My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily - Chapter 899 - Even a Subordinate Can Threaten You Now?

Chapter 899 - Even a Subordinate Can Threaten You Now?

Chapter 899: Even a Subordinate Can Threaten You Now?


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

The door opened.

Gu Mang looked up to see Bai Sui enter the room with a white tray in his hands. She returned her attention to the computer as she said, “Leave it on the table and close the door when you leave.”

Upon hearing commotion on Gu Mang’s end, Lin Shuang asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Medicine delivery,” replied Gu Mang succinctly.

“Oh, go ahead and take it then.”

“I’ll settle this first. I don’t have that much time.” Gu Mang heard Bai Sui walking over to her side, so she tapped on the keyboard twice.

The complicated code on the screen vanished, leaving behind a dark screen.. There was a red dot at the bottom right corner that indicated that the laptop was still on.

She turned her gaze to Bai Sui. He was holding a bottle cap that contained a gel capsule in one hand while in his other hand was a gla.s.s of water.

“Please take the medicine, Young Lady.”

He continued to hold them despite Gu Mang not taking the pill and water from him.

“I don’t like subordinates who can’t follow orders. Leave the medicine on the table and leave,” said Gu Mang coldly.

“Please take the medicine now to put my mind at ease.” Despite Bai Sui’s respectful tone, the way he behaved was unlike that of a subordinate.

Gu Mang frowned. “Put it to the side and leave. Don’t make me repeat myself a fourth time.”

“Please take the medicine now to put my mind at ease,” Bai Sui repeated before adding, “Otherwise, I won’t be able to report to Old Master Bai.”

He’s got some guts to use my grandfather to threaten me.

Gu Mang pursed her lips and regarded Bai Sui with narrowed eyes.

Bai Sui stubbornly pushed the medicine forward.

Gu Mang finally took the capsule from him and popped it into her mouth before drinking a mouthful of water. As she placed the gla.s.s aside, she said frigidly, “Scram.”

As Gu Mang returned her attention to the computer, amus.e.m.e.nt shone in Bai Sui’s eyes when he saw how angry she looked. He then placed a thermal flask next to her. “There is honey water in here. I’ll take my leave now.”

Gu Mang ignored him.

Bai Sui turned around to leave and took a last look at Gu Mang before closing the door.

Meanwhile, Lin Shuang was laughing her head off. “What’s the matter with you? Even a subordinate can threaten you now?”

Gu Mang paid no attention to her as she removed her bluetooth headset and tossed it on the table before making her way over to the bathroom. She stood in front of the toilet bowl and spat the medicine out. Because the capsule had been in her mouth for a while, it had melted a little.

The bitter aftertaste of the medicine filled her oral cavity. It lingered even after she brushed her teeth.

She went back to sit in front of the computer and put on her bluetooth headset again. When she saw the flask of honey water off to the side, she opened it and drank a mouthful to wash down the bitter taste.

“What’s wrong?” asked Lin Shuang.

“Nothing,” replied Gu Mang.

If Bai Sui is going to watch me take my medicine every day…

“Have him replaced if he doesn’t listen to your orders. You’re not someone who can stand insubordination.” Lin Shuang raised her eyebrows.

Other than Lu Chengzhou, I’ve never seen Gu Mang be so patient to anyone else.

“Can’t do that. He’s my grandfather’s subordinate,” said Gu Mang with irritation as she placed the thermal flask on the table.

Watching me take my medicine is only something that Lu Chengzhou would do. Do I look like an easy target now?

“Don’t hate him just because he forced you to take your meds. It’s for your own good, after all.” Lin Shuang sighed.

Gu Mang isn’t someone who hates taking medicine. She’s always been a rational person, so why is she upset over this?

“I know.” Gu Mang did not want to continue talking about this topic, so she said, “Let’s just get the system fixed first.”

It was past five in the afternoon when Gu Mang finally finished her work. The remaining testing and the other problems could be left to Shadow League.

“Send it to me once you’re done,” said Gu Mang as she shut down her laptop.

“Okay.” Before hanging up the call, Lin Shuang gave Gu Mang one last piece of advice. “Make sure to take your meds, Gu Mang. It’s not safe on Jijing Island, so we need that injury to heal as soon as possible.”

Gu Mang leaned back against the chair, closed her eyes, and ma.s.saged her temples as she said in a tired voice, “Okay.”

She then removed her bluetooth headset and stretched her arms out to rest her wrists on the table while tapping the headset against the table.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door.

She glanced at the clock. It read 5.40 PM.

Is Bai Sui here to watch me take my meds again?

Irritation appeared on her face and she ignored the knocking. She walked over to the bed, intending to get some sleep.

“Young Lady,” called Bai Sai. “Yu Mufeng is here. He’s waiting for you downstairs.”

Gu Mang stopped.

When Bai Sui heard no response after waiting outside for several seconds, he thought that she was asleep and thus turned to leave. However, just as he turned around, the door opened.

Bai Sui tilted his head in confusion when he saw an expressionless Gu Mang walking out. She looked very much awake, which could only mean that she had ignored him.

Gu Mang paid no attention to Bai Sui as she walked past him to head downstairs.

As Bai Sui followed her, he blurted, “Young Lady, you have to take your medicine after meals. Since you haven’t taken your meal, I won’t force you to take them now.”

Realizing that Bai Sui had seen through her, she came to an abrupt halt at the stairway before looking over at him. “Did my grandfather ask you to do that?”

Bai Sui lowered his head. “He’s just worried about you.”

Gu Mang nodded, her anger seemingly draining away as she retracted her gaze and continued walking down the stairs.

A surrept.i.tious smile appeared on Bai Sui’s face as he watched Gu Mang go down the stairs.

Yu Mufeng was chatting with Gu Si and the others downstairs. They were talking about the Leng residence burning down.

Gu Si sneered. “I let her off easy by only maiming her hands.”

“Exactly!” Yu Mufeng fumed with righteous anger. He was about to say something else when he saw Gu Mang. “Boss.”

Gu Mang nodded as she walked over to the sofa and sat down, exuding a cold aura.

Yu Mufeng reckoned that she was in a bad mood because of her injury, so he did not ask about it. Instead, he said, “I’ve brought what you requested.”

He then lifted his chin in the direction of the huge machine off to the side