New Life Online - 145 Guild Leaders' Meeting

145 Guild Leaders' Meeting

-Order of Light North Path-

What was that?! I thought we were under attack but it looks like it was an earthquake.

As we checked the Order of Light City from afar, we saw that the City just lit something big, a lighthouse maybe and then we saw different kinds of light across the world of New Life Online. It's a sign of something.

We continue to travel because we are clueless about what's happening. Monsters nearby started to run away from the area. It's really weird but there must be a reason...

*SWOOOOOOs.h.!.+* I heard a fast movement above and saw a shadow of a bird or something!

It was Siren! After that, we heard loud footsteps of mounts! It's a large number of an army. They're from the Raven's Guild and going towards the Vanguards Stronghold. From afar you can also see different groups with different banners. Are they going to a war or something?! Is this related to the earthquake earlier?! With their numbers, they can probably really defeat a World Boss!

-Scy's Guild-

*Scy's POV*

"Scy! There's urgent news!" It was Leion. I think he's talking about the castle on top of the Icy Mountain.

"Yes, what is it?"

"The Vanguards Guild lit their lighthouse calling for the aid of the other guilds! I think they are preparing to attack the castle!"

"What?! That's madness! They don't even know what lies ahead. The path to the Icy Mountains is also rough that you can't bring a large army or it may cause an avalanche which can bury them alive." I exclaimed.

"Well, it's not yet confirmed if they will attack it now but there's a chance that they will besiege the castle. What should we do?" This is really bad. I don't think that going there by myself to stop them is a good idea.

"Ok, how about you go there again and report to me some information that you can gather," I suggested.

"Uhmmm...I think that it's not a good idea. Siegriel is my big brother and he found out that I joined your guild." He said worriedly.

"Why are you guys making it so hard for me... Jeez... it can't be helped then. Zia's team is not here. Your team cannot go and Petula's team hasn't fully recovered from the raid. I think we only have Team Lili to investigate." I called out for Elle.

"..." She just nodded, silent as always.

"h.e.l.lo, My name is Chiron and I don't want to sound so rude. I'm not really sure if we'll do well when it comes to investigation, Sir Scy. Not to mention our leader can't speak or won't speak." Chiron huh...

"It's alright. She nods to answer and ignores you if she doesn't agree or care. You can investigate just by listening to the talk of the people around. Don't engage or get to close to Guild Leaders at all cost. We need to avoid trouble. " Elle is still a child but she's really focused.

"Got it, sir."

"Alright then, you should go now before the guilds arrive at the Vanguards Stronghold," I suggested.

They move out as fast as they can.


*Elle's POV*

Lalala... Lalala...

Scy told me to investigate with these old people. I hope they won't hurt Elle. Elle is a good girl. Elle needs to get good information or Scy will hate Elle. Scy is a good old person. Scy is like my daddy. Scy likes good girls like Elle.

"Miss Elle, we probably need to go faster. Can you do that for us?" Old Chiron is a bully.

Elle should nod. Elle nodded.

Elle with old people ran faster. It's really tiring but Elle should not make the old people hate Elle or Elle will get bullied again.

Elle and the old people traveled faster and finally reached the Vanguards Stronghold. Elle and the old people ignored the scary monsters along the way because it was instructed by Scy. Elle and old people should not do bad things or Elle and old people will get bullied.

Elle and old people waited near beside the guild hall. Elle and old people saw some of the guild leaders, that's what they've said, walk inside the guild hall. But how can Elle and old people get good information if Elle and old people can't hear what the guild leaders are talking about?

"Hey there, I think you are one of the Can you try to eavesdrop of what the guild leaders are talking about?" Chiron asked. Elle memorized the old people's name. Elle's a good girl.

"Sure..." That's Kaita...

After saying that Kaita disappeared in thin air and Elle thinks that Kaita is already somewhere and Elle will be a good girl and wait.

-Vanguard's Guild Hall-

(Inside the Guild Hall)

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Siren, Guild Leader of Ravens, exclaimed.

"They told us that the invasion will start in a month and it's just like two weeks. Are they trying to catch us off guard and get our guilds destroyed?! I can't believe how sh*tty this is!" Siren once again exclaimed in frustration.

"Just relax. We're not even sure if this is really the start of the invasion. Maybe it's just a new created liar of monsters or something." Zeth, a representative of Order of Light Guild, said.

"Why are you even here? You're not a guild leader. You're not supposed to b.u.t.t in!" Siren and her temper.

"The old man can't really travel this far so he sent me instead. Got a problem with that, bird girl?" Zeth provoked Siren.

"Pffffft. You think you can take me on?! If I'm the one who fought you in the tournament, you won't even reach the semi-finals. You, piece of a metal!" Siren stood up. They are starting to cause trouble.

"Did I hear that right? How about we settle it right now?!" Zeth is really getting p.i.s.sed off fast. He also stood up to show that he is not going back.

"How about we talk about what we were supposed to talk about?" Sieg, Leader of Vanguards Guild, suggested. Then both of them sat down, still angry of course.

"Earlier, there was a strong earthquake which we felt. After that, some of my guards saw the castle at the top of the Icy Mountain. It doesn't look that big so there are only small numbers of enemies inside but the real problem here is how we can get there. Those who can fly will be having a hard time because of the strong current of wind. For travelers, the slope is also really steep which is hard to climb. We don't have tools for that because unfortunately, we haven't really started exploring the Icy Mountains. Also, the real problem is the thick snow in the mountains. There's a big chance that a large number of people traveling at the same time might cause an avalanche which can kill a lot of players." He explained the situation thoroughly.

"So what you are saying is we can only send small numbers of people inside the castle? But what if a World Boss is inside that castle? There's no way we can defeat one with small numbers." Drake, Leader of Dragoons guild, asked.

"That's why we need to make a good plan to take the castle down without causing too much shock to the mountain," Sieg explained.

"Ohhh... Cold place... Ssssss..." Venum, Leader of Serpentes Guild, having chill...

"How about I go there by myself and burn the place down?" Vulkhan, Leader of Obsidian's Pit, suggested. Not really a suggestion.

"That's a lousy suggestion. Your fire can't help you there. Beast.", leader of Drowned Trident, commented.

"It doesn't mean that you can use water, you can just tell me what I can and can't do." They are starting too.

"Enough with this bull c.r.a.p. If you want to destroy this thing we need to cooperate." Vortz, leader of Storm Callers Guild, exclaimed.

"Coming from someone who just let a criminal escape out of his territory." Daimond, Guild leader of Bastion's Citadel, said.

"I don't think that what happened to my territory connects to what we are talking about right now. I suggest you just focus on this alliance or I'd rather not help you guys when you need help. Not to mention, my guild is the farthest place from the castle." Vortz provoked.

"Shut up you guys! I, a true man, will destroy the place alone!" Bludgeon, Leader of Hearth Fire guild, said something not really important.

"..." Panthie, Leader of Feywilds doesn't really partic.i.p.ate in the pointless conversation.

"If you want, I can check the castle by myself and report if I find something." s.h.i.+v, Leader of Dark Brotherhood, having a good idea.

"Well, for now, I think that's the best decision. If he can check the place, he can even find an alternative path or way. Going there in full force would be like a suicide mission because of the environment. The castle is really well placed. Long range attacks and spells are also ineffective against that place. Thankfully we haven't found single life form inside the castle but the scouts said that they can feel an enormous malice aura around the castle." Sieg decided to accept s.h.i.+v's suggestion.

"For our army, let's just make a camp in the Icy Fields so we can get ready in case we have the chance to besiege the castle or a raid starts while s.h.i.+v explores the area. G.o.d help us all."

-Outside the Vanguards Guild Hall-

Kaita finally came back to us. Elle hopes that Kaizer heard something useful.

Kaita explained what the conversation is all about but Elle didn't understand any of it. Elle thinks Elle and the old people need to go back to the guild and report.

"Do you think I can't sense an around me? So who are you guys and why are you eavesdropping?" Elle doesn't really know this ugly old guy.

"Ha..ha... no one's eavesdropping, Sir s.h.i.+v." Chiron please make the ugly old guy go.

"Well, I think your friend right there is the one who listened to us." The ugly guy pointed at Kaita

"No, she's not, Sir. I think she is just catching our cat pet." Kataki is still trying to talk to the old ugly guy but Elle doesn't think that the ugly guy wants to talk anymore.

*SWOOOOOOOs.h.!.+* A weapon flew towards Kaita! Kaita got slightly hit in the cheek! Kaita's bleeding!

"Ok, if it comes to this... Kaita!" Chiron shouted.

*PUUUUUFFFFF* Kaita used a black cotton candy smoke!

"RUUUN!" Chiron shouted so Elle and the other old people ran.

"Don't let them escape. Catch them alive." The ugly guy is really going to hurt Elle!

"Yes, Sir!" And the shadow looking people started to chase us!

Why is this happening? Elle is a good girl!