Naruto Hiden - Vol 3 Chapter 1.4

Vol 3 Chapter 1.4

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Though is spring or prime, when you use it in this instance, the nuance means more likesex, lust, budding sexuality, etc. lol~~ For example, when written like it literally means that youre selling springtime. But it actually means Engaging in prostitution. So the nuance here is like Everyones urges are peaking, when I say Everyones at their (If you wanted to keep it super literal, she actually said Its springtime everywhere. But we all know what she means now, right? :P

The expression referring to Chouji also needs some explaining, I think. is a bit like Fair words fill not the belly and Food before romance. The isnt the literal definition for a colour. Its actually about being interested in the opposite sex, passionate romantic feelings, etc. Its related to the expression (hana yori dango= Dumplings rather than flowers). It means desiring practical things over aesthetic things.

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