New Word-Analysis - Part 43

Part 43

IN'TONATE, _to sound; to modulate the voice_.

INTONE', _to give forth a slow, protracted sound_.

SEM'ITONE, _half a tone_.


1. Derivation of "ant.i.thesis"?--Compose an example of an ant.i.thesis.--Point out the ant.i.thesis in the following:--

"The prodigal robs his heir; the miser robs himself."

"A wit with dunces and a dunce with wits."

"Though deep, yet clear, though gentle, yet not dull, Strong without rage, without o'erflowing, full."

2. Derivation of "hypothesis."--Give an adjective formed from this noun.--What Latin derivative corresponds literally to "hypothesis"? _Ans.

Supposition_.--Show this. _Ans_. Supposition is composed of sub = hypo (under), and position (from _ponere_, to place) = thesis, a placing--What adjective from "supposition" would correspond to "hypothetical"? _Ans.


3. Derivation of "parenthesis"?--Compose a parenthetical sentence.

4. What is the opposite of "synthesis"?--Give the distinction _Ans.

a.n.a.lysis_ is taking apart, _synthesis_ is putting together--What adjective is derived from the noun "synthesis"?

5. What adjective is formed from "demagogue"? _Ans. Demagogic_ or _demagogical_--Define it--Compose a sentence containing the word "demagogue". MODEL: "Aaron Burr, to gain popularity, practiced the arts of a _demagogue_."

6. What adjective is formed from "pedagogue"? _Ans. Pedagogic_--What would the "_pedagogic_ art" mean?--Is "pedagogue" usually employed in a complimentary sense?--Give a synonym of "pedagogue" in its literal sense.

7. Derivation of "anarchy"?--Compose a sentence containing this word.

MODEL: "Many of the South American States have long been cursed by _anarchy_."

8. What adjective is formed from "monarchy"? _Ans. Monarchical_--Define it.--Can you mention a country at present ruled by a monarchical government?--What is the ruler of a monarchy called?

9. Compose a sentence containing the word "oligarchy". MODEL: "During the Middle Ages some of the Italian republics, as Genoa and Venice, were under the rule of an _oligarchy_."

10. From what root is "democracy" derived?--What adjective is formed from "democracy"?--Is Russia at present a _democracy_?--Can you mention any ancient governments that for a time were democracies?

11. What adjective is formed fiom "aristocracy"?--What noun will denote one who believes in aristocracy? _Ans. Aristocrat_--What does "aristocrat"

ordinarily mean? _Ans._ A proud or haughty person who holds himself above the common people.

12. What is the etymology of "thermometer"?

13. Ill.u.s.trate the meaning of "chronometer" by using it in a sentence.

14. What adjective is formed from "diameter"? _Ans. Diametrical_--What adverb is formed from "diametrical"?--What is meant by the expression "_diametrically_ opposed"?

15. What science was the forerunner of astronomy? _Ans. Astrology_--Give the derivative of this word.--What word denotes one who is skilled in astronomy?--Form an adjective from "astronomy."--Compose a sentence containing the word "astronomy." MODEL: "The three great founders of _astronomy_ are Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton."

16. From what root is "telescope" derived?--Combine and define telescop + ic.--Compose a sentence using the word "telescope."

17. From what root is "microscope" derived?--Combine and define microscop + ic.--What single word denotes microscopic animals? _Ans.

Animalculae_.--Compose a sentence containing the word "microscope." MODEL: "As the telescope reveals the infinitely distant, so the _microscope_ reveals the infinitely little."

18. Compose a sentence containing the word "antipathy." MODEL: "That we sometimes have antipathies which we cannot explain is well ill.u.s.trated in the lines:

'The reason why I cannot tell, I do not like you, Dr. Fell.'"

19. What adjective is formed from "apathy"?

20. Derivation of "sympathy"?--Give a synonym of this Greek derivative.

_Ans. Compa.s.sion_.--Show why they are literal synonyms. _Ans._ Sym = con or com, and pathy = pa.s.sion; hence, compa.s.sion = sympathy.--Give an English derivative expressing the same thing. _Ans. Fellow-feeling._

21. From what two roots is "autocrat" derived?--Form an adjective from "autocrat."--Who is the present "autocrat of all the Russias"?--Could the Queen of England be called an _autocrat_?--Why not?

22. Compose a sentence containing the word "autograph." MODEL: "There are only two or three _autographs_ of Shakespeare in existence."

23. Derivation of "automaton"?--Ill.u.s.trate the signification of the word by a sentence.

24. What word would denote a remedy for "all the ills that flesh is heir to"?--Compose a sentence containing the word "panacea."

25. Derivation of "panoply"?--In the following sentence is "panoply" used in a literal or a figurative sense? "We had need to take the Christian _panoply_, to put on the whole armor of G.o.d."

26. From what two roots is "pantheism" derived?--What word is used to denote one who believes in pantheism?

27. Can you mention an ancient religion in which there were many G.o.ds?--Each divinity might have its own temple; but what name would designate a temple dedicated to _all_ the G.o.ds?

28. Give an adjective formed from the word "panorama."--Compose a sentence using the word "panorama."

29. What is the derivative of "eulogy"?--Ill.u.s.trate its meaning by a sentence.--Form an adjective from "eulogy."

30. What is the etymology of "pseudonym"?--Give an example of a pseudonym.


ACH'OS, _pain_--ache, headache.

AINIG'MA, _a riddle_--enigma.

AK'ME, _a point_--acme.

AKOU'EIN, _to hear_--acoustics.

AK'ROS, _high_--_acropolis (polis)._ ALLEL'ON, _each other_--parallel, parallelogram.

AN'ER, _a man_--Andrew, Alexander.

AN'THOS, _a flower_--anther, anthology, polyanthus.

ANTHRO'POS, _a man_--anthropology, anthropophagi, misanthrope, philanthropist, philanthropy.

ARK'TOS, _a bear_--arctic, antarctic.

AR'GOS, _idle_--lethargy, lethargic.

ARIS'TOS, _best_--aristocrat _(kratos)_, aristocracy, aristocratic.

ARITH'MOS, _number_--arithmetic, arithmetician, logarithm, logarithmic.

ARO'MA, _spice, odor_--aromatic.

ARTE'RIA, _a bloodvessel_--artery, arterial.