New Earth- The Dungeon Of Madness - Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Old Luke could feel the pressure building up on his tribesmen . Although the totem spirits could push the Three-Horned Rhinoceros away and the three Shamans could deal with Joyah, it did not change the fact that the regular barbarians were completely outnumbered .

"We cannot wait any longer . Humanoid Metal Slime, we will have to rely on you . "

As it heard the plea of his Shaman, the Humanoid Metal Slime stopped attacking . Its two hands were connected to the ground as countless metal spears attacked the Three-Horned Rhino .

Suddenly, under everyone's watchful eyes, the Humanoid Metal Slime started changing shape and took off the ground . It slowly rose into the sky as wings appeared behind its back . Features appeared on its face and emerged from its head, falling to its waist . The transformation only took ten seconds . When it was complete, two Harriets were floating in the sky . The only difference between the two was their colors; the Humanoid Metal Slime could only copy a shape, it would always maintain its s.h.i.+ny silver color .

"This . . . What is this?" exclaimed Ester as she looked at the metallic version of Harriet .

Old Luke smiled, "This is my totem spirit's ability . Just like the Three-Horned Rhinoceros has [Devour] that allows it to absorb the energy of other totem spirits, the Humanoid Metal Slime's ability is [Perfect Copy] . "

"Regardless of who it targets, it will be able to perfect copy that person or monster . Be it in terms of skills, stats or level, my totem spirit can literally become its target for a short period of time . This is why the weakness of the Black Iron Tribe has always been numbers; no matter how strong our opponents are, we will be able to match them, but if there are too many of them, we won't be able to avoid defeat . "

"Impressive but why didn't it copy the Three-Horned Rhinoceros?" asked Old Dale .

"Because the actual power of the Three-Horned Rhinoceros is lower than what we are looking at right now . For now, it is much stronger due to the effect of [Devour] . My totem spirit copies the original stats of the user; it ignores the ongoing effects on the target . If it did select the Three-Horned Rhinoceros, it would naturally be able to use [Devour] but another totem spirit would need to sacrifice itself to match it . The winged woman was its best bet . "

As the Shamans were discussing among themselves, the wind started to rise around them . With two Harpy Queens manipulating the wind, it felt like the weather had changed drastically .

"Let's focus our attention on the opposing Shamans," said Old Luke but suddenly, he felt an intense heat coming from the side .

He saw the players activate their scroll as a huge fire comet blasted its way toward Joyah .

"Let's all attack! This is our chance!" exclaimed Old Luke and instantly, the three Shamans all activated their formation . A powerful beam of energy fired toward Joyah .

However, to everyone's surprise, the attack of the Shamans and the Fire Comet were both stopped by the Shamans of the Vicious Rhino Tribe . They unexpectedly blocked such a powerful attack .

Old Luke frowned . He knew they missed the best opportunity they would get . But to his surprise, it was not the end, he heard the beasts roar from the forest . Led by the Forest Tiger King, a large pack of beasts rushed toward the fighting barbarians .

At the same time, a black smoke emerged from the ground, isolating Vellen and Joyah from the rest of the world

. . .

"You want to attack the Shamans? It is almost impossible for us to reach them and they are much stronger than our Defacers," said Dreidus as he heard Five's suggestion .

"We need to be the one taking them down if we want to get our hands on those relics . I am very interested in them and want to see if I'll unlock their totem spirits in the dungeon shop by doing so," answered Five .

He briefly looked at the monsters at his side . "I know the Defacers are weaker than the Shamans but we outnumber them . Ignore the tribes that decided to stop the fight and focus on those three still fighting . Summon a few Defacers and increase their number to fifteen . Remember that even though they are powerful, they are Shamans . Their defenses are weak and if we aim for the right time, we might be able to kill them . "

"As for how to reach them without being noticed, what about moving underground?" asked Five as he showed his interface to Dreidus .

Before leaving the dungeon, Five purchased a pseudo-Dungeon Core that would allow him to purchase monsters accordingly . Normal Dungeon Cores could not be brought out of their dungeons but it was different for the pseudo-Dungeon Core .

On the interface, Dreidus saw the information of an Armadillo being displayed . It was a Platinum Armadillo, the Boss monster of the Spiked Armadillos .

"You want to use a monster who can easily create tunnels underground? It might work but there are the Pocket Gopher and the Black-footed Ferret on their side . These two totem spirits will definitely detect any movement in the ground," said Dreidus .

"It is fine . These two tribes are not fighting anymore . They are just watching from the sideline . I know there are Undead Monsters that are better suited but we are also trying to move away from the Dark-Type monsters . "

"Alright then . You seem to have already thought it through . "

Five pressed the confirm b.u.t.ton on his interface, unlocking the Platinum Armadillo .

[System prompt: Congratulations Player Five . You have unlocked the Boss Monster: Level 35 Platinum Armadillo, this monster can now be purchased at the dungeon shop . ]

[System prompt: Congratulations Player Five . Due to unlocking the Platinum Armadillo, you have unlocked the Monster: Level 30 Spiked Armadillo, this monster can now be purchased at the dungeon shop . ]

400 thousand DP disappeared from Five's balance as he received the system prompts . Without hesitation, he spent another 150 thousand to summon the Boss Monster .

A summoning circle appeared as a small trembling armadillo appeared . It fearfully looked at its surroundings and as soon as its eyes landed on Five, a system prompt appeared:

[System prompt: Congratulations Player Five, the unnamed Platinum Armadillo has agreed to serve you . ]

Five froze . Wasn't this a little too easy? Every time he summoned monsters, they showed some resistance but the armadillo directly agreed to serve him before he could even speak .

"This . . . Alright . We don't have time to make proper introductions . For now, can you dig a hole from here to where these old men are? Do it discretely but it should be large enough for me and the Undead Monsters to go through," said Five .

The Platinum Armadillo fearfully followed Five's finger and nodded . It hurriedly jumped on its feet and started digging using its skill: [Dig] .

When Five saw the Armadillo's scared expression, he started doubting his choice . 'Did I just summon a coward?'

The Platinum Armadillo might lack confidence in himself but he was unrivaled when it came to digging . In a matter of seconds, he disappeared into the ground, leaving behind a large hole for Five and the others to enter .

"Alright . Let's go . Beast Kings! When you see us attacking the Shamans, I want you to go and a.s.sist the Musclewood Tribe's barbarians . The Zombeasts and skeletons will a.s.sist you . The Nosferatu will stay here with Alice . They will help in covering the retreat of the beasts afterward . "

Having given his instructions, Five jumped into the hole, followed by Dreidus and his Undead Monsters . He could hear the faint scratching sounds of the Platinum Armadillo .

"Lumen . Light up the tunnel, please . I cannot see anything," said Five .

The Firefly Queen buzzed before leaving Five's shoulder and showing him the way . The Platinum Armadillo worked fast and soon stopped to look at Five .

"We are under the feet of the Shamans? Good job . Can you now weaken the surface a little bit so that it will be easier for us to attack? Be careful that the ground does not break apart before it's time . "

Five opened the Pseudo-Dungeon Core again . His DP balance was currently at 900 thousand . His dungeon was generating a lot of DP at the moment; there were more than five hundred barbarians in his dungeon . The women, elders, and children were not as high level as the male barbarians but they did not kill any monsters or collect any resources . They were simply sitting in the mountainous Biome, anxiously waiting for the return of the fighters .

Five knew his move was risky . He was asking level 30 monsters to take down a level 45 Shaman accompanied by two level 39 Shamans . Dreidus was currently at level 35; although he was weaker than the Shamans, in his battle form, he would easily be able to take down one with his knowledge of powerful spells . But it was not enough .

"Platinum Armadillo . I will summon a few Spiked Armadillo . When the time comes, I want you to help Dreidus . You can use your battle form . I will also cast a skill to help you all," said Five .

The Platinum Armadillo paused . It stopped scratching the ground and looked at Five . Reluctance could be seen in his eyes but he nevertheless accepted the task . Several Spiked Armadillo appeared and helped their leader in its task .

"A skill? What skill are you planning to use, master?" asked Dreidus .

"This one," answered Five as he showed him the interface .

[Dark pull (level 0)]

Effect 1: Isolate a target area from the outside world and bring anyone in the target area into a dark world .

Effect 2: [Blindness]- All ent.i.ties within the target area will be blinded for the duration of the skill .

Effect 3: Casting time of all skills +0 . 5s (Including instantaneous skills)

Effect 4: [Confusion]- All ent.i.ties will be confused for the first 0 . 5s of the skill and be unable to perform any actions .

Duration: 3 seconds

Mana Cost: 150 MP

Cooldown: 1 hour

"I know it will be better to summon a monster than to unlock a skill for me . But this skill can normally only be learned when you are above level 40 . All monsters above level 40 cost a few million to unlock . The main point of this skill is to not only take the Shamans by surprise but also stop them from defending themselves . It should be easy for the Defacers to stop the Shamans from casting skills now that their cast time would be increased . "

Dreidus wanted to answer but suddenly, the flames in his eye sockets trembled . He blurted out "Then please learn it quickly . The Zombeasts outside just contacted me using [Dead Mind] . A golden opportunity is about to present itself . We need to act fast!"

Five nodded . He quickly spent 500 thousand DP and learned the skill .

"We should attack, now!" exclaimed Dreidus .

"Go!" shouted Five as he activated Dark Pull, emptying his Mana bar . The Platinum Armadillo growled as it activated its battle form but the Armadillos did not attack yet .

It was Dreidus and the Defacers who made the first move .