Naruto Hiden - Vol 1 Chapter 7

Vol 1 Chapter 7

Chapter 7:Frozen Lightning

Pages 102-103

The grand piano gets blown away by the blast. It heads toward a child who has failed to escape its trajectory. Luckily, Guy quickly soars into the air to rescue the boy, holding him in his arms by a full-throttle of his Power of Youth (=literally ). The piano crashes into the wall, which greatly shakes the chandelier on the ceiling. Guy returns the sobbing boy to his mother, and then glares at Rahyo. Rahyo then laughs while rushing at Guy. Fist after fist and kick after kickevery five minutes, it seems as though the intensity is increasing for their battle. They continue to clash for ten, twenty, and then thirty more fists.

Meanwhile, Kakashi is eyeing his enemy. He asks if Kahyo is indeed Garyos personal bodyguard from two months ago. Kahyo dodges the question, saying that they shouldnt have thought of that as a victory for Konoha. Kahyo is calmly responding, saying that their message should have reached someone already. Someone ought to make the next move. So in that respect, their groups will would continue to be inherited by others, especially since they are sacrificing their lives for their ideals.

Pages 104-105

Kakashi responds first:

Beneath the mask, Kakashi senses that Kahyos eyes are reacting to his statement. Kakashi continues that he heard from Naruto that because of the Wave Country, they lost a child. He says that if thats the case, then its natural and understandable to feel like that about the world.

Pages 106-107

Kakashi stoops lower, as he parries a rotating kick from Kahyo. Kakashi continues:

Kahyo screams again and cuts off Kakashis words. Kahyo strikes both palms at the floor again.

Kahyo generated an even more enormous icicle, one that could not even compare to the ones from before, which then surrounds Kahyo. Its as if Kahyo wanted to freeze all the pent up emotions: the attack was like a blooming flower of ice. To escape the fangs of ice, Kakashi retreats with a backflip. Not only him, but Rahyo, Guy, and the passengers must all escape from the attack. The ice petals gradually continue to spread. The swords of ice pierce the ceiling, lift up the floorboards, and penetrate the walls of the ships hull.

Rahyo shouts at Kahyo to stop. Theyre still flying above the sea. The voice doesnt reach Kahyo though (=whos pretty much mentally lost it as this point), as Kahyo further emitted even more chakra and vigorously augmented the force that was put forth into the flower of ice.


Rahyo jumps over the icicles, and is then forced to strike Kahyo in the abdomen. Kahyo then collapses into Rahyos arms.


...But its too late.

Pages 108-109

The jutsu ends simultaneously as Kahyo loses consciousness. Before the ice flower had vanished into a mist, it had created a gigantic hole in the hull of the ship. Theres a sudden difference between the air pressure aboard the ship. Air flows from a situation of high pressure to a lower one. Its a thin atmosphere at 5,000 metres above the ground. Theres a thunderous roar. Instantly, the air within the dining room lounge is getting aspirated out!

One by one, passengers are getting sucked out of the hole in the ships hull!

Plates, forks, knives, spoons are scattered about. Theres woodchips of shrapnel and bottles of sake among many articles of furniture brought onboard for the sight-seeing flight. The chandelier is barely dangling by a few wires on the ceiling.

The wind is erasing the screams of the passengers.

Rahyo continues to grasp onto Kahyo, as he's holding onto a nearby pillar. Guy is yelling, as hes floating in the air. Kakashi calls out to him, and stretches out his arm. He manages to catch Guys hand, but with his broken index finger, hes unable to exert much power against the air current (=he says Shit!). Somehow, hes able to catch a powerline thats protruding through the hole in the wall. Theyre both now dangling on the exterior of the ship.

Kakashis grip on Guy is loosening, same as with his hand and fingers on the powerline. No matter how much power hes putting forth into his effort, theres a (zuruzuru) sound of dragging from his failing grip. There wasnt anything Kakashi could do about it.

Pages 110-111

Ino is able to connect to Kakashi! However, the sight of falling passengers are grazing at the edge of Kakashis eyes. Ino tells him that the people who were attacked at the commemoration ceremony are under their care.

Something akin to a leaf blows by. Its like a white petal.

Ino repeated again, asking if Kakashi can hear her. Tsunade-sama informed the Wave Country about the attack on their citizens a few moments ago. Kakashi focuses on what just blew by. It looks like a mask with a hook pattern on it. He realizes that its the mask of Kahyo. Kakashi somehow is then able to detect Kahyo in the middle of the crisis. Inside the ship, still in the dining room lounge and in Rahyos arms, Kahyo is completely limp.

He can see long, curly hair being tussled by the wind.

Ino continues asking questions. Among the people in the Ryuuha Armament Alliance, whats the breakdown of the twelve people? Its eleven men, and one woman Ino seems to pick up on Kakashis tone in his response. She asks him again, is he listening? Can he confirm their numbers?

//End Translation

//End chapter 7