NAT. ORD., Rhamnaceae.
COMMON NAMES, New Jersey Tea. Red Root. Wild s...o...b..ll.
PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves are pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.
(The following by Dr. Majumdar in _Indian h.o.m.oepathic Review_, 1897, ill.u.s.trates the chief use of this "organ remedy.")
Recently I had a wonderful case of supposed heart disease cured by _Ceanothus_. I am indebted to my friend, Dr. Burnett, for the suggestion of using _Ceanothus_.
A thin and haggard looking young man presented himself to my office on the 26th of July, 1896. He told me he had some disease of the heart and had been under the treatment of several eminent allopathic physicians of this city; some declared it to be a case of hypertrophy of the heart and some of valvular disease.
Without asking him further, I examined his heart thoroughly, but with no particular results. The rhythm and sounds were all normal only there was a degree of weakness in these sounds. Dulness on percussion was not extended beyond its usual limit. So I could not make out any heart disease in this man.
On further inquiry, I learned that the man remained in a most malarious place for five years, during which he had been suffering off and on from intermittent fever. I percussed the abdomen and found an enormously enlarged and indurated spleen, reaching beyond the navel and pushing up the thoracic viscera.
The patient complained of palpitation of heart, dyspnoea, especially on ascending steps and walking fast. I thought from these symptoms his former medical advisers concluded heart disease. In my mind they seemed to be resulted from enlarged spleen.
On that very day I gave him six powders of _Ceonothus Amer._ 3x, one dose morning and evening. I asked him to see me when his medicine finished. He did not make his appearance, however, on the appointed day.
I thought the result of my prescription was not promising. After a week he came and reported unusually good results.
His dyspnoea was gone, palpitation troubled him now and then, but much less than before. He wanted me to give him the same powders. I gave him _Sac. lac._, six doses, in the usual way.
Reported further improvement; the same powders of _Sac. lac._ twice. To my astonishment I found the spleen much reduced in size and softened than before; I knew nothing about this patient for some time. Only recently I saw him, a perfect picture of sound health. He informed me that the same powders were sufficient to set him right. He gained health; no sign of enlarged spleen left.
NAT. ORD., Rubiaceae.
COMMON NAMES, b.u.t.ton Bush, Crane Willow.
PREPARATION.--The fresh bark of branches and roots is pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.
(The item given below was contributed to the _American Observer_, 1875, by Dr. E. D. Wright.)
Proving--one-half ounce in a day.
First day--raw, sore throat; nervous, excited; felt light and easy, happy; bowels constipated.
Second day--the same dose. Hard dreams about fighting, quarreling; restless and tossing over; joints of the fingers lame; griping pains in the lungs(?); in body and limbs, especially in the joints; toothache; bowels loose, stool offensive; almost affected by the piles.
CURES.--Intermittent fever, quotidian and tertian fever; sore throat, quinsy--had very good effect.
Rheumatic fevers, with soreness of the flesh.
A teamster fell in the river. Cold, and inflammatory fever was cured quickly.
NAT. ORD., Cactacae.
COMMON NAME, A variety of the night blooming cereus group.
PREPARATION.--The fresh green stems are pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.
(This paper, which we take from the _h.o.m.oeopathic Physician_, 1892, was prepared by Dr. J. H. Flitch, of New Scotland, N. Y., the original prover. The proving is also found in the _Encyclopaedia_, Allen's.)
_Mind and Disposition._--An agreeable and tranquil state and frame of mind and body (first day, evening).
Mind perfectly composed.
Feel better when engaged at something or occupied.
Desire to be at useful work, desire to be busy (second day).
Desire to be employed.
Praying or disposition to be at prayer.
Ill at ease.
Rest (third day).
Doesn't know what to do with one's self.
Feels a strong desire to give away something very necessary for him to keep or have.
Feeling irritable (on rising).
Cannot keep himself employed at anything.
Very much disturbed in mind.
Pa.s.ses the time in useless occupation (fourth day).
Very irritable; acts impulsively.
Spends the whole forenoon uselessly.
Difficulty in becoming devotional (at church).
Finds it easy to become devotional.
Feels well late in the evening (seventh day).