b. Write and define nouns denoting the recipient (one who is or that which) from the following:--
1 a.s.sign 2 bedlam 3 _captum_ (taken) 4 devote 5 favor 6 lease 7 _natus_ (born) 8 patent 9 refer 10 relate
c. Write and define nouns denoting state, condition, quality, or act, from the following:--
1. Nouns.
1 _magistr_ate 2 parent 3 cure 4 _priv_ate 5 pilgrim 6 hero 7 despot 8 judge 9 va.s.sal 10 vandal
2. Verbs.
1 conspire 2 marry 3 forbear 4 repent 5 ply 6 abase 7 excel 8 prosper 9 enjoy 10 accompany 11 depart 12 abound 13 abhor 14 compose 15 deride (_deris_-)
3. Adjectives.
1 _accur_ate 2 _delic_ate 3 _dist_ant 4 _excell_ent 5 _curr_ent 6 parallel 7 prompt (_i_-) 8 similar 9 docile 10 moist
d. Write and define nouns denoting place WHERE from the following words:--
1 grain 2 deposit 3 penitent 4 arm 5 observe
e. Write and define nouns expressing diminutives of the following nouns:--
1 part 2 globe 3 animal 4 verse 5 _corpus_ (body)
a. Write and define adjectives denoting relating to, like, or being, from the following nouns:--
1 parent 2 nation 3 fate 4 elegy 5 demon 6 republic 7 Rome 8 Europe 9 Persia 10 presbytery 11 globule 12 _luna_ (the moon) 13 _oculus_ (the eye) 14 consul 15 _sol_ (the sun) 16 planet 17 moment 18 element 19 second 20 parliament 21 honor 22 poet 23 despot 24 majesty 25 ocean 26 metal 27 nonsense 28 astronomy 29 botany 30 period 31 tragedy 32 _ferv_or 33 _splend_or 34 infant 35 _puer_ (a boy) 36 _canis_ (a dog) 37 _felis_ (a cat) 38 promise 39 access 40 transit
b. Write and define adjectives denoting abounding in, having the quality of, from the following nouns:--
1 pa.s.sion 2 temper 3 _oper_- (work) 4 fortune 5 _popul_- (people) 6 affection 7 _aqua_- (water) 8 verb (a word) 9 beauty 10 courage 11 plenty 12 envy 13 victory 14 joy 15 globe
c. Write and define adjectives denoting that may be, or having the power, from the following verbs:--
1 blame 2 allow 3 move 4 admit (_miss_-) 5 collect 6 abuse 7 _aud_- (hear) 8 divide (_vis_-) 9 vary 10 _ara_- (plough)
Write and define the following adjectives denoting--
(_causing_ or _producing_) 1 terror, 2 _sopor_- (sleep), 3 _flor_ (a flower), 4 _pestis_ (a plague); (_having the quality of_) 5 _farina_ (meal), 6 crust, 7 _argilla_ (clay), (_becoming_), 8 effervesce.
Write and define verbs denoting to make, render, or perform the act of, from the following words:--
1 authentic 2 person 3 captive 4 _anima_ (life) 5 _melior_ (better) 6 ample 7 just 8 _sanctus_ (holy) 9 pan 10 false 11 _facilis_ (easy) 12 _magnus_(great) 13 equal 14 fertile 15 legal
1. A LATIN PRIMITIVE, or root, is a Latin word from which a certain number of English derivative words is formed. Thus the Latin verb _du'cere_, to draw or lead, is a Latin primitive or root, and from it are formed _educe_, _education_, _deduction_, _ductile_, _reproductive_, and several hundred other English words.
2. LATIN ROOTS consist chiefly of verbs, nouns, and adjectives.
3. ENGLISH DERIVATIVES from Latin words are generally formed not from the root itself but from a part of the root called the _radical_. Thus, in the word "education," the _root-word_ is _ducere_, but the _radical_ is DUC- (education = e + DUC + ate + ion).
4. A RADICAL is a word or a part of a word used in forming English derivatives.
5. Sometimes several radicals from the same root-word are used, the different radicals being taken from different grammatical forms of the root-word.
6. VERB-RADICALS are formed princ.i.p.ally from two parts of the verb,--the first person singular of the present indicative, and a part called the _supine_, which is a verbal noun corresponding to the English infinitive in -ing. Thus:--
_1st pers. sing. pres. ind._ duco (I draw) _Root_ DUC- _Derivative_ _educe_ _Supine_ ductum (drawing, or to draw) _Root_ DUCT- _Derivative_ _ductile_
I. In giving a Latin verb-primitive in this book three "princ.i.p.al parts" of the verb will be given, namely: (1) The present infinitive, (2) the first person singular of the present indicative, and (3) the supine--the second and the third parts because from them radicals are obtained, and the infinitive because this is the part used in naming a verb in a general way.
Thus as we say that _loved_, _loving_, etc., are parts of the verb "to love," so we say that _a'mo_ (present ind.) and _ama'tum_ (supine) are parts of the verb _ama're_.
II. It should be noted that it is incorrect to translate _amo_, _amatum_, by "to love," since neither of these words is in the infinitive mood, which is _amare_. The indication of the Latin infinitive will be found of great utility, as it is the part by which a Latin verb is referred to in the Dictionary.
7. NOUN-RADICALS and ADJECTIVE RADICALS are formed from the nominative and from the genitive (or possessive) case of words belonging to these parts of speech. Thus:--
iter (a journey) ITER-. re_iter_ate
itineris (of a journey) ITINER- _itiner_ant felicis (nom. _felix_, happy) FELIC- _felic_ity
NOTE.--These explanations of the mode of forming radicals are given by way of general information; but this book presupposes and requires no knowledge of Latin, since in every group of English derivatives from Latin, not only the root-words in their several parts, but the _radicals actually used_ in word-formation, are given.
p.r.o.nunciation of Latin Words.
1. Every word in Latin must have as many syllables as it has vowels or diphthongs: as _miles_ (= _mi'les_).
2. _C_ is p.r.o.nounced like _k_ before _a_, _o_, _u_; and like _s_ before _e_, _i_, _y_, and the diphthongs _ae_ and __: as _cado_, p.r.o.nounced _ka'do_; _cedo_, p.r.o.nounced _se'do_.
3. _G_ is p.r.o.nounced hard before _a_, _o_, _u_, and soft like _j_ before _e_, _i_, _y_, _ae_, __: as _gusto_, in which _g_ is p.r.o.nounced as in _August_; _gero_, p.r.o.nounced _je'ro_.
4. A consonant between two vowels must be joined to the latter: as _bene_, p.r.o.nounced _be'ne_.
5. Two consonants in the middle of a word must be divided: as _mille_, p.r.o.nounced _mil'le_.
6. The diphthongs _ae_ and __ are sounded like _e_: as _caedo_, p.r.o.nounced _ce'do_.
7. Words of two syllables are accented on the first: as _ager_, p.r.o.nounced _a'jer_.
8. When a word of more than one syllable ends in _a_, the _a_ should be sounded like _ah_: as _musa_, p.r.o.nounced _mu'sah_.