23. LIT'ERA, _a letter_.
Radical: LITER-.
1. LIT'ERAL: liter + al = relating to the letter of a thing; that is, exact to the letter.
2. LIT'ERARY: liter + ary = pertaining to _letters_ or learning.
3. OBLITERATE: ob + liter + ate = to cause letters to be rubbed out: hence, to rub out, in general.
4. LIT'ERATURE: through Lat. n. _literatura_ = the collective body of literary works.
5. ILLIT'ERATE: il (for _in_, not) + liter + ate = of the nature of one who does not know his letters.
(1.) Define what is meant by a "_literal_ translation."
(2.) Give a synonymous expression for a "literary man."--Compose a sentence containing the terms "literary society."
(3.) Give a synonym of "obliterate" in its literal meaning. _Ans._ To _erase_.--If we should speak of _obliterating_ the memory of a wrong, would the word be used in its primary or its derivative sense?
(4.) "When we speak of English "literature" what is meant?--Can you mention a great poem in Greek "literature"?--Compose a sentence containing the word "literature."
(5.) Give a synonym of "illiterate." _Ans. Unlearned_.--What is the opposite of "illiterate"? _Ans. Learned_.
24. MORS, mortis, _death_.
Radical: MORT-.
1. MOR'TAL: mort + a = relating to death.
2. MOR'TIFY: mort + ify = literally, to cause to die: hence, (1) to destroy vital functions; (2) to humble.
3. IMMOR'TALIZE: im (for _in_, not) + mort + al + ize = to make not subject to death: hence, to perpetuate.
(1.) What does Shakespeare mean by the expression to "shuffle off this _mortal_ coil"?--Combine and define mortal + ity.--What is the opposite of "mortal"?--Give a synonym. _Ans. Deathless_.
(2.) State the two meanings of "mortify."--What noun is derived from this verb? _Ans. Mortification_.--When a surgeon speaks of "mortification"
setting in, what does he mean?--What is meant by "mortification" when we say that the British felt great _mortification_ at the recapture of Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne?
(3.) Compose a sentence containing the word "immortalize." MODEL: "Milton _immortalized_ his name by the production of Paradise Lost."
25. NOR'MA, _a rule_.
Radical: NORM-.
1. NOR'MAL: norm + al = according to rule.
2. ENOR'MOUS: e + norm + ous = having the quality of being out of all rule: hence, excessive, huge.
3. ENOR'MITY: e + norm + ity = the state of being out of all rule: hence, an excessive degree--generally used in regard to bad qualities.
4. ABNOR'MAL: ab + norm + al = having the quality of being _away_ from the usual rule: hence, unnatural.
(1.) What is meant by the expression, "the _normal_ condition of things"?--"What is the meaning of the term a "_normal_ school"? _Ans._ It means a school whose methods of instruction are to serve as a model for imitation; a school for the education of teachers.
(2.) Give a synonym of "enormous." _Ans. Immense_.--Give another.--"What is meant by "_enormous_ strength"? an "_enormous_ crime?"--Combine and define enormous + ly.
(3.) Ill.u.s.trate the meaning of the word "enormity" by a sentence.
26. OR'DO, or'dinis, _order_.
Radical: ORDIN-.
1. OR'DINARY: ordin + ary = relating to the usual order of things.
2. EXTRAOR'DINARY: extra + ordin + ary = beyond ordinary.
3. INOR'DINATE: in + ordin + ate = having the quality of not being within the usual order of things: hence, excessive.
4. SUBOR'DINATE: sub + ordin + ate = having the quality of being under the usual order: hence, inferior, secondary.
5. OR'DINANCE: ordin + ance = that which is according to order: hence, a law.
6. INSUBORDINA'TION: in + sub + ordin + ate + ion = the state of not being under the usual order of things: hence, disobedience to lawful authority.
(1.) What is meant by "_ordinary_ language"? an "_ordinary_ man"?
(2.) Combine and define extraordinary + ly.--Compose a sentence using the word "extraordinary."--Give a synonym of "extraordinary." _Ans. Unusual._
(3.) Explain what is meant by saying that General Charles Lee had "_inordinate_ vanity."--Is "inordinate" used with reference to praiseworthy things?
(4.) What part of speech other than an adjective is "subordinate"?--What is meant by "a _subordinate_"?--What does "subordinate" mean in the sentence, "We must _subordinate_ our wishes to the rules of morality"?--Combine and define subordinate + ion.
(5.) What does the expression "the _ordinances_ of the Common Council of the City of New York" mean?