New Earth- The Dungeon Of Madness - Chapter 150

Chapter 150

"Come on you two! Are the Gopher Tribe and the Black-footed Ferret Tribe that weak? Your totem spirits have not done anything yet!"

The Shamans of the two tribes bitterly looked at the speaker . "Shut up . There is a powerful array under their village . Our totem spirits will need a bit of time to destroy it . If you are in a hurry, why don't you send your birds to attack? Your Cobalt Eagle has yet to do anything aside from some basic scouting . "

Seeing the Shamans of the different tribes starting to argue with each other, Joyah, one of the Shamans of the Vicious Rhino Tribe decided to intervene . As a large tribe, the Vicious Rhino Tribe had three Shamans; for this operation, two of them came to support the army .

"Gentlemen . It is not the right time to argue . Put aside your differences for the sake of this battle first . The dungeon will be shared among us based on our contribution to this battle . Naturally, if a totem spirit does nothing, their respective tribe won't receive any benefit . "

The old Shaman of the Blue Eagle Tribe snorted . He raised his hand and instantly, the Cobalt Eagle, the totem spirit of his tribe took off and flew toward the Musclewood Tribe . At the same time, the Purple-eyed Vulture followed behind the Cobalt Eagle . Contrary to the Three-Horned Rhinoceros who was dealing with the barbarians, the two birds' goal was to attack the enemy's totem spirits . They only wanted to disrupt the three spirits' spell, stopping them from giving the [b.e.s.t.i.a.l Strength] buff to their tribesmen .

"Since it is not working . Let's stop trying to go underground and attack directly," said the Shaman of the Gopher Tribe . He commanded the Pocket Gopher to attack the barbarians directly and was quickly joined by the Golden Fox .

Now, all ten spirits were actively partic.i.p.ating in the battle but at that moment, the Shamans who were watching the battle from a safe point, suddenly saw a large wave of skeletons emerge from the nearby forest .

The old men frowned . "We were right . Just like the Bramble Deer Tribe, the Musclewood Tribe is also getting help from the dungeon . But these are only skeletons . Our men can kill them with a single attack . There is no need to intervene . "

The Shamans confidently observed the battlefield . They did not have to act at the moment . It was only when the Musclewood Tribe would send their own Shamans that they would act . So far, the battle was still in their favor; the skeletons would not change the outcome of the battle .

However, it all changed when they a war horn sounded from the Musclewood Tribe . It was different from the traditional war horns they were used to . This one sounded more like a musical instrument .

The Shamans' face turned pale as they saw a figure materialize above the Musclewood Tribe .

"Another totem spirit? Impossible! A tribe can only have one totem spirit!" exclaimed Joyah .

With a calmer tone, Vellen, the second Shaman of the Vicious Rhino Tribe commented, "This is not a simple totem spirit . Just like the Humanoid Metal Slime, it also comes from the Central Plains . Just with its presence, the Tribesmen of the Musclewood Tribe have the power of their attack increased; they can ignore our defensive equipment to some extent!"

In the distance, they could see the spirit taking the form of a Giant King Crab! It ferociously raised its pincers as its eyes slowly turned toward the barbarians fighting . But that was not the end, next to it, another spirit appeared, this time taking the appearance of a Warthog .

"This . . . The power of the totem spirits of the Central Plains is really on a different level . With the pa.s.sive effects of these three totem spirits, they almost made up for the difference between the [b.e.s.t.i.a.l Strength] and [Predator] . . . I also feel a strange force helping the Musclewood Tribe; its effects are quite significant," commented a Shaman .

"Do you think we should recall our totem spirits and have all ten work together to produce the [Primordial Strength] buff instead?"

Witnessing the unexpected development, the Shamans became anxious . Joyah quickly tried to calm them down . "Gentlemen! There is no need to worry . Even if they can now match our strength, remember that we have the numbers . Victory is within our grasp . Furthermore, remember that our allies are on their way here . "

"Yes, you are right . The troops of the dungeon of the Bramble Deer Tribe should arrive soon . I am curious about the strength of that dungeon," said a Shaman .

"Dream on! As if they are going to send their strongest monsters . If even your tribe was smart enough to not send all its tribesmen, don't you think others would also realize that . "

"Stop bickering, you two . . . Old Vellen, may I request you to peek into the future and determine the outcome of this fight . This will rea.s.sure us," said another Shaman .

All eyes turned toward Vellen . The latter could only smile and agree . To hold this alliance together, he needed to make some sacrifice and so, he took out a relic and activated it . The pupils in his eyes disappeared .

While the battle was raging, the Shaman's surroundings became silent to avoid disturbing Vellen .

"The Vicious Rhino Tribe is really impressive . To be able to raise a Diviner; only the tribes of the Central Plains would have enough resources to do so . If we really get our hand on the dungeon, you would be able to officially become the number one tribe of this region . "

The Shamans murmured among themselves and soon, Vellen opened his eyes again . "Cough Cough . "

"The situation is better than it looks . These two totem spirits can only appear once . The Musclewood Tribe is using unique relics to summon them but the relics broke upon their activation . After the fight, these spirits would have nowhere to go and would disappear into nothingness . If we just retreat and come back after a few hours, they will have wasted the two spirits . "

The Shamans' face lit up . "Really? Should we order the retreat then? There is no harm in losing a battle to win the war! Furthermore, the dungeon's troop would have enough time to arrive and we won't have to expose our tribesmen to much danger . "

Vellen shook his head . "No . Aside from these two relics; the Musclewood Tribe has a third one . I saw it . It is a scale . I don't know what totem spirit it will summon but this one is dangerous . If they ever use it, we need to quickly retreat or a monster will appear! A monster that even the tribes of the Central Plains would not be able to face!"

"A monster?" The Shamans were stunned . The thought of quickly leaving this battle crossed their mind but Vellen continued .

"We cannot retreat or else, the Musclewood Tribe might use it the next time . We just need to make it appear as if they have enough chances to win to make them reluctant to use it . There is something I want to say . The Musclewood Tribe's reinforcement is also on its way . They are the merchants' allies . Although they are weak, there is a significant number of them; the battle might be troublesome if they make it here . "

"The merchants? Won't we antagonize them if we fight them?"

"It is fine . Merchants only look at profits . They are backing the Musclewood Tribe because they have the dungeon . As soon as we get our hands on it, I guarantee you they will come and ask to cooperate with us . "

Joyah looked at Vellen's expression . As they came from the same tribe, Joyah was familiar with Vellen . From his expression; he could tell that something was wrong but he did not want to alarm the other Shamans .

"Gentlemen . I think Vellen's message is clear . We should make our moves ourselves and aim for the Musclewood Tribe's Shamans . We need to move quickly before the merchants' army arrives . "

. . .

While the Shamans were busy arguing among themselves, the situation on the battlefield changed . The Warthog King roared before charging at the Three-Horned Rhinoceros . Despite its smaller size, the Warthog King sent the Rhinoceros flying . Fortunately, it was only a spirit or else, it would have crushed its own allies .

The Three-Horned Rhinoceros did not stand a chance alone . It was only level 49 while the Warthog King was level 51 . There was only a difference of two levels between the two totem spirits but in terms of bloodline, the Warthog King completely outcla.s.sed its counterpart . Several barbarians sacrificed themselves to keep the Warthog King away . Their attacks felt like mosquito stings but they nevertheless bought enough time for the Three-Horned Rhinoceros to recover .

The latter roared threateningly at the Warthog King . It was confident in its own strength and believed it was pushed back because it was caught off guard . However, reality soon dawned on the Three-Horned Rhinoceros as it was utterly defeated despite the help of the barbarians .

In the meanwhile, the Giant Crab King turned its attention toward the Pocket Gopher and the Golden Ferret . The first totem spirits it saw were the Cobalt Eagle and the Purple-eyed Vulture but it held a natural fear for birds; its natural predators consisted mainly of birds . It was more comfortable in dealing with the other two totem spirits .

Using its huge claws, the Giant Crab King pushed back the two totem spirits . It was only after working together that the Pocket Gopher and Golden Ferret were able to hold their ground .

The Cobalt Eagle and the Purple-eyed Vulture were unfazed by the appearance of the two new Totem Spirits . They did not affect their original plans . The two birds aimed directly for the three totem spirits . As long as they disrupted their skills, the balance would instantly lean in favor of the three tribes .