Night Moves - Night Moves Part 19

Night Moves Part 19


She heard husky, macabre laughter. "Miss Keller?"


"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven;All good children go to heaven!"

"No! No!" she screamed hysterically into the receiver, tears stinging her eyes and spilling over onto her cheeks. She could barely hold the phone. She was going to drop it; she was going to fall, cast into darkness by fear....

No, she wasn't going to fall. She was suddenly supported by strong arms; the phone taken from her hand.

"Listen, joker, whoever you are, you needn't bother with any more threats. This is Lee Condor--yes, I'm in on it. Obviously I'm in on it. What do you expect when my house is all shot up? But your problems are over. Just give the little boy back and the pictures are yours. No tricks. All we want is the boy."

Lee glanced down into her eyes as he listened to the whisperer. Then he laughed harshly. "Don't worry. Bryn will be the one to bring them to you. I'll be completely out of the way. I'll put her on and you can negotiate the details."

He pressed the phone into her hand. She stared at him, and she felt as if some of his strength radiated into her. She brought the receiver to her mouth, and her voice was sure and strong.

"You'll get the pictures. I'll drop them wherever you want. But first I want to talk to Adam.Now."

She bit her lip and began to pray.

"AuntBwyn ?"

Tears filled her eyes again as she heard the pathetic little voice.

. "Adam! Oh, Adam! Are you okay, honey? Are you hurt?

Adam, talk to me!"

A jagged sob and a sniff came over the wire. "Not hurt. I want to come home, AuntBwyn . Want to come home."

"Oh, honey, you're going to come home! You're going to come soon. I promise! Adam? Adam?"

"See, Miss Keller?" The whisperer was back on. "He's just fine. And he'll stay that way as long as you cooperate. And make sure that your boyfriend does, too."

"We will cooperate!" Bryn cried out bitterly. "I've already told you that--"

"Yeah, I heard you. But I don't trust Condor, honey, so you keep him in line."

Bryn glanced nervously at Lee. She knew that he was purposely standing close enough to hear both sides of the conversation.

"Lee isn't going to interfere. He's promised me." The whisperer chuckled. "I told you that you charm your way into a man's good graces, Miss Keller. You just keep being charming. 'Cause remember, I'm good. One step I don'tlike, and I can get this little kid again.Or a bigger little kid. You can't watch them every second, Miss Keller. Keep that in mind."

"I want Adam back," Bryn said. "Where and how?" "You haven't messed with the negatives, have you, Miss Keller?" Bryn glanced sharply at Lee, but replied with an exasperated sigh, "Of course not! When the hell would I have been able to?" "Okay, honey, just see that you don't. 'Cause I'll be watching you, and I'll know. Now, when the time is right I want you--and you alone--to meet at the Cutter Pass--" Bryn's startled scream cut off the whisperer's words as Lee yanked the receiver from her. "Nothing doing," he told the caller angrily. "Then you'll have the pictures, the kid and Bryn. Think of something else. We don't want the damned pictures, but I sure as hell don't trust you, either." "Lee!" Bryn gasped, horrified and furious. She'd happily go anywhere to get Adam back. Lee shook his head at her, his expression a dark scowl. She clawed at his hand, and he pulled her to him so that they could both hear. "You got a suggestion I can trust, Condor?" the voice mocked. "Yes. Yes, I do. Bryn can sit on that big red couch in the lobby of theMountain View. There's a pay phone there. I'll get the number. As soon as she learns that the boy is walking up to the porch here, she'll drop the pictures on the couch and leave."

"Uh-uh.Too public."

"She isn't going anywhere that isn't public." "What kind of guarantees do I have that someone else isn't going to be around? Like you, Condor." The whisperer laughed crudely. "I don't feel like getting scalped by some punk rocker."

Lee ignored the gibe. "I'll be here.On the porch."

"You seem to think there's more than one person in on this, Condor."

"I know there's more than one person in on this." "All right," the whisperer said. "No tricks. Remember, I

can shoot the boy while he's still standing on the porch."

"I hear you."

"And make sure you don't have any cars cruising too close to that town house. I see anything the least

suspicious and there won't be any kid.Got it."

"Yeah, I got it."

"Just watch your step, Condor. If something goes wrong, it will be real easy to terrorize a woman with

three kids for a long, long time to come. The exchange will be at ten. One hour from now. And like I said--"

"Don't worry. Nothing is going to go wrong. But do you want to know something?"


"You watch your step. 'Cause if anything happens to that kid, if he has one little scratch on him, I won't scalp you. I'll send an arrow piercing straight to your heart. Now I think we understand each other."

"Yeah, Condor, you and I understand each other real good. You would try something if you could, Condor. But thanks to your lady friend, I don't think you'll take any chances. Still, just to keep her on edge--and you in line--I think I'll keep the little boy for a while."

"What?" Lee demanded hoarsely. Bryn started pulling on his arm.

"You heard me. The exchange is going to be Sunday. I'll give you a call in the morning and set the time. And remember, I'll be watching you both. I'll be watching her darkroom. And do you know what I want to see, Condor?Nothing, except two people coming and going from work. Got that?"

Bryn had heard. She wrenched the receiver back. Tears had formed in her eyes. And she started shouting hysterically. "No! I want Adam today. So help me God, I don't care about your pictures. I want my nephew! Please, please--"

She broke off, strangling on her tears.

"You get him Sunday, Miss Keller. Just so long as you and the rock star behave. Be home; you'll hear from me by nine."

The line went dead. Bryn heard the dull buzz.

"No!" she screeched, throwing the receiver so that it fell to the floor.'We, no, no!"

"Bryn... Lee began, but she was totally out of control, unable to believe that she was going to have to endure the torture and torment of four more long--unendurably long--days without having Adam back. The grief, the horror and the fear ripped and wrenched through her; she was crying and laughing--and she needed a scapegoat to be able to accept the horror she needed to accept, so she turned on Lee with a vengeance, pounding her fists against his chest with all her strength.

"It's you! He knows you want to pull something, so he's keeping Adam away from me. It's you.... It'sall your fault, Lee. Oh, damn you, damn you, damn you!"

"Bryn, stop it!Bryn!" He tried to hold her, but she had a strength born of her terror and fury. She was like a wildcat, hysterical, tearing into him. For a moment he allowed her to scream and cry and curse him with knotted fists flying, praying it would help. But she seemed to grow more hysterical by the second. "Bryn!" She didn't even hear him. He closed his eyes for a minute, feeling all her pain and aching to relieve it. Then he closed his arms around her, forcing her to the floor and pinning her there.

For a minute she fought him, still wild, flailing and shouting.

He held her firmly, hands at her wrists, knees about her hips. "Bryn..." he said more softly, and at last she went still, staring at him with dull and tear-filled eyes.

"I can't do it," she murmured pathetically. "I can't wait. I can't walk around normally when Adam..." "Bryn..."

A soft, feminine voice had broken in.Barbara's, as she knelt down beside them. "Bryn, you're going to wake Brian and Keith, honey, if you haven't already. You've just got to be strong, for them. You don't want them scared to pieces now, do you?"

Bryn gazed at Barbara. She had forgotten that her friend was there. And beyond Barbara's shoulder, she saw Andrew.Watching her with so much empathy and concern.

And above her...was Lee.Holding her, not hurting her. Tolerating matter what she did to him. She started to weep quietly. He shifted his weight and pulled her into his arms, soothing her as if she were a child. His fingers tenderly smoothed her hair back, gently caressing her cheek.

"Adam is fine, Bryn. You know that; you talked to him. The waiting is hard. I know how hard, Bryn. But we've got to handle it. We've got to." "I can't, Lee. I feel as if there's a knife in me--" "Hush. You can. You're strong, Bryn. You'll do it." Was it his faith in her? Or was it just that the boys chose to come down the stairs then?Brian and Keith.The older two.

Wise in their childish ways, ready to pick up on trouble. She couldn't let them know this kind of fear and pain. "What were you shouting about, Aunt Bryn?" Brian demanded. "Oh, you know your aunt. What a temper!" Lee answered smoothly for her. "She was mad at me, but she's decided to forgive me. Hey, aren't you two supposed to be at school? We'd better get going."

"Are you going to take us to school, Lee?" Keith asked, wide-eyed. "Wow!" Brian said. He looked at Keith. "The kids will be green! Man, it's too bad Adam has to miss this!" Somehow Bryn had managed to leave the support of Lee's arms. "Get dressed and get on down here for breakfast, you two.On the double. We're running horribly late."

And somehow, somehow she managed to get through the day.Like a mechanical being. Lee and Andrew took the boys to school. She and Barbara showered and went to work. Lee came home with her, and they sat through dinner with the children. And miraculously, she fell to sleep on the couch, emotionally worn and exhausted, her head against his shoulder. She had survived her first day of waiting.

Chapter 10.

When she awoke the next morning the pain was still with her. And the fear, and the horrible anxiety, but she seemed to have it all in check, at a rational level. She was in her own bed. Apparently Lee had undressed her and put here there. She stared about the room numbly, and at last her eyes came to rest on Lee. He was standing by her dresser, slipping his watch onto his wrist. He caught her eyes in the mirror and turned to her.


She tried to smile, but the effort fell flat. He walked over to her and sat on the bed by her knees.

"You okay?"

She nodded. "Yes."

He picked up one of her hands idly and massaged the palm. "I--I guess I have to get up and get Brian

and Keith going..." she said. "They're already at school. I took them." "You took them?" Bryn mumbled, a little dazed, a little incredulous. "But..." "Don't worry. I fed them, and they're neat and presentable." She nodded,then murmured, "I guess my neighbors will all realize shortly that I'm...sleeping with you." "Does it matter?" ", not for me.I was just thinking about the kids." "Bryn, I hope you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, your reputation, the boys, or your life-style here. But I can't leave you alone now, either. Not going on."

"I know," Bryn whispered. A shudder rippled through her, but strangely it made her feel a little better.

She looked at him and saw in his eyes all the things that made him the powerful and charismatic man that he was.Warmth, strength and sensitivity. "Lee?" "Yes?" "Thankyou." He smiled and brushed her chin with his knuckles. "We've got a ways to go yet. I'm going to go down and put more coffee on. Get dressed. We've got to go to work, remember?"

He left her. Bryn rose, shivered and hurried into the bathroom for a shower. The days would pass, she promised herself, and then she thought about her nudity again. It seemed strangely natural, even comforting, that Lee had taken on such an intimate task, that of putting her to bed. Not a sexual act, but rather one that spoke of alongtime relationship, as if they had been lovers and friends for aeons.

She was going to get hurt, she warned herself. But it didn't matter. Nothing could really matter much now. Not until she had Adam home again.

She showered and dressed, and she felt a little stronger. Once the day had passed she would be a day closer to Adam.

By the time they had spent the day at theFultonplace, taken Brian and Keith out for pizza and put them to bed, Bryn had calmed herself to a point where she was fairly rational and willing to talk to Lee about the situation.

She made tea and brought it out to the parlor. Lee was on the sofa, head back, eyes momentarily closed. He rubbed them,then opened them as she approached.

He's been so good, Bryn thought for the hundredth time.

"Tea...great," he said as he accepted a mug.

Bryn sat beside him. "Lee, the more I think about it, the more I don't get this. Shouldn't this guy want the pictures back right away? I mean, the longer we have them, the longer we have to look at them."

Lee shrugged and stretched an arm across the back of the sofa to tug lightly at a stray lock of her hair. "I've thought about that. I'm sure he's thought about it, too. He just knows he has you over a barrel with Adam. And I don't think he's really afraid of our looking at a set of proofs--or even a set of normal prints. What's in the picture, or pictures, is small. Something you'd only find by constant enlargement.

Something hard to find. You'd have to work in your darkroom for hours to get to it."

"Then why go to so much trouble to get the pictures back?"

"Because it is there--somewhere--and could be found," Lee said simply. He sipped his tea and looked at her. "Bryn, I think we should move to my house."

"Your house!I can't! He's going to call--"

"We'll be here for the call. But I called yesterday to have a security system installed. My place will be safer."

"I don't know. The boys..."

"The boys will love it. It's huge, and it has a pool."


"I'm right, Bryn. You know I am. Please don't argue with me."

Bryn fell silent. Lee began to talk again.' 'I think we should do something else. That Dirk Hammarfield--the politician I find so sleazy--asked the group to a political dinner this Saturday night. I think he wants us to play, and I think we're going to do it. You and Barbara will come, and maybe, just maybe, we'll find something out."

"No! It could be dangerous when Adam is still gone. Lee, you're crazy!"