en'vy, _wish one's self in another's place_.
doffed, _took off, as an article of dress_.
blithe, _very happy; gay_.
fee, _what is received as pay for service done_.
boast, _object of pride_.
quoth, _spoke_.
hale, _in good health; strong_.
There dwelt a miller, hale and bold, Beside the river Dee; He worked and sang from morn till night-- No lark so blithe as he; And this the burden of his song Forever used to be: "I envy n.o.body--no, not I, And n.o.body envies me!"
"Thou'rt wrong, my friend," said good King Hal; "As wrong as wrong can be; For could my heart be light as thine, I'd gladly change with thee.
And tell me now, what makes thee sing, With voice so loud and free.
While I am sad, though I'm a king, Beside the river Dee?"
The miller smiled and doffed his cap: "I earn my bread," quoth he; "I love my wife, I love my friend, I love my children three; I owe no penny I can not pay; I thank the river Dee, That turns the mill that grinds the corn That feeds my babes and me."
"Good friend," said Hal, and sighed the while, "Farewell! and happy be!
But say no more, if thou'dst be true, That no one envies thee.
Thy mealy cap is worth my crown; Thy mill, my kingdom's fee; Such men as thou are England's boast, O miller of the Dee!"
Directions for Reading.--In the second stanza of the lesson, _wrong_ becomes very _emphatic_ on account of _repet.i.tion_ (being repeated a number of times). _My_ and _thine_, in the same stanza, are _emphatic_ on account of _contrast_ (contrary meaning of the words).
Point out an example of _emphasis_ by _repet.i.tion_, and an example of _emphasis_ by _contrast_, in the third stanza.
Language Lesson.--Hal = Harry = Henry.
Let pupils place _un_ before each of the following words, and give their meaning.
changed burdened envied
fero'cious, _savage; fierce_.
rosette', _an article made to resemble a rose_.
aban'doned, _left forever; given up_.
encoun'ter, _meet face to face_.
in'fluence, _power over others_.
keen, _sharp; piercing_.
reputa'tion, _what is known of a person_.
wit'ness, _see or know by personal presence_.
trail, _track; footsteps_.
alert', _on the watch; careful_.
The jaguar, or as he is sometimes called, the American tiger, is the largest and most ferocious of the cat family found on this continent.
Some jaguars have been seen equal in size to the Asiatic tiger; but in most cases the American, animal is smaller. He is strong enough, however, to drag a horse or an ox to his den--sometimes to a long distance; and this feat has been frequently observed.
The jaguar is found in all the tropical parts of North and South America.