FAN'CIFUL, _full of fancy; abounding in wild images_.
FANTA'SIA, _a musical composition avowedly not governed by the ordinary musical rules_.
PHAN'TOM, _a specter, an apparation_.
PHASE, _an appearance_.
PHENOM'ENON, _anything presented to the senses by experiment or observation; an unusual appearance_.
SYC'OPHANT (Gr. n. _sukon_, a fig, and, literally, an informer against stealers of figs), _a mean flatterer_.
25. PHO'NE (f???), _a sound_.
PHONET'IC, PHON'IC _according to sound_.
EU'PHONY, _an agreeable sound of words_.
SYM'PHONY, _harmony of mingled sounds; a musical composition for a full band of instruments_.
26. PHOS (f??, f?t??), _light_.
PHOS'PHORUS (Gr. v. _pherein_, to bear), _a substance resembling wax, highly inflammable, and luminous in the dark_.
PHOS'PHATE, _a salt of phosphoric acid_.
PHOSPh.o.r.eS'CENT, _luminous in the dark_.
PHOSPHOR'IC, _relating to or obtained from phosphorus_.
PHOTOG'RAPHY. See _graphein_.
27. PHU'SIS (f?s??), _nature_.
PHYS'IC, _medicines_.
PHYS'ICAL, _natural; material; relating to the body_.
PHYSI'CIAN, _one skilled in the art of healing_.
PHYS'ICIST, _a student of nature_.
PHYS'ICS, _natural philosophy_.
PHYSIOG'NOMY (Gr. n. _gno'mon_, a judge), _the art of discerning the character of the mind from the features of the face; the particular cast of features or countenance_.
PHYSIOL'OGY. See _logos_.
METAPHYS'ICS, literally, _after or beyond physics_; hence, _the science of mind_.
METAPHYSI'CIAN, _one versed in metaphysics_.
28. POL'IS (p????), _a city_.
POLICE', _the body of officers employed to secure the good order of a city_.
POL'ICY, _the art or manner of governing a nation or conducting public affairs; prudence_.
POL'ITIC, _wise, expedient_.
POLIT'ICAL, _relating to politics_.
POLITI'CIAN, _one devoted to politics_.
POL'ITICS, _the art or science of government; struggle of parties_.
POL'ITY, _the const.i.tution of civil government_.
ACROP'OLIS (Gr. adj. _ak'ros_, high), _a citadel_.
COSMOP'OLITE (Gr. n. _kos'mos_, the world), _a citizen of the world_.
METROP'OLIS (Gr. n. _me'ter_, a mother), _the chief city of a country_.
NECROP'OLIS (Gr. adj. _nek'ros_, dead), _a burial-place; a city of the dead_.
29. RHE'O ('?e?), _I flow, I speak_.
RHET'ORIC, _the art of composition; the science of oratory_.
RHETORI'CIAN, _one skilled in rhetoric_.
RHEU'MATISM, _a disease of the limbs_ (so called because the ancients supposed it to arise from a deflection of the humors).
RES'IN, _a gum which flows from certain trees_.
CATARRH', _a discharge of fluid from the nose caused by cold in the head_.
DIARRHOE'A, _purging_.
HEM'ORRHAGE (Gr. n. _haima_, blood), _a flowing of blood_.
30. SKOP'EIN (s??pe??), _to see, to watch_.