Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? - Chapter 509 Side - Happy Anniversary

Chapter 509 Side - Happy Anniversary

Chapter 509 Side - Happy Anniversary

Shiro: Yo~ to think it had actually been a year. You holding out fine? We haven't talked in this realm for quite a while now huh?

Reili: Yeah, I'm doing pretty good. You're not going to harm me for that now, are you?

Shiro: I'll let you off this time since it's a pretty special occasion. One year huh? It's quite a long time.

Reili: Indeed. I never expected it to last this long.

Shiro: I see, I see. So explain to me, why is it that despite a year passing in real life, why the f*ck am I not a year old yet in my world?

Reili: . . . I thought you were going to be kind today.

Shiro: I said I was going to let you off due to the lack of mini chaps but I never mentioned anything about letting you off for everything else. Plus, now that I think about it, you're also partially responsible for Nan Tian's actions now aren't you?


ReilI: No I'm not. I promise.

Nan Tian: To be fair, I am trying to woo you.

Shiro: Shut up and go back to the corner. I got a bone to pick with Reili not you. I'll be dealing with your ass after I dealt with this idiot author first.

Nan Tian: Yes empress. I'll be in the corner now empress.

Reili: Oiiiii!!!! Bastard Tian, get back here!

Nan Tian: Sorry, my empress is my everything. You know this. Now if you don't mind me, I got a corner to go to. It's surprisingly interesting now that I think about it.

Shiro: Reili, you can't run anymore. It's the anniversary so you can't end this so soon.

Reili: Er… er… LOOK! It's your spirits!

Nimue: Where in the flying f*ck am I???

Iziuel: . . . I had no clue. Where's Attie.

Attie: . . .

Shiro: Nimue, take Iziuel in the corner with Attie and cover his eyes and ears. I don't want him to see what I'm about to do to this idiot author of ours.

Reili: Er… think about the children. R18 is ba-

Shiro: Don't give me that sh*t. I'm pretty sure our readers are excited for this. You've been enjoying throwing quite a few cliffs here and there huh? Now that I think about it, you even f*cking killed my big sister you c*nt!

Reili: She's not dead completely!

Shiro: I wanted her by my side you moron!

Reili: Take her back then!

Kuromi: . . . You know, despite being slightly different, me and lil sis are basically the same person right? She gets your ass and I'll help you bid goodbye to any future generations of you that COULD have been a reality.

Reili: F*ck!

Shiro: If you dare take her away, I will end you right here and now.


Reili: Fine…

Kuromi: Fufufu~ At least you're smart. Anyways, where's little Attie. I need to go ara ara him up.

Shiro: The f*ck does that mean?

Kuromi: Basically… I'm going to pamper the sh*t outta him. See ya~

Shiro: Finally, it's you and me now. Or are you going to throw more people at me? It's gonna get quite cramped in here you know?

Reili: Pft, I can expand you know? Oh, would you look at that. We've got some visitors.

Madison: Ok, I know I've been here more than once but please tell me why the f*ck is there so many people huddled up in the corner while a black haired Shiro is going... ara ara?

Lyrica: I think it's his doing.

Madison: Oh, it's the stupid author again. Shiro have you got this in the bag?

Shiro: Yup.

Madison: Cool. I'll go talk to the other Shiro for a bit. Don't hurt him too bad. Otherwise, he might stop writing.

Shiro: Don't worry, if he stops, I'll poke his ass. If he stops for two days, I'll poke his ass four times. Three days equal to six pokes and so on.

Reili: Oi, I think I'll be dead by day 2.

Shiro: You'll be fine. Did you know, you can fit a racoon up your ass? I'm sure an ice spike or two is fine for a few days.


Shiro: The better question is why you searched that up.

Reili: REASONS! Here! Take more characters!

Silvia/Chen Yu: Huh? I thought we were in our room?

Shiro: Well the idiot author brought you here. Go hang out with your branch master before you have an existential crisis ok? You'll forget about this soon enough so just enjoy it while it lasts.

Chen Yu: Right… anyways, why is the branch master studying the corner?

Shiro: Reasons. Now go.

Reili: Take more!

Isaac: I-

Shiro: PISS OFF!

(Isaac leaves with a face of ecstasy.)

Reili: Yeah… Imma just move him out of my sacred domain.

Shiro: Good choice. But if you're going to throw characters in here, where are my precious daughters?

Reili: Right. Here, take them.

Yin: I… Ok there are way too many people in that corner what the f*ck. How is this even possible.

Lisandra: . . .

Shiro: Don't question it darling, just go hang out with your sister while I deal with the author.

Yin: Right… whatever. Let's go Lisa.

Lisandra: Sure.

Shiro: I think we're only missing Aarim now.

Reili: I'm not bringing her in here. I'm pretty sure she'll try to disembowel me to find out more.

Shiro: So you're not doing it? Fine. Estrella!

Estrella: You called?

Reili: £&^£&^%$!!! HOW!?!?!

Shiro: Can you bring a few people in here with you. Aarim and Helion. They look like this.