Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? - Chapter 551 Genocide

Chapter 551 Genocide

[You have committed ma.s.s murder of a single race within a short moment. t.i.tle Achieved.]


Whenever you aim to eliminate a large group of the same race, you gain an additional 10% boost to attack.

Raising her eyebrows, s.h.i.+ro didn't expect her spell to award her with a t.i.tle of Genocide. However, it wasn't as if the reward was unwanted. After all, if she's ever in a situation where she needed to eliminate a large group of demons, monsters and such, the extra 10% boost in damage would be helpful.

Walking up to the edge of the crater, s.h.i.+ro had to surround herself in a constant stream of icy mist in order to make the heat bearable.

Kicking the gla.s.s that had formed on the surface of the sand, s.h.i.+ro activated her a.n.a.lysis skill and looked for any signs of the worms.

Seeing that it was completely devoid of life, s.h.i.+ro nodded in satisfaction.

"We should probably leave the place before the adventurers and the guild come for questioning. After all, I did just carve a giant crater in the middle of this wasteland." s.h.i.+ro muttered and walked over to Nan Tian.

"Right then. With the Death Worms dealt with, I don't think there's anything else we need to do here. Plus, I'm not too keen on answering some questions about this should the guild arrive." She smiled.

"Mn, where are we going now then?" Nan Tian asked.

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���The other two sites in the city. After collecting these two pieces, we'll start to collect the other pieces scattered through the world. Hopefully, we'll be able to find the three missing ones. If not, I'll probably take this time to go meet my mum and dad. It has been quite a long while after all." s.h.i.+ro chuckled.

Creating a portal into the rift, the trio left the area and started to make their way back to the city.

Not too long after they left, a cloaked figure flickered next to the crater with a raised eyebrow.

Examining the destruction caused by a single attack, the man couldn't help but think twice about attacking s.h.i.+ro.

'Seems like the girl is more powerful than we had antic.i.p.ated. Her growth has been quite fast considering the power she demonstrated in Tokyo. Compared to the difficulty she had to go through in order to destroy all the shrines at once, she can now recreate the same attack with minimal effort.' The man thought with a slight frown.

With his original plans out the window, he could only give up on what he had wanted to do. However, despite this, he was able to get something out of these Death Worms.

Swiping his hands a few times, he collected any remaining corpses of the worms and flickered away from his spot.

Little did he know, s.h.i.+ro was watching through a few scouting drones that she had hidden around the area.

"Lil' Tian." She called out.

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"Seems like the man you met has been watching us quite closely." s.h.i.+ro smiled and showed him a recording of the scene.

Frowning slightly, Nan Tian had a serious expression on his face.

"What does he want to do with the corpses…" He muttered in confusion.

"It doesn't matter." s.h.i.+ro grinned.


"Because I made sure that they'll be erased if someone tried to get them." s.h.i.+ro said while changing the screen of the tablet. Showing him a recording through the worm's perspective, she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, a burning energy could be seen swirling inside the corpses as they started to glow with a yellow hue.

Realising that something was wrong, the man was about to cast a spell on the corpses to stabilise them but it was too late.

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*BOOM! KIs.h.!.+

An explosion could be heard before the camera was cut off, signalling the destruction of the corpse.

"Now he got nothing out of this." s.h.i.+ro chuckled as Nan Tian looked at s.h.i.+ro with surprise.

"How did you even do that?" He asked curiously.

"There are two stages to my spell. The first was the initial impact on an area. The second is whoever is. .h.i.t by this radiance will explode for a second time. Naturally, I wasn't too sure about the potency of this second explosion so I had nan.o.bots invade the corpses just in case but it seems like I didn't need to worry. If I had to guess, the secondary explosion has around 40% of the power demonstrated in the initial cast of this spell." s.h.i.+ro smiled.

"You know, sometimes I forget that you're already level 200. It was just a while ago that you were only level 50 and yet here you are." Nan Tian shook his head with a soft smile.

"Maybe you should try harder and level up as well." s.h.i.+ro narrowed her eyes.

"I still remember what you did to me with the wheelchair ya know?"


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Looking away in worry, Nan Tian wondered what he should do to quickly recover his lost levels. So far, he's managed to get 1 level back through cultivating but that was still quite slow. Unless he found a few high level monsters, doing anything else would be inefficient.

Thinking about it for a moment, he remembered something that could be quite beneficial for all of them.

"Say s.h.i.+ro, what do you think about going on a field trip of sorts with the rest of the party after we gathered all the pieces of the artefact? Of course, we can also wait till after you meet your parents if that's what you want first." Nan Tian asked.

"What kind of field trip?"

"One that takes us to Greece. Mount Olympus. After the integration of the system, G.o.ds of the different countries became real and naturally, the Olympian G.o.ds were no exception."

"Of course. I even got a few cla.s.s up choices from them. One from Athena and another from Aphrodite. Apparently, one was impressed with my battle style and the other was impressed with my beauty. My friend also got from Hephaestus, the smithing G.o.d." s.h.i.+ro replied.


"Wait, you got a cla.s.s up option from Aphrodite???" Nan Tian widened his eyes in confusion. Even if she was beautiful, surely that wouldn't warrant a cla.s.s from the G.o.ddess of l.u.s.t now would it?

"Yeah. Apparently, the cla.s.s will centre around how I charm people and turn them into my loyal subjects. It's not really how I do things so I rejected that cla.s.s immediately." s.h.i.+ro shrugged.

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"That and also even if mum picks that cla.s.s, I doubt she can do anything about it. She's a maiden after all. Speaking of which, mum, have you had your first kiss yet?" Yin asked curiously.

Blus.h.i.+ng slightly, s.h.i.+ro glared at Yin for her to shut up.

{Oh my G.o.d you really are a maiden.} Nimue muttered.

'Hush it! I never found anyone that took my fancy enough for me to kiss them ok?! Plus, I spent most of my years in Aria just killing sh*t. h.e.l.l, even as Kuromi, I never found anyone that I liked enough for me to kiss.' s.h.i.+ro pouted in annoyance.

Looking at s.h.i.+ro's embarra.s.sed expression, Nan Tian understood that she was probably talking to the spirits right now.

"Honestly, I'm not surprised that s.h.i.+ro hasn't had her first kiss yet. If someone tried to force it, they'd be killed in no time and I don't think she's focused enough on romance to actually find someone to kiss." Nan Tian chuckled as Yin nodded her head.

"True. With how things are progressing right now, I doubt mum will be bothered to find anyone. After all, the fate of the world is at stake." Yin shrugged.

"Mum might even become a G.o.ddess of purity haha." She laughed at the thought.

"Do any of her actions seem pure?" Nan Tian raised his eyebrows since a G.o.ddess of purity stabbing the rear end is not exactly a pleasant thought.

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"Well… you're true about that. Probably the G.o.ddess of v.i.r.g.i.nity then." Yin grinned.

"Oi, I'm still here you know." s.h.i.+ro pouted slightly at the fact that they're making fun of her lack of romantic experience.

{Just kiss Lyrica or Nan Tian and get it over with then.} Nimue said with a smug grin.

'No. Because that's just insensitive and not sincere.' s.h.i.+ro shook her head.

'I may have no romantic experience for three lifetimes but I'm not desperate to the point where I will just play with their feelings with my first kiss.' s.h.i.+ro shook her head.

{And you said that s.h.i.+ro wasn't pure.} Iziuel glanced towards Nimue.

Ignoring the two spirits in her mana realm, s.h.i.+ro turned towards Nan Tian.

"So why did you want us to go to Mount Olympus?"