Naruto Hiden - Vol 2 Chapter 15

Vol 2 Chapter 15


A fierce battle was taking place around Shikamaru. Amidst the sound of clashing blades and roaring battle cries,he levelled his gaze at Gengo.

Then are you saying you dont care about the oppression of shinobi?! Gengo shrieked, a vein throbbing in his temple.

The solemn, all-knowing man from mere moments ago was nowhere to be seen. Was it because Shikamaru had broken out of the genjutsu? No, that couldnt be the reason. Gengo was so frantic, there wasnt a single atom of calm left in his body.

Whats made you lose your presence of mind? Shikamaru asked.


Well, you look so desperate its pathetic.

Who is Gengos faded into frenzied muttering. His voice came out as a pained groan through grit teeth. Listen, we shinobi carry inhuman powers, it is fate that we are feared by normal people. Fear turns into discrimination which gives birth tooppression. At this rate, all of shinobi will slowly see more and more suffering.

You know, I Shikamaru tiled his head to the left, cracking his neck. He kept his eyes on Gengo. I think itd be good if the concept of shinobi just ceased to exist.

Wh- whatre you saying?!

Whats with that reaction? Hadnt you already given up being a shinobi?

Again, Gengo started muttering indecipherably to himself. He looked so ridiculous that the corner of Shikamarus mouth twitched into a smile.

Shinobi have finally gathered together as one alliance. Shikamaru continued.. As long as the union carries on like this, then soon, all the fighting will settle down too.

D-dont talk as if its so simple

You never know until you try.

Gengos hand had moved behind his back, as if he was grasping something

A kunai.

Shikamaru had been relaxed till this moment, but now he tensed up. Hed lost all his weapons when confined in Gengos jail. He didnt have anything to defend himself with-

Shikamaru! Temari called out.

He turned in the direction of her voice. He saw something flying through the air and heading his way. As soon as it came within his arms reach, Shikamaru reached out and caught it with his right hand.


He heard the sound of Temari laughing, happy hed caught it.

This all happened in the time it took him to blink.

When Shikamaru had turned around from catching the kunai to face his opponent, Gengo was already leaping towards him.

Shikamaru lunged as well.

Their two kunai clashed in mid-air, sparks flying from the impact. Both was straining their wrist and trying to overcome the other.

Isnt it because theres fighting in the world that people like us become shinobi? Shikamaru commented.

You impudent youngster Gengos voice had turned violent.

In the same instant, both opponents jumped back to put some space between them.

They landed at a distance similar to how theyd started, keeping a firm hold on their kunai and a ready stance in their bodies, wearily glaring at each other.

Shikamarus feet kicked against the ground as he moved to lunge at his opponent again.

He swung his kunai with bloodthirsty intent towards Gengos head.

But, their intent was the same. Gengos kunai was flying towards his face as well.

Shikamaru jerked his head out of the way, but he still felt the kunai cut a clear straight line across his cheek, saw his blood spraying out in a burst of crimson.

His eyes registered a bloody cut across Gengos cheek as well.

Shikamarus left arm shot out, and grabbed Gengos right wrist the one tht carried his kunai- with an iron grip. It wouldve been a better situation if Gengo hadnt done the same. The two were locked, both using their weapon-less hand to hold onto the others weapon-ready wrist.

The first step to ending that fightingis the Shinobi Union. Shikamaru grit out. Shinobi have to unite first. Then our ring of bonds will expand to wrap around the Daimyou and the citizens as well. As long as our worlds unite, then people wont need to become shinobi anymore. Even if its not in my lifetime, then in my childs lifetime, or in my grandchilds lifetimeone day, shinobi will cease to exist.

This world isnt easy enough for ideals to be put into practice. Gengo said.

Arent your plans an ideal too?

The corners of Gengos mouth lifted in a strange, mechanical curve upwards. The look on his face was too wicked to be called a smile.

Im telling you ahead of time, Shikmaru said. You wont be able to put me in a genjutsu.

Well, listen either way, Shikamaru. Gengo said, Things called ideals are only of value if the possibility of carrying them out in reality is high. The ideal you are speaking of is as impossible as catching clouds. The difference between your ideal and mine is like the distance between heaven and earth.

Stupid, arent you? Shikamaru noted.

The true fools are those who dont recognise their own stupidity.

Yeah, and thats why Im calling you stupid.

A barely repressed smile quivered at the corners of Gengos mouth.

Suddenly, Gengo moved his left arm, viciously twisting Shikamarus right wrist around the joint. His wrist ached with a grinding pain.

Shikamaru was caught in the wrist lock, and his grip on Gengos armed hand weakened. Gengo angled his kunai towards Shikamarus neck, dragging it closer and closer.

He didnt have enough time to avoid it.

Shikamaru twisted his body in the same direction Gengo was twisting his wrist, and kicked off the ground with his feet. Gengos armed right arm twisted counterclockwise with his jump, and he managed to avoid the kunai. In midair, Shikamaru brought down his leg to give a vicious kick to the crown of Gengos head.

Gengos hand let go of Shikamarus wrist so he could cover his head with his arms. Shikamaru brought down another fierce kick onto his arm this time, and heard a cracking sound from the bone inside.

It didnt end there.

Shikamaru landed on the ground and pressed his advantage, swinging his other leg around and kicking Gengo squarely in the side.

Gengo staggered back one step.

Shikamaru still didnt stop. He brought out his left leg and in one smooth kick, swept Gengos feet from under him.

Uchiha Sasukes Shishirendan, and the Narutos Uzumaki Naruto Rendan. Shikmrusattack had been imitating those moves.

He thought he did a pretty good job, if he did say so himself

Gengo had fallen down onto the ground.

Shikamaru was on him in seconds, pinning him down as he held a kunai against his throat. If Gengo moved even the slightest bit, then Shikamaru intended to kill him without hesitation.

Wh-why arent my words affecting your mind? Gengo choked out.

Hey now, you know that Genjutsu only works if theres a weak spot in someones heart.

Ever since that woman appeared, Gengo spluttered, Your sudden change of behaviour has shown your heart to be full of weak spots, hasnt it?!

Youre really an idiot, huh Shikamaru sighed, before smiling. My heart is full of weak spots. Notheres nothingbutweak spots. Its precisely because I have all those weak spots, that there isnt one for you to sneak in through. A close-minded person like you probably wont understand what I mean, though.

S-such a thingcant be

Youll have to accept it, with the current situation like this. Your words just dont affect me anymore.

Cold sweat was breaking out across Gengos forehead.

Honestly, I dont want to do this sort of stuff. Shikamaru said, talking to himself more than Gengo. I wouldve liked to just live a normal life. But

There had always been feelings of regret about his life smouldering in some corner of Shikamarus heart

But in this moment, they cleanly disappeared.

Hed made his decision.

It turns out that Im not someone who can live that sort of life.

People need me, so I have no choice but to do these things.

Shikamaru had fallen into his current state because throughout the years, that feeling of having no choicehad kept growing larger and larger. Things had started to go wrong inside his heart. Hed held onto the attitude of blaming others for how he was living his life, and become half-hearted and unsatisfied with everything.

Hed made a serious mistake.

Because the one to start packing away his dreamwas no one other than Shikamaru himself.

That dream of his, to live a normal life, it wasnt going to be realised.

But he was alright with that.

After all, he had found a new dream

Im going to spend my life building a world so that people can livetheirlives. So the people who say they only want to live comfortably can do so to the fullest possible extent. Shikamaru said. Ill stop the wars, and Ill unite the countries. And Ill make a place in the world for those ordinary people who have no dreams other than living a simple, normal life.

An normal guy was going to protect the happiness that people found in living a normal life.

It was a dream that suited him, and Shikamaru was satisfied with it.

For the sake of realising his dream, he would make Naruto Hokage, and he would become Mirais teacher, and if the result of working for his dream was that he became a good shinobi that wouldnt embarrass his dad or Asuma, then hed be happy with that.

Up until now, Shikamaru had had his priorities back to front. Hed felt pressured from the outside world, and set limits for himself, living his life with the constant thought to not become an embarrassment. That was why hed worked himself so hard, worn himself out thin.

But the world wasnt supposed to tell you what your dream should be. Your own dream was supposed to reach out and connect to the world.

Ive finally gotten rid of my doubts. Said Shikamaru.

And so what if you did? A soft voice coming from behind him asked.

Killing intent.

Shikamaru leapt off Gengo, and barely missed the tigers claw that had swung for his head.

An ink tiger

I wont let you kill Gengo-sama for such a lazy dream. Sai said, standing in front of Shikamaru with paintbrush and scroll in hand.


Gengo-sama! Quickly, impose your will onto those foolish Sunagakure shinobi!

Very well. Gengo nodded, quickly running up the stairs and to the throne on top. He threw up both his hands. Listen, everyone!

He was readying another one of his chakra-laden speeches.

As if Id let you! Shikamaru made to run for the stairs, but Sai leapt in his way.

I will not allow you to interfere with Gengo-samas cause! Sais paintbrush moved across his scroll with lightning speed, and another ink tiger materialised. Go!

The new tiger as well as the one that had swiped for Shikamarus head a while ago, they both lunged at him in attack.

Gengo was speaking in a loud voice on the platform. If Shikamaru didnt stop him, then he would plunge all Sunagakures shinobi into a genjutsu and freeze them in place.

Suddenly, Shikamaru had an idea.

Listen, Temari! Although he wasnt sure of her exact location in the battlefield, he called out for her anyway. That guy plunges people into genjutsu with his words! Drown out his voice with your wind!

Understood! Temaris fierce reply sounded from surprisingly nearby.

The next moment, gale after vicious gale bloomed into existence, violent wind currents flying freely around the hall. Gengos words were swallowed up completely by Temaris violent wind.

In the midst of dodging the attacks from Sais ink tigers, Shikamaru glanced at the throne on the top of the stairs. Gengo had obviously realised his words would have no effect if they went unheard, and was now trying to escape.

Shit Shikamaru tried to head up the stairs, but Sais ink tiger leapt in his way.

I absolutely cannot let you go pass.

Sai, enough already!Wake up!

The ones who should wake up are you and the others.

It was no use. Sai was completely stuck in the clutches of Gengos genjutsu.

Suddenly, one of the many strong gales that had been causing chaos around the room swept in from behind Shikamaru, and Sais ink tigers dematerialised into mists of black ink.

Temari had leapt in between Shikamaru and Sai.

Leave this to me, and follow that bastard! She ordered.


You can thank me later, hurry and go!

Got it. Shikamaru said, and began to run up the stairs.

Stop right there, Shikamaru! Sai yelled.

Oh no you dont. Temari said, and opened her war fan. Your opponent is me.

Shikamarus eyes lingered on them for just one moment, and then he turned to focus on running up the stairs.