Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts - Chapter 4970: War of Words

Chapter 4970: War of Words

Chapter 4970: War of Words

In response to the clan leaders questioning, Long Chen simply shook his head. Please dont randomly accuse me of false crimes. What do you mean willfully and without reason? Tell me, how was it without reason?

This kind of word game was something Long Chen had encountered many times. He was already bored of it. He found it tiresome, but he knew it was an unavoidable part of life.

Long Chen continued, The moment I entered the Long clans territory, right at the gate, some disciples of the Long clan coveted my riches and tried to rob me

Before Long Chen could finish his sentence, an elder interrupted, Those werent disciples of the Long clan. They were only wearing robes of the Long clan.

Long Chen didnt know who this elder was, but judging by his authoritative stance and the nature of his accusation, he was likely in charge of public security in the Heavenly Desolation Domain.

Is there any difference? To wear robes of the Long clan in this domain while committing crimesif they didnt have the support of insiders, would they dare to act so openly? Normally, you get so much profit from this kind of thing, but when something happens, you try to shed responsibility like that? I didnt expect that after living for so many years, you only mastered a face-thickening divine ability! countered Long Chen, looking at that elder scornfully.

Long Qianxue bit her lip, struggling to hold back her laughter. Coupled with Long Chens expression, his words made it nearly impossible for her to maintain her composure.


That elder was enraged and about to retort when Long Chen waved his hand dismissively. Long Chen scolded, Dont give me that. Did your parents never teach you not to interrupt others when theyre speaking? Its very rude. You dont have any manners.

Long Chen couldnt be bothered paying him any attention. He said, I killed those bandits. Tell me, did I need a reason to do so?

Everyone was silent.

Long Chen continued, I went hunting with some mercenaries to gather a medicinal ingredient. Your Long clans disciples tried to take our prey and kill us for our profit. Did I have a reason to kill them?

Everyone remained silent.

The Long clans disciples cursed me on the plaza. Did I have a reason to kill them?

All they did was vent their feelings, and you killed them! Isnt that going too far? Even if they were wrong, they didnt deserve death! Finally, someone from the Long clan spoke up.


, I knew you were waiting for this, sneered Long Chen. Venting their feelings? I cant kill them? If a mercenary cursed you for being a son of a b.i.t.c.h with a donkey mother and a turtle father, wouldnt you kill them?

The elder sneered back, I wouldnt.

Swear on your soul. If youve never killed anyone who simply cursed you, then I, Long Chen, will cut off my head right now and give it to you, replied Long Chen lightly.

That elders expression instantly changed. To establish and maintain prestige within the cultivation world, one often had to kill those who openly showed them disrespect. This elder had lost count of how many people he had slain for cursing him. How could he dare to swear on his soul?


, another face-thickening cultivator. Your face didnt even blush when you lied. Go on, swear the oath, taunted Long Chen.

The elder gritted his teeth but didnt say a word. Someone else said, Theyre nothing more than mercenaries, the bottom of the food chain. Weaklings like them have to accept being



Without warning, Long Chen slapped the elder who had spoken. The elder tumbled back, blood dripping from his mouth.

What are you doing?!

No one had expected Long Chen to attack someone during the a.s.sembly. Everyone was enraged, and the elder who had been struck immediately drew his weapon.

What are you doing? asked Long Chen, looking at this elder in confusion.

You hit me, and youre asking me what Im doing?! The elder gritted his teeth so hard that they almost shattered. His eyes blazed with a desire to skin Long Chen alive.

Didnt you just say weaklings have to suffer any humiliation the strong give them? I feel like Im stronger than you, so why dont you obediently accept it? Why are you taking out a sword? Why do you look so angry? Long Chen c.o.c.ked his head at him, his expression mockingly innocent.

Long Chen, are you challenging the Long clans dignity? According to that logic, cant we kill you at any time?! Finally, the second Heavenly Saint, Long Yaoting, spoke.

Long Yaoting couldnt be underestimated due to his small stature. His voice boomed like a drum, resonating with the power of his Blood Qi, which surged like a vast sea. A wave of qi blasted toward Long Chen.

Facing the second Heavenly Saint's intimidating roar, Long Chen remained indifferent, In this world, the person who shouts the loudest doesnt necessarily wield the most authority. Otherwise, donkeys would have taken over a long time ago

You! Long Yaoting was incensed.

Undeterred by the rising tension, Long Chen continued, There are two points you should clarify. Firstly, the notion that the strong can bully the weak and the weak must accept it was proposed by your Long clan, not by me. Secondly, its true that you can kill me at any time. However, you must also be prepared to face my fathers wrath.

Are you threatening us?! demanded Long Yaoting.

If you think its a threat, then you can consider it so, replied Long Chen casually. When others trample on your dignity, you can freely slaughter them. But if you curse people on the streets, they have to swallow their anger? What a fine tradition. However, this tradition doesnt work with me. To tell the truth, I really dont understand you people. Although you may wield power today, are you not worried about the tides turning? The people you disdain as ants might one day produce a true expert harboring deep resentment against you. Are you not asking for retribution?

Hmph, that person would need the ability first, sneered an expert from the Long clan.

Do you know, from the mortal world to the immortal world, Ive killed countless people like you? You sit high and mighty, yet before you die, I know you will cry and beg for mercy, Long Chen replied disdainfully.

Are are you challenging me?! raged the elder.

Long Chen eyed the elder and shook his head.


, others will accuse me of bullying an old man if I kill you. A one-sided battle is so unsightly.

Most elders in the room gritted their teeth, unable to accept that Long Chen was treating them as if they were nothing. If he werent Long Zhantians son, they would have gladly torn him to pieces long ago.

At first, they had been hoping to use their auras to suppress Long Chen and then announce his sins to condemn him, making further discussions easier.

However, Long Chen refused to follow the path they had laid out for him. He shattered every hoop they tried to make him jump through, leaving them completely out of control. Moreover, they couldn't realistically eliminate him. As a result, frustration and anger filled their hearts.

Speak. What did you come to the Long clan for? Finally, the clan leader decided the charade was pointless and cut straight to the chase.