Chapter 11: It’s my pancake
Avon translation
When Zhou opened the table the next morning, he found a hot fragrant pot and one hundred yuan bag. He soon saw XiaYao. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.
XiaYao focused on researching English phrases.
w.a.n.ghao comes from the door in the cla.s.sroom, “We are going to eat, have breakfast, morning, hungry?”, Enkroĉante hand throat ZhouDu
ZhouDu, although he did not want to say, eagle-boxing w.a.n.ghao saw pancakojn for calico burning it on his desk.
“He, he”. w.a.n.ghao stretched out his hand, quickly retrieved the pancakes, was a big bite from there. He goes on, “Yes, this cake is really good, you bought it, bought me tomorrow.” When it comes to ZhouDu, dare to eat
ZhouDu was strictly wanted to hit the head of w.a.n.gHao with a bucket tucked up a fist, such a high move to complete the wrath of his face at that time w.a.n.gHao, he spoke a single word There was nothing, I was afraid that I would attract XiaYao’s attention.
w.a.n.ghao completed two, three worn, boring, “satisfied” pancakes
Jiu Du could not really do it, he hit w.a.n.g Hao.
That I just gave you to you, but you will not be able to, kicking such anger, ate his pancakon, “So small: w.a.n.ghao still explode ZhouDu, from Zhangyang Hidden behind, immediately cut out, knew about ZhouDu’s intent intention?
Thanks to w.a.n.ghao’s exact phrase, ZhouDu’s face becomes even darker.
w.a.n.gHao was shocked, his voice dropped: “Who is he right, but I’m sorry that you will not be able to have a very fun breakfast served by someone unprocessed, really sorry, it’s all a misunderstanding!”
Because he saw that he did not plan to talk to ZhouDu, he left Zhangyang, I went to ZhouDu halfway. As the daughter of the law, he said, touching his shoulder “Tomorrow, another one will probably be given to you, n.o.body knows, because, like you, it’s sting, very many young women, please no.”
Zhou Deng lifted his head, coldly wrote Vangha, he wrote the word: “Remove.
(T / n: If you know, that is, there are two words, one is the word “滾” is actually Chinese).
– –
He ate a pancakeon about ZhouDu w.a.n.gHao ignoring the fact of ZhouDu, but I do not think that he does not care how much he care about him, ZhouDu just throw a cold look to him.
After setting the practice hole during w.a.n.gHao is because it was ĝojita leaving him back to ZhouDu, he went to the cla.s.sroom just back.
At that time XiaYao moved from her accidentally. w.a.n.gao’s hand captured XiaYao.
“What?” Xia Yao is weird. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.
w.a.n.gHao will drag XiaYao instead of everyone, and whisper away, “Can you help me with something?”
XiaYao is, when you return from the hospital, he was considered to be w.a.n.gao more friendly, he also because, as a brother deals with him, he asked: “This is what”
w.a.n.ghao looked around, n.o.body knew about them. He said: “When you go early there is no school like coming here, you give me a cake in the morning?”
XiaYao did not think that w.a.n.gao would ask him to ask such strange things. His family can sell apples and not cause any problems to him.
“What kind of cake do you do?”
“Because he’s angry, today I have a cake and put him to ignore me someone else is a ZhouDu desk, ate: w.a.n.ghao, he also is, it’s ZhouDu did not know the type of cake that was on the table today, a little embarra.s.sed to say someone smiled at his head I’m pretty sure I bought it near school. You sell a cake, Do you know if there are nearby stables? Some people are good. ”
XiaYao is, he bought the cake, it does not think that it should eat w.a.n.ghao, he said: “You, like this cake?” Look at w.a.n.gHao
“Do you know where to sell?”
XiaYao hinted at her head.
“Because it would be great, I brought me two tomorrow, raise money when you come back.”
“I do not need it.” XiaYao shook his head, “Tomorrow morning, will I straighten it on your desk?”
“Yes, yes,” w.a.n.ghao grabbed a hand in the neck of XiaYao, saying: “Do not forget the division of ZhouDu.” Got a cla.s.s
– –
ZhouDu The next day, I came to school to open my desk, he immediately saw the direction of w.a.n.gHao, his mind is fooled, I found baked yet cake’s internal settings kruĉanpancakon.
w.a.n.ghao has not arrived yet.
The duct helped with the gla.s.s and carefully hid in a bag of cakes.
When w.a.n.ghao entered the cla.s.sroom, he saw the first XiaYao, he looked at XiaYao’s instructions that he smiled. When he came from him, he soon thanked you and went to his place.
In her seat, he saw that in the evening it was like a pie, and eat it right away.
ZhangYang had his slate. He, sitting sideways to lock the lines of vision to see the direction of ZhouDu, quietly asked the bay: “You have to steal the cake again ZhouDu”
w.a.n.g Hao spared it, saying, “I have never stolen it, I bought it. This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.
ZhangYang thought Zhou Du did not lose him
ZhangYang had his slate. He, sitting sideways to lock the lines of vision to see the direction of ZhouDu, quietly asked the bay: “You have to steal the cake again ZhouDu”
w.a.n.g Hao spared it, saying, “I have never stolen it, I bought it.
Since Zhangyang saw that does not appear to ZhouDu have lost their cake in his name, he was not uncomfortable to hide w.a.n.ghao, buried his head in his book That Was.
Zhoude was better at looking at the physical teacher, half his exaggerated heads, yet his eyes.
XiaYao first words to ZhouDu when he was in the bathroom, you think that it comes from the back of the hospital, this does not mean that there is a debate about the baked baked bread cake.
When he washed his hand, suddenly appeared Zhou Du. His hand was in his pocket, but there was a little leaning on the side, his eyes were not only a dare to show the perfect connection to see XiaYao. Look at it as if we were asking: “They were there with a cake and my desk on the table”
“Yup.” XiaYao rightly nodded.
“Ak” ZhouDu releases his neck, he said:. “You have to be wrong, at that time, I did not have a corner, I did not have money, – to withdraw it. Knowing that Xia Yao’s family status is not so great, on the same day he asked the child to help buy a cake.
Xia Yao saw what did not disturb him, welcomed him, thinking of his answer: “One cake is not worth a hundred yuan.
Jiu Du does not rule out the objection without XiaYao, from that day pulls out his hundred yuan from his pocket.
Xia Yao had money that did not understand what “Zhou Du” meant. He can also bring buns-baked pancakes Jeonju and, of course, w.a.n.g Hua each morning.
Before he finally felt a little embarra.s.sed, w.a.n.g Hao ate pancake XiaYao gave him two days. He went to find XiaYao to give him money.
“No need” Xia Yao picked up and said: “Indeed, my family sells this cake, Zhou Du has already given me money for it.
“Or do I?” w.a.n.ghao was surprised.
“Opportunity is high”, Xia Yao thought that his pocket is over 100 yuan, but w.a.n.g Hao has added a lot of things. “If you want, I can call it every day.
“Xiao YaoYao, you’re the best. w.a.n.ghao covered the same thing with the one that went to ZhouDu.
Before a hit, it was not the second one.
“Move and do not disturb!” ZhouDu placed himself between w.a.n.g Hao and Xia Yao.
When w.a.n.g Hao heard that Xia Yao said that Zhou Du had already paid for both breakfast, he went away. Undoubtedly in the heart of ZhouDu, w.a.n.ghao was his best brother.
w.a.n.ghao entered the body of Zhou Du with the voice “Two Du ~”. Funno gave him a cold shoulder and carried him, he saw Xia Yao, but Xia Yao did not pay attention to them.
Zhou’s feeling disappeared and returned.
After school, going to the house, w.a.n.ghao on the road side said joyfully how he stepped on the stone: “ZhouDu is, I do not think you are very good against me.”
Zhou Deng immediately stared at him, w.a.n.ghao continued: “I paid for breakfast, I was affected by the fact that I could die.
Zhou Du uttered this amount, frozen, cold and said: “I do not know what you say”
“Because you do not pretend.” w.a.n.ghao is “Well, you, they are very often tasted so you do not need to say. XiaYao has already given you money, he said, all I told myself that he will give us pancakes every day every day.” He crossed the shoulder
ZhouDu soon brought w.a.n.gHao’s head, stopped and angrily said: “XiaYao also offers breakfast”
“Yup.” w.a.n.g Hua was confused. “Do you not give money to bring him to him? On that day, I was eating your cake and I saw that I was afraid of being angry. Since I was not awake early in the morning, I told Xia Yao that I would help you buy it for you. You are especially happy on this day ”
Zhoude emotions at that time could describe only four words. The jealousy storm (the sea pirate dog ǎ fàō). He saw w.a.n.gao’s teeth when the boy seemed to be absurd not knowing anything about, Zhou Jun was able to go all the way.
At that time, the family of Zhou family saw pancakojn baking kalikjn involved in watching the refrigerator. He grabbed a little smell and finished it in the bucket.
Wait for
T / n: ot (⊙)) I can not believe that it is at the end of Chapter I translated translations before jumping into my exam. Well, I said, prepare for the frustration of reading this; This is the text we are feeding sites using robots to steal off our site yet giving us no credit. To readers, look up Exiled Rebels Scanlations to get the real version.