Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts - Chapter 4942: Using Human Eyes to Judge a Dog

Chapter 4942: Using Human Eyes to Judge a Dog

Chapter 4942: Using Human Eyes to Judge a Dog

Long Chen followed the mercenaries out the door, only to see a group of people immediately surround them. This grouphad their weapons out, looking as if they would attack immediately.

Long Chen observed them. There were over forty of them, but despite their numbers, their actual power seemed mediocre. In a real confrontation, they wouldnt stand much of a chance against Fang Liudes group.

Fang Liude seethed with rage, ready to lash out, when the leader of the opposing group smiled and said, Aiya, isnt this Brother Liu? Im so sorry, we thought you were someone else. Guys, put away your weapons!

This group immediately put away their weapons. With a single glance, Long Chen knew that these people were looking for trouble.

Qi Hua, what do you think you are doing?! demanded Fang Liude.

I already said that it was a misunderstanding. Brother Liu, Im sure youre busy, so you can leave. Qi Hua smiled and even gestured for them to walk by.

If you have some skill, you can cause trouble. But if you dont, youll die sooner or later like dogs in the street, sneered an archer behind Fang Liude.

Hehe, fortune might favor you now, but the tides could s.h.i.+ft at any moment. Even if Im willing to be someones dog to achieve my goals, what can you do to me? Qi Hua simply chortled, not angry at all.

I couldnt tell that you had the potential to be a dog, said a woman beside Long Chen. This squad had two women, her and Yu Ying.

The instant remark elicited laughter from everyone in the mercenary group.

And who are you? Qi Huas anger flared instantly upon seeing Long Chen, a foreign face.

I was going to say that Im your dad, but after seeing your looks, I dont want you to take advantage of me like that, Long Chen replied, shaking his head.

Long Chen maintained a neutral expression, and his words were devoid of anger, yet they were so irritating and comedic. Fang Liude and his companions found their anger melting away, replaced by laughter.


Scram! Fang Liudes expression suddenly sank. Dont think that having a backer means that youre anything important. If I really decide to slaughter you, they wont necessarily step forward to avenge someone like you. If you want to die, just say the word.

Qi Hua harbored some grudges against them. However, after gaining the backing of a stronger mercenary group, he started to constantly cause trouble, trying to incite a battle between their two groups. He wanted to use his backers power to get revenge for himself.

However, Qi Hua wasnt worth much. Despite leading a group, he knew they were just a bunch of newbies and lacked any skills. A random rabble of people couldnt contend against Fang Liude and the others. Thus, he didnt dare to go overboard, except for venting occasionally.

Seeing that Fang Liude was actually angry, Qi Hua didnt dare to keep provoking them and retreated to the side. Qi Hua could only gnash his teeth angrily as he watched them leave.

At this moment, the archer came over and praised Long Chen, Little brother, your cultivation base isnt high, but your mouth is extra sharp. You almost made him choke on his own bile. That was satisfying!

Normally, they were the ones who left with anger, but today Qi Hua had turned purple with rage. That was particularly satisfying.

Their group consisted of eighteen members, but the majority of them werent particularly eloquent. Yu Ying was the most talkative among them, but even she couldnt match Long Chens tongue.

The simple Brother Song didnt know how to express his praise for a long time. Eventually, he simply gave Long Chen a thumbs-up.

That was really good, praised the others.

Long Chen hadnt antic.i.p.ated receiving so much praise just from uttering a few insults. He didnt know whether to laugh or cry.

What he didnt realize was that these people would rather fight with blades than with their mouths. That was because if they fought with their mouths, there was no way for them to win. They didnt possess that innate talent.

Youre too courteous. With my low cultivation base, I have to rely on this mouth of mine to live, replied Long Chen helplessly, spouting nonsense.

In this group, the weakest person was at the fifth Heavenstage, while the highest was Fang Liude at the seventh Heavenstage. Their power was relatively evenly matched.

Since Long Chens cultivation base was only at the third Heavenstage, he was indeed at the bottom in this regard. However, Fang Liude waved his hand dismissively. That isnt a problem. After joining us for a few missions, we can a.s.sess whether youre suited to becoming a permanent member of our group.

Initially, Fang Liude hadnt been too fond of Long Chen because Long Chen seemed like a spoiled young master, unlike the rest of them who knew how to persevere through bitterness. He would only be a burden if brought along.

However, Fang Liude was also not willing to see someone innocent and naive be taken advantage of by others. Since their mission this time wasnt particularly difficult, he decided to bring Long Chen along. Besides needing some extra time, their mission wasnt too dangerous.

Moreover, Fang Liude had to give Yu Ying face. Yu Ying and her husband were kind-hearted individuals, and they might not be pleased if Fang Liude didnt bring Long Chen along. As the captain, Fang Liude had to consider everyones feelings; it was a fundamental aspect of leaders.h.i.+p.

By saying this now, Fang Liude seemed to have been won over by Long Chens tongue. Their group was indeed missing someone with a sharp tongue.

Long Chen instantly understood Fang Liudes thoughts. They had taken his random joke seriously. Could it be that the Dean of the High Firmament Academy would need to rely on a sharp tongue to live?

The mercenary group moved out. After leaving the city, Fang Liude summoned a demonic bird, his mount. They all got on it and flew off.

An hour later, Long Chen gazed into the distance and saw an enormous city, a hundred times larger than Mercenary City. It was glorious and luxurious, a stark contrast to the bleakness of Mercenary City.

That is one of the Heavenly Desolation Domains eighteen outer cities. Work hard. Once you see the inner city, youll witness true grandeur. Hehe, however, when you see the Long clans Ten Thousand Dragon City, the rest of these cities will seem like nothing, said one of the mercenaries.

Long Chen noticed they were going around the city, so he couldnt help but ask, Why didnt we go to the city?

Theres an entrance fee. Who has that much money to waste? Spendthrifts? That mercenary rolled his eyes in response.


Just as they were speaking, a war chariot with dragon marks came hurtling toward them, making them cry out in shock. The chariot barreled forward with alarming speed, threatening to smash into their group.