Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts - Chapter 4874 Heaven Vein Dragon Qi

Chapter 4874 Heaven Vein Dragon Qi

Chapter 4874 Heaven Vein Dragon Qi

Despite Mo Nian's loud shout, the people who had already packed up didn't return to open their booths. Instead, those who hadn't yet packed started to pack quickly. They had been genuinely terrified moments ago.

Devil Fall City was now in chaos, and no one wanted to be caught up in the turmoil. The previous sealing of the city by the Square Heaven Seal had left a lasting impact. The feeling of being trapped with nowhere to escape was something they did not wish to relive.

Moreover, Xing Wujiang had just killed people from the Flame Divine Hall, provoking a huge calamity. As the Flame Divine Hall would not permit someone to challenge them like this, they would definitely come for retribution. Hence, these people wanted to leave before the retribution arrived. In their minds, Devil Fall City was no longer safe and could be wiped off the map at any time.

At this moment, Mo Nian quickened his pace and wantonly purchased everything he wanted. Knowing that Mo Nian had a relations.h.i.+p with the city lord, some of the vendors were in a rush to get rid of their wares, so they didnt bother playing any games with him. They directly offered him the real price, saving them time.

In the end, Mo Nian managed to get everything he wanted, and by this time, even the experts throughout the city had started leaving.

The Feather Spirit race was aware of what was happening and had started packing up. They also called Yu Tong and Yu Fei back.

Left with nothing else to do, Long Chen and Mo Nian decided to stay at the city lord mansion. Mo Nian checked his inventory. It seemed that he was planning on making something odd.

Long Chen didnt disturb Mo Nian and found a secluded place for himself. Taking out the stone he purchased and examining it, Long Chen couldnt help being overwhelmed with emotion.

Your luck isnt bad this time. This is definitely something good for you, said the Earth Cauldron.

Senior, do you know what this is? asked Long Chen.

It is the corpse of a Stone Spirit, replied the Earth Cauldron.

A Stone Spirits corpse?

Yes, this powerful Stone Spirit was obliterated by a single palm strike from a nine star line expert. What remains here is the Stone Spirits purest essence, along with the power of that palm strike, explained the Earth Cauldron.

It was no wonder Long Chen could sense astral energy from it. It was the astral energy sealed within by that palm strike, not the artificial astral energy applied by the old shopkeeper.

Senior, what cultivation base did the Stone Spirit have? asked Long Chen.

Why dont you examine the rock more closely? Use your bloodline to sense it.

Long Chen listened and slowly rubbed the stone with his hand. Curiously, when he raised his senses to the limit, he could sense three auras within the rock.

What is that? asked Long Chen.

Some people call it a heaven vein, and the others call it dragon qi. There are many special ways to call it, but these two names are the most common. Do you know why Xing Wujiang is capable of dominating Devil Fall City? Even without the Square Heaven Seal, he isnt afraid of the other Heaven Saints, remarked the Earth Cauldron.

Big Brother Wujiang said he touched upon some kind of gate, answered Long Chen.

Yes, he has cultivated half of a heaven vein, so he now has dragon qi protecting him. As a result, ordinary Heaven Saints are unable to compete with him, said the Earth Cauldron.

Long Chens heart shook. No wonder Xing Wujiang was so domineering. Even facing the formidable Square Heaven Seal, he still had the confidence to confront it. It seemed that this half heaven vein dragon qi was his reliance.

Wait, are you saying...? Long Chens jaw suddenly dropped as he looked at the little stone in his hand in disbelief.

The Earth Cauldron didnt reply and stopped answering his question, but this silence was enough of a confirmation. Long Chen could guess it, but he didnt dare to believe it. Yet, the Earth Cauldron's mention of heaven veins in connection to the faint auras within the rock left little room for doubt.

Long Chen suddenly thought of when Race Leader Yu Luo had brought him to the star cloud martial stage. During their encounter with Cao Guofeng, he had mocked her about cultivating a heaven vein after years of seclusion. It seemed that cultivating a heaven vein would allow Heaven Saints to break through their shackles.

However, Long Chen still found it hard to believe. After all, this Stone Spirit had cultivated three heaven veins, while Xing Wujiang had only cultivated half of it but was already beyond all other Heaven Saints. This Stone Spirit had to be absolutely terrifying.

To crush a three heaven vein expert in one blow... that nine star heir had to be incredibly powerful! Long Chen was gobsmacked and then felt confused.

Isnt the Stone Spirit race kind? Why would they have enmity with a nine star heir? Well, I suppose I can only test it out.

Long Chen looked over at Mo Nian and declared, Brother, Im going to commune with this rock. Guard me for a while!

Not waiting for Mo Nians reply, Long Chen directly pressed his hand on the handprint.


In an instant, the world around Long Chen changed, and he found himself at the peak of a mountain. Flames and lava were flowing around him, while countless giants were rus.h.i.+ng over to him.

Suddenly, a furious roar reverberated from behind him, so powerful that Long Chens soul almost shattered. Long Chen then turned back to see a black stone giant over three hundred meters tall standing behind him.

This stone giant was surrounded by three colossal dragons, with heaven and earth seeming to distort around it. Its gaze was filled with a malice that could suppress even the heavens.

As the stone giant approached Long Chen, it swung a ma.s.sive fist toward him. The instant it raised its fist, Long Chen was overwhelmed with excruciating pain, as though his very soul was being torn apart.

s.h.i.+t! Long Chen was horrified. Although he was in an illusory realm right now, this attack carried the power to penetrate s.p.a.cetime as it possessed the power of karma. Hence, it posed a genuine threat to his life.

Just as Long Chen tried to escape, he found that he couldnt move, and even his Spiritual Strength froze. Helpless, he could only watch as the fist bore down on him.

Suddenly, a large hand appeared in the air, adorned with stars and bearing a star ring composed of eight stars. This starry hand intercepted the fist cleanly.

Following this, a deep voice resonated, All that awaits traitors is death!


Suddenly, a series of strange runes appeared on the hand, and millions of stars on it transformed into a giant cross.

Star Ocean - G.o.d Slaying Cross! The deep voice let out a domineering shout, and the hand slammed down.


The hand shattered the stone giants fist and continued to slam its chest.

The stone giant exploded, disintegrating in front of this fist. All that remained was a small stone with a handprint on it. The moment the stone rolled to Long Chen, the surrounding scenery and roars faded away.

As the stone slipped from Long Chen's hand, he realized he was drenched in sweat. He felt as though he had expended all his energy in an instant, almost as if he had overexerted himself.

What happened? asked Mo Nian. He reached out and caught Long Chen just as he swayed unstably.

Hehe, I gained plenty, answered Long Chen excitedly.

You spent hours studying the stone, and were almost out of time. Big Brother is waiting for us outside, grumbled Mo Nian. Without asking what Long Chen had gained, Mo Nian dragged him out in a frenzy.