenny softly.
"When did you first think of it?"
Jenny paused.
"I think I knew he was going to ask me two days ago--the day you met us out riding, you know."
There was a long silence.
They had already discussed, when Frank's affair had been before them, all secondary details.
The Rector's sister was to have taken Jenny's place. There was nothing of that sort to talk about now. They were both just face to face with primary things, and they both knew it.
The Rector's mind worked like a mill--a mill whose machinery is running aimlessly. The wheels went round and round, but they effected nothing.
He was completely ignorant as to what Jenny intended. He perceived--as in a series of little vignettes--a number of hypothetical events, on this side and that, but they drew to no conclusion in his mind. He was just waiting on his daughter's will.
Jenny broke the silence with a slow remark in another kind of voice.
"Father, dear, there's something else I must tell you. I didn't see any need to bother you with it before. It's this. Mr. d.i.c.k Guiseley proposed to me when he was here for the shooting."
She paused, but her father said nothing.
"I told him he must wait--that I didn't know for certain, but that I was almost certain. If he had pressed for an answer I should have said 'No.'
Oddly enough, I was thinking only yesterday that it wasn't fair to keep him waiting any longer. Because ... because it's 'No' ... anyhow, now."
The Rector still could not speak. It was just one bewilderment. But apparently Jenny did not want any comments.
"That being so," she went on serenely, "my conscience is clear, anyhow.
And I mustn't let what I think Mr. d.i.c.k might say or think affect me--any more than the other things. Must I?"
"... Jenny, what are you going to do? Tell me!"
"Father, dear," came the high astonished voice, "I don't know. I don't know at all. I must think. Did you think I'd made up my mind? Why! How could I? Of course I should say 'No' if I had to answer now."
"I--" began the Rector and stopped. He perceived that the situation could easily be complicated.