Intercollegiate Zionist a.s.sociation of America 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Jewish Academicians of America 125 East Eighty-fifth Street, New York City
Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society 174 Second Avenue, New York City
Jewish Agricultural Experiment Station 356 Second Avenue, New York City
Jewish Central Relief Committee 51 Chambers Street, New York City
Jewish Chautauqua Society 1305 Stephen Girard Building 21 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jewish Consumptive Relief a.s.sociation of California 207 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California
Jewish Consumptive Relief Society 510-512 Kittredge Building, Denver, Colorado
Jewish National Workers Alliance of America 89 Delancey Street, New York City
Jewish People's Relief Committee 175 East Broadway, New York City
Jewish Publication Society of America 1201 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jewish Socialist Federation of America 175 East Broadway, New York City
Jewish Socialist Labor Poale Zion of America and Canada 266 Grand Street, New York City
Jewish Teachers a.s.sociation Secretary: A. P. Schoolman 356 Second Avenue, New York City
Jewish Teachers' Seminary 252 East Broadway, New York City
Jewish Teachers' Training School of the Misrachi Organization 86 Orchard Street, New York City
Jewish Theological Seminary of America 531 West 123d Street, New York City
Jewish Welfare Board 149 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Joint Distribution Committee 20 Exchange Place, New York City
Kappa Nu Fraternity 2937 Schubert Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
National a.s.sociation of Jewish Social Workers Secretary and Treasurer: M. M. Goldstein 356 Second Avenue, New York City
National Conference of Jewish Social Service 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City
National Desertion Bureau Secretary: Charles Zusser 356 Second Avenue, New York City
National Farm School 407 Mutual Life Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods 62 Dutenhofer Building, Cincinnati, Ohio
National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives 3800 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado
National Jewish Immigration Council 18 Maiden Lane, New York City
National Union of Jewish Sheltering Societies 229-231 East Broadway, New York City
Order Brith Abraham 266 Grand Street, New York City
Order Knights of Joseph 311-312 Society for Savings Building Cleveland, Ohio
Order of Sons of Zion 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Order of the United Hebrew Brothers 189 Second Avenue, New York City
Pi Tau Pi Fraternity New Orleans, Louisiana
Progressive Order of the West 406-407-408 Fris...o...b..ilding Ninth and Olive Streets, St. Louis, Missouri
Red Mogen David of America 201 Second Avenue, New York City
Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity 277 Broadway, New York City
The Mizrachi Organization of America 86 Orchard Street, New York City
The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada 121 Ca.n.a.l Street, New York City
The Workmen's Circle 175 East Broadway, New York City
Union of American Hebrew Congregations Cincinnati, Ohio
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 125 East Eighty-fifth Street, New York City
United Order of True Sisters 317 West 139th Street, New York City
United Orthodox Rabbis of America 121 Ca.n.a.l Street, New York City
United Sons of Israel, Inc.
18 Boylston Street, Boston, Ma.s.sachusetts
United Synagogue of America 531 West 123d Street, New York City
Women's League of the United Synagogue of America 531 West 123d Street, New York City
Young Judaea 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Z B T Fraternity 237 West Eighty-eighth Street, New York City
Zionist Organization of America 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Zionist Society of Engineers and Agriculturists 122 East Thirty-seventh Street, New York City