Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts - Chapter 4893 Mysterious Violet Blood

Chapter 4893 Mysterious Violet Blood

Chapter 4893 Mysterious Violet Blood

The main ingredients will be ten drops of your dragon blood, one drop of seven-color Supreme Blood, and one drop of violet blood. The supporting ingredients will be the Great Sun Sunflower, Ardent Sun Lucerne, Seven Leaf Violet Gold Wisteria The Earth Cauldron rattled off over three hundred medicinal ingredients.

It actually requires my violet blood and seven-color Supreme Blood? Long Chen was baffled by this. His dragon blood, seven-color Supreme Blood, and violet blood were compet.i.tors, all trying to become the top dog in his body. There was no way they would merge.

Yes. This is for you. After you add them, they will suppress a bit of the Dragon Blood Extreme Yang Pills power, but they will also balance out some of the damage the pill will have on your body. It can actually be considered cheating. Without it, Id worry about you not being able to endure the impact, explained the Earth Cauldron.

Long Chen still had no idea how strong the Dragon Blood Extreme Yang Pill was. But due to his confidence in the Earth Cauldron, he didnt ask too many questions. He immediately squeezed out ten drops of dragon blood.

Following the Earth Cauldrons instructions, he used his strongest heart blood. Although the blood from the s.p.a.ce between his eyebrows was actually purer, due to the extraction method, when it came to pure energy, the essence blood from the heart was better.

After extracting ten drops of his dragon blood, Long Chen felt a wave of dizziness. Even for Long Chen, losing this essence blood was not a laughing matter. Fortunately, it was just ten drops; otherwise, he might not be able to bear it.

After that, Long Chen tried to extract his violet blood and seven-color Supreme Blood, but it was a bit more difficult due to them being suppressed by his dragon blood.

Even after extracting ten drops of his dragon essence blood, Long Chen couldnt feel his seven-color Supreme Blood and violet blood grow active. In any case, while extracting any of them, he couldnt break the balance between essence bloods, or his seven-color Supreme Blood and violet blood might directly enter a hibernation state.

With great effort, Long Chen managed to extract one drop from each of them. Stars spun in his head as this work had to be extremely meticulous. After extracting the essence blood, Long Chen sat down and started recovering.

As for the initial refining of medicinal powders, he left it to Huo Linger to complete. After all, she could already be considered a grandmaster alchemist. Other than some particular medicinal pills that she couldnt refine on her own, she was able to refine pills independently.

Refining medicinal powders and extracting their essence could not be simpler for a grandmaster like her.

When Long Chen recovered, everything was already prepared. Long Chen instantly got to work, refining the actual pill. The main ingredients were the first to enter the cauldron. Fortunately, the ratio of the different bloods was based on their ratio in Long Chens body, so they didnt start rejecting each other immediately.

In other words, his dragon blood const.i.tuted around eighty percent, while his violet blood and seven-color Supreme Blood occupied ten percent each. His dragon blood was dominant, with the other two playing a supportive role, aiding in enduring powerful impacts and accelerating recovery.

However, they werent exactly happy with this. At this moment, they started a rebellion, but their power was too weak to resist the dragon blood.

The three essence bloods merged inside of the Earth Cauldron. A violet spot appeared on his dragon blood, and a seven-color pattern appeared within the Earth Cauldron, revolving within it.

This revolution was a result of the three bloods fighting. Although they all came from Long Chen, once they left his body, their resistance toward each other grew. Hence, merging them would require a special process.

As they merged, Long Chen found that his seven-color Supreme Blood and violet blood were fighting back more fiercely. His dragon blood was suppressing his seven-color Supreme Blood, trying to make it submit, but his seven-color Supreme Blooddespite clearly being much weakerrefused to admit defeat.

On the other hand, his violet blood had stopped partic.i.p.ating in the fight. Instead, it was observing the two of them. The violet spot had moved around randomly, but it suddenly ceased its movement.

Long Chen then found that the violet spot was not actually motionless; it was rapidly spinning at the center. Seeing this scene, Long Chen was taken aback. It seemed that his violet blood wanted to get stronger in order to balance his other two bloods.

As time pa.s.sed, the violet spot slowly calmed down. When it became still, the sphere of blood contained a dragon mark, a seven-color thread, and a violet spot at its center.

Just then, Huo Linger started adding one medicinal powder after another. When these medicinal powders entered the Earth Cauldron, an intense energy unfurled. The blood sphere seemed to have been provoked and started to crazily absorb these energies.

Long Chen saw the world within the cauldron twist and turn. The blood sphere was incredibly powerful, displaying a phenomenon he had never seen before. And this was just the starthe could only imagine what would happen during the pill condensation process.

The Earth Cauldron started shaking, a sign that the pill was starting to take an embryonic form. However, the wild energy made it look like it might explode out of control at any moment. After absorbing the energy of so many medicinal ingredients, the blood sphere had new runes on it, its energy erupting like it wanted to break free from the Earth Cauldrons restraints.

Long Chen couldnt help but exclaim, What power!

His essence blood had gone crazy after the addition of these medicinal ingredients, and he suddenly grew worried when he thought about consuming it.

Suddenly, after absorbing all the medicinal powder, the pill smashed into the Earth Cauldrons inner wall like a shooting star.

Long Chen tried to keep the Earth Cauldron steady, feeling an immense force pa.s.s through him. With a grunt, he was sent flying by the impact. His blood churned within him, and he couldnt help but feel shocked. If he were to consume this pill, he would definitely explode.

Just then, some kind of mist appeared within the Earth Cauldron. The medicinal pill continued striking the cauldrons interior, but after pa.s.sing through this mist, it seemed provoked and started to attack even more intensely. The Earth Cauldron rumbled, and specks of rust fell from it. Long Chen hastily caught them.

Those things that fall on their own have lost the power of time. They arent very useful to you, said the Earth Cauldron.

Hehe, they really arent that useful, but that depends on the situation. Its better to be prepared than not, chuckled Long Chen.

He knew that this rust didnt have much killing power. Against true experts, they werent useful; against weaklings, there was no need to use such a thing. However, he had other plans.

Just as Long Chen was gathering the rust, the rumbling coming from the Earth Cauldron settled down. Long Chen then looked inside the Earth Cauldron and found that the pill had become a fist-sized rock.

What is this? asked Long Chen.

Just then, the Earth Cauldrons lid popped open.