This is the same as No. 5, except with the less number of wheels. Is made for the use of women, for reducing hip and abdominal measure.
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Rational Methods of Developing Health and Personal Power
By W. R. C. Latson M. D., Author of "Common Disorders," "The Enlightened Life," Etc.
This work by Dr. Latson indicates the avenues that lead to efficient and successful living, and should be read by every man and woman who would reach their best and attain to their highest ambitions in business, professional, domestic or social life. Something of the scope of this will be seen from the following
=How to Live the Efficient Life.=--Man a Production of Law--Determining Factors in Health and Power--The Most Wholesome Diet--Practical Exercises for Efficiency--Influence of Thought Habits.
=Mental Habits and Health.=--All is Mind--Seen in Animals--Formative Desire in the Jungle--Mind the Great Creator--Mind the One Cause of Disease--Faulty Mental Habits.
=The Conquest of Worry.=--Effects Upon Digestion--Anarchy of the Mind--A Curable Disorder.
=Secret of Mental Supremacy.=--Practical Methods--The Key Note--Mental Power a Habit.
=The n.o.bler Conquest.=--Life a Struggle--Who Are the Survivors?--The Art of Conquest--The Struggle with the World--Effects of Opposition.
=Firmness One Secret of Power.=--Without Firmness no Real Power--How it Grows with Exercise--Gaining the Habit of Firmness.
=Self-Effacement and Personal Power.=--Growing Older in Wisdom--The Fallacy of Ident.i.ty--Self-Preservation the First Law.
=The Power of Calmness.=--The Nervous System--Effects of Control.
=How to Be an Efficient Worker.=--How to Work--Making Drudgery a Work of Art.
=The Attainment of Personal Power.=--An Achievement--Know Yourself--Learning from Others.
=The Secret of Personal Magnetism.=--What is Personal Magnetism?--Effects of the Lack of It--How to Gain It.
=The Prime Secret of Health.=--What is Essential?--What to Do--How to Do It.
=How to Increase Vitality.=--The Mark of the Master--What Is Vitality?--Possibility of Increase--Spending Vitality.
=The Attainment of Physical Endurance.=--Essential to Success--The Secret of Endurance--Working Easily--Economizing Strength--Exercises for Promoting Endurance.
=The Attainment of Success.=--The Secret of Success--What to Do to Acquire It.
=The Way to Happiness.=--A Royal Road to Happiness--The Secret of Happiness.
=How to Live Long in the Land.=--Characteristics--Essentials--Bodily Peculiarities.
=The Gospel of Rest.=--All Need It--Few get It--The Secret of Rest--Its Effects.
=Sleeping as a Fine Art.=--Causes of Sleeplessness--The Mind. How to Control It.
=Common Sense Feeding.=--What is Proper Feeding?--Many Theories--Mental Conditions--The Kind of Food.
=Grace and How to Get It.=--What is Grace--Hindrances to Grace--Exercises for Grace.
=Style and How to Have It.=--The Secret of Style--Carriage of the Body--Exercises for Stylishness.
=How to Have a Fine Complexion.=--What Effects the Complexion?--The Secret of a Good Complexion--Effects of Food.
=The Secret of a Beautiful Voice.=--What the Voice Is--Easily Acquired.
=How to Cure Yourself When Sick.=--It is Easy--What is Disease?--Nature's Efforts--Best Remedies.
One of the most practical and helpful works published on personal improvement and the acquiring of physical and mental vigor; a key to efficient manhood and womanhood and a long, happy and helpful life. All who are striving for success should read it.
_In Form and Features._
This is the best and most comprehensive work ever published on Beauty Culture, covering the entire subject by specialists in each department, thus giving the work a greatly increased value. It is profusely and beautifully ill.u.s.trated; a handsome volume. Some idea of the scope of this may be seen from the
=Introduction.= By ELLA VAN POOLE.
=Womanly Beauty: Its Requirements.= By Dr. JACQUES.
=Why It Lasts or Fades.= By Dr. C. H. STRATZ.
=Temperamental Types.= By SARAH C. TURNER.
=Breathing and Beauty.= By Dr. W. R. C. LATSON.
=Curative Breathing.= By MADAME DONNA MADIXXA.
=Sleep; Its Effect on Beauty.= By ELLA VAN POOLE.
=The Influence of Thought Upon Beauty.= By Dr. W. R. C. LATSON.